google-ai-edge / ai-edge-torch

Supporting PyTorch models with the Google AI Edge TFLite runtime.
Apache License 2.0
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The result of ConvTranspose2d without bias followed by BatchNorm2d is incorrect. #28

Open AkiSakurai opened 1 month ago

AkiSakurai commented 1 month ago

Description of the bug:

from torch import nn
import torch
import ai_edge_torch
import numpy as np
channels = 2
size = 2
sample_bias = 15
model = nn.Sequential(
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(channels, channels, 1, stride=2,  bias=False),
model(torch.rand(1, channels ,size ,size) + sample_bias)
sample = torch.rand(1, channels ,size ,size) 

model_edge = ai_edge_torch.convert(model, (sample,))

print("converted", model_edge(sample))
print("original", model(sample).detach().numpy())
print("maximum absolute difference",np.max(np.abs(model_edge(sample) - model(sample).detach().numpy())))
converted [[[[-0.44367838 -0.16322662 -0.53445685]
   [-0.16322662 -0.16322662 -0.16322662]
   [-0.13195059 -0.16322662 -0.44492   ]]

  [[-0.35995242 -0.23823708 -0.32022056]
   [-0.23823708 -0.23823708 -0.23823708]
   [-0.5477077  -0.23823708 -0.35932225]]]]
original [[[[-0.11722518  0.16322662 -0.20800363]
   [ 0.16322662  0.16322662  0.16322662]
   [ 0.19450262  0.16322662 -0.11846679]]

  [[ 0.11652175  0.23823708  0.1562536 ]
   [ 0.23823708  0.23823708  0.23823708]
   [-0.07123353  0.23823708  0.11715191]]]]
maximum absolute difference 0.47647417

Actual vs expected behavior:

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Any other information you'd like to share?

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talumbau commented 1 week ago


Thanks for filing this bug! I can confirm that problem exists when converting ConvTranspose2d in regards to the bias tensor. If bias=False as you have above, a garbage bias value (AFAICT) is propagated through the edge model conversion and is part of the inference calculation. If bias=True when running your script, the models behave as expected (agreement to ~1e-8 in my tests). I will update this bug again when a fix has landed.