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Duplicate Symbols when using pod "TensorFlowLite" and pod "MediaPipeTasksVision" on IOS #285

Open abdelrahman-mohasseb opened 7 months ago

abdelrahman-mohasseb commented 7 months ago

I am trying to use the new mediapipe Vision solution (handLandlmarker) with another custom ML model TFlite in my application, but when trying to add pod "MediaPipeTasksVision" it generate duplicate symbols with the pod "TensorFlowLiteSwift" already used in the project.

Here is the Podfile in my application :

# Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
  pod 'TensorFlowLiteSwift'
  pod 'MediaPipeTasksVision'

here is the error :

Duplicate symbol '_TfLiteXNNPackDelegateGetThreadPool' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteXNNPackDelegateWeightsCacheFinalizeHard' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTensorCopy' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTelemetryInterpreterSettingsGetSubgraphInfo' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTelemetryConversionMetadataGetNumModelOptimizationModes' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTensorResizeMaybeCopy' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTelemetrySubgraphInfoGetQuantizations' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteXNNPackDelegateOptionsDefault' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteXNNPackDelegateWeightsCacheDelete' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTelemetryGpuDelegateSettingsGetBackend' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteXNNPackDelegateDelete' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteOpaqueDelegateCreate' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTelemetrySubgraphInfoGetNumQuantizations' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteOpaqueDelegateGetData' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTensorReset' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteIntArrayFree' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteXNNPackDelegateWeightsCacheFinalizeSoft' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTelemetryInterpreterSettingsGetNumSubgraphInfo' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteIntArrayCreate' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteFloatArrayFree' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTensorDataFree' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteSparsityFree' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteIntArrayEqual' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTelemetryInterpreterSettingsGetConversionMetadata' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteXNNPackDelegateCreateWithThreadpool' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteIntArrayEqualsArray' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTelemetryGpuDelegateSettingsGetNumNodesDelegated' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTensorFree' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteDelegateCreate' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteIntArrayGetSizeInBytes' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTensorRealloc' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTypeGetName' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteTelemetryConversionMetadataGetModelOptimizationModes' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteXNNPackDelegateWeightsCacheCreateWithSize' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteXNNPackDelegateWeightsCacheCreate' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteFloatArrayGetSizeInBytes' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteXNNPackDelegateCreate' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteIntArrayCopy' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteQuantizationFree' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteFloatArrayCreate' in:
duplicate symbol '_TfLiteOpaqueDelegateDelete' in:
ld: 41 duplicate symbols
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
umar-stride-studio commented 6 months ago

did u find any solution

shenhongkai commented 6 months ago

pod 'TensorFlowLiteObjC' pod 'MediaPipeTasksVision'

I have the same problem. were you able to solve this issue?

0xorisolo commented 3 months ago

any update on this issue? i'm having the same problem here

PaulTR commented 3 months ago

Hey. Just getting back to work and will send this along to the eng chat to see if there's feedback on how to handle it.