Closed fishboyzyf closed 1 year ago
Hi @fishboyzyf, Could you please let us know the complete details such as complete steps you have followed, Standalone code to reproduce the issue from our end to share the possible solution on query raised. thank you!
// Copyright 2019 The MediaPipe Authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // An example of sending OpenCV webcam frames into a MediaPipe graph.
constexpr char kInputStream[] = "input_video"; constexpr char kOutputStream[] = "output_video"; constexpr char kFaceOutput[] = "multi_face_landmarks"; constexpr char kWindowName[] = "MediaPipe";
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, calculator_graph_config_file, "", "Name of file containing text format CalculatorGraphConfig proto."); ABSL_FLAG(std::string, input_video_path, "", "Full path of video to load. " "If not provided, attempt to use a webcam."); ABSL_FLAG(std::string, output_video_path, "", "Full path of where to save result (.mp4 only). " "If not provided, show result in a window.");
absl::Status RunMPPGraph() {
std::string calculator_graph_config_contents;
std::cout <<"-----" << absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_calculator_graph_config_file) << std::endl;
LOG(ERROR) << "Get calculator graph config contents: "
<< calculator_graph_config_contents;
mediapipe::CalculatorGraphConfig config =
LOG(ERROR) << "Initialize the calculator graph."; mediapipe::CalculatorGraph graph; MP_RETURN_IF_ERROR(graph.Initialize(config));
LOG(ERROR) << "Initialize the camera or load the video."; cv::VideoCapture capture; std::cout << "-----" << absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_input_video_path) << std::endl; const bool load_video = !absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_input_video_path).empty(); if (load_video) {; } else {; } RET_CHECK(capture.isOpened());
std::cout << "-----" << absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_output_video_path) << std::endl; cv::VideoWriter writer; const bool save_video = !absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_output_video_path).empty(); if (!save_video) { cv::namedWindow(kWindowName, /flags=WINDOW_AUTOSIZE/ 1);
capture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 640);
capture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 480);
capture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS, 30);
LOG(ERROR) << "Start running the calculator graph."; ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(mediapipe::OutputStreamPoller poller, graph.AddOutputStreamPoller(kOutputStream));
ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(mediapipe::OutputStreamPoller facemesh, graph.AddOutputStreamPoller(kFaceOutput));
mediapipe::StatusOrPoller faceLandmarks = graph.AddOutputStreamPoller("multi_face_landmarks");
LOG(INFO) << "Start grabbing and processing frames.";
// Wrap Mat into an ImageFrame.
auto input_frame = absl::make_unique<mediapipe::ImageFrame>(
mediapipe::ImageFormat::SRGB, camera_frame.cols, camera_frame.rows,
cv::Mat input_frame_mat = mediapipe::formats::MatView(input_frame.get());
// Send image packet into the graph.
size_t frame_timestamp_us =
(double)cv::getTickCount() / (double)cv::getTickFrequency() * 1e6;
kInputStream, mediapipe::Adopt(input_frame.release())
LOG(ERROR) << "Start grabbing and processing frames.";
mediapipe::Packet faceLandmarksPacket;
if (!facemesh.Next(&faceLandmarksPacket)) break;
LOG(ERROR) << "Empty frame, end of video reached.";
auto& output_landmarks = faceLandmarksPacket.Get<std::vector<mediapipe::NormalizedLandmarkList>>();
std::cout << "FaceLandmarks size:" << output_landmarks.size() << std::endl;
/* */
cv::Mat face = camera_frame.clone();
LOG(ERROR) << "Empty frame, end of video reached." << output_landmarks.size();
for (auto& face_mesk_points : output_landmarks) {
for (int i = 0; i < face_mesk_points.landmark_size(); ++i)
const mediapipe::NormalizedLandmark landmark = face_mesk_points.landmark(i);
float x = landmark.x() * camera_frame.cols;
float y = landmark.y() * camera_frame.rows;
std::cout << "point X:" << x << " Y:" << y << std::endl;
cv::circle(face, cv::Point(x, y), 2, cv::Scalar::all(255), 1);
cv::putText(face, std::to_string(i), cv::Point(x, y), 1, 1, cv::Scalar::all(255));
std::cout << "landmark_size:" << face_mesk_points.landmark_size() << std::endl;
cv::imwrite("c:/1.jpg", face);
LOG(INFO) << "Start grabbing and processing frames.";
// Get the graph result packet, or stop if that fails.
mediapipe::Packet packet;
if (!poller.Next(&packet)) break;
LOG(INFO) << "Start grabbing and processing frames.";
auto& output_frame = packet.Get<mediapipe::ImageFrame>();
LOG(INFO) << "Start grabbing and processing frames.";
// Convert back to opencv for display or saving.
cv::Mat output_frame_mat = mediapipe::formats::MatView(&output_frame);
cv::cvtColor(output_frame_mat, output_frame_mat, cv::COLOR_RGB2BGR);
if (save_video) {
if (!writer.isOpened()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Prepare video writer.";,
mediapipe::fourcc('a', 'v', 'c', '1'), // .mp4
capture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS), output_frame_mat.size());
} else {
cv::imshow(kWindowName, output_frame_mat);
// Press any key to exit.
const int pressed_key = cv::waitKey(5);
if (pressed_key >= 0 && pressed_key != 255) grab_frames = false;
LOG(ERROR) << "Shutting down."; if (writer.isOpened()) writer.release(); MP_RETURN_IF_ERROR(graph.CloseInputStream(kInputStream)); return graph.WaitUntilDone(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); absl::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); absl::Status run_status = RunMPPGraph(); if (!run_status.ok()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to run the graph: " << run_status.message(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Success!"; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
mediapipe::StatusOrPoller faceLandmarks = m_Graph.AddOutputStreamPoller(m_OutputStreamName,true);
// 5 FaceLandmarks
mediapipe::Packet faceLandmarksPacket;
if (!m_pFaceLandmarksPoller->Next(&faceLandmarksPacket)) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError("no next packet");
if (faceLandmarksPacket.IsEmpty()) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError("no next packet");
Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script provided in MediaPipe)
OS Platform and Distribution
window 10 桌面
Mobile device if the issue happens on mobile device
No response
Browser and version if the issue happens on browser
No response
Programming Language and version
vc 2019 python 3.9.10
MediaPipe version
No response
Bazel version
No response
mediapipe 0.9
Android Studio, NDK, SDK versions (if issue is related to building in Android environment)
No response
Xcode & Tulsi version (if issue is related to building for iOS)
No response
Describe the actual behavior
Describe the expected behaviour
Standalone code/steps you may have used to try to get what you need
Other info / Complete Logs
No response