goodtohear / habits

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All my data went missing!! #62

Open nataliyan opened 9 years ago

nataliyan commented 9 years ago

I had a month worth of 25 habbits and all if a sudden it went gone right in front of my eyes after i pressed a going back button? Anything that can be done to save it? If not I will have to try another app.

michaelforrest commented 9 years ago

This will be something to do with iCloud. Can you try logging out of iCloud in your Settings app to see if your data reappears? Or if you're logged out, try logging in. You can use the Export Data feature to move your data between iCloud accounts by exporting, logging back in and then using the restore link. Let me know how you get on.

marnl commented 9 years ago

I have the same problem and believe it is due to the latest update. Months of data and habits gone. Logging out of iCloud is bad advice in my opinion since you will then lose everything iCloud has stored on your device!

michaelforrest commented 9 years ago

Ok it looks like something got messed up with the app's iCloud configuration at build time. I have no idea why this didn't manifest on my own iPhone, but you live and learn. If you send your (App Store registered) email to I can share a testing build that should fix the problem while I wait for Apple to approve the fix.

ertaamresu commented 9 years ago

Data's still gone in my case, the update didn't help unfortunately.

Some details:

So the data is actually still there and all the app would need to do is to access the correct storage. Is there any way to force this?

michaelforrest commented 9 years ago

Hi @ertaamresu, this is really useful information. Could you tell me the names of the two Sqlite files and which one has which set of data? Thanks

ertaamresu commented 9 years ago

Actually it's three files currently, the paths being as follows (with the UUIDs replaced for the sake of readability):




The last two files contain both the state from late 2014, and the first one contains the missing data.

According to the plist file [UUID_2] is the current "vendor_id". [UUID_3] is the "cid" in HabitsStore/PFUbiquitySetupTokenAndIDArray. [UUID_1] doesn't seem to appear anywhere but in the path of the first sqlite file.

Hilapy commented 9 years ago

Hi, this issue seems to still be open. My habits data disappeared today. Is there a fix yet? I suppose it could be a different issue from the others. I can fill out a new ticket if necessary. Thanks.

Hilapy commented 9 years ago

Oh they are back now! Not sure what happened - I don't think I did anything to my phone. Oh well, they're back! :)

amysnotdeadyet commented 8 years ago

I updated to iOS 9.0 and all my data vanished from Habits! None of my other apps have shown data loss & my iCloud account is working fine. Is there any way to get it back, or will I have to start over?

rrhoodie commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm having the same issue as well. All the Habits data I had also vanished right after updating to iOS 9.0. Similar to amysnotdeadyet, none of my other apps have shown data loss and iCloud seems to be working fine. I've tried signing in and out of iCloud but it hasn't returned the vanished data.

croxanas commented 8 years ago

Iphone 6, 128gb. Upgraded to iOS 9.1 & lost all my data. Wish I'd seen this first. Is there any way to get it back?

croxanas commented 8 years ago

Also, strange to note - I'm still getting notifications for habits if I had them turned on for them. I clicked through a notification and they were all missing. Does that mean they are actually still there I just can't see them?