google-ai-edge / mediapipe

Cross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media.
Apache License 2.0
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I have a problem with gen_protos on aarch64 platform. #4489

Closed Heartful-echo closed 1 year ago

Heartful-echo commented 1 year ago

OS Platform and Distribution

Ubuntu20.04 LTS

Compiler version


Programming Language and version


Installed using virtualenv? pip? Conda?(if python)

No response

MediaPipe version


Bazel version


XCode and Tulsi versions (if iOS)

No response

Android SDK and NDK versions (if android)

No response

Android AAR (if android)


OpenCV version (if running on desktop)

No response

Describe the problem

I have successfully built MediaPipe on aarch64 platform, created whl file and run it on Raspberry Pi4.

However, when building with MediaPipe 0.10.0 using the same procedure, the following error is output.

How can i solve this problem?

Complete Logs

root@ubuntu:/mp/mediapipe# python3 gen_protos
running gen_protos
generating proto file: build/lib.linux-aarch64-3.8/mediapipe/tasks/cc/components/processors/proto/
mediapipe/tasks/cc/components/processors/proto/detection_postprocessing_graph_options.proto:30:12: Explicit 'optional' labels are disallowed in the Proto3 syntax. To define 'optional' fields in Proto3, simply remove the 'optional' label, as fields are 'optional' by default.
mediapipe/tasks/cc/components/processors/proto/detection_postprocessing_graph_options.proto:34:12: Explicit 'optional' labels are disallowed in the Proto3 syntax. To define 'optional' fields in Proto3, simply remove the 'optional' label, as fields are 'optional' by default.
mediapipe/tasks/cc/components/processors/proto/detection_postprocessing_graph_options.proto:39:12: Explicit 'optional' labels are disallowed in the Proto3 syntax. To define 'optional' fields in Proto3, simply remove the 'optional' label, as fields are 'optional' by default.
mediapipe/tasks/cc/components/processors/proto/detection_postprocessing_graph_options.proto:44:12: Explicit 'optional' labels are disallowed in the Proto3 syntax. To define 'optional' fields in Proto3, simply remove the 'optional' label, as fields are 'optional' by default.
mediapipe/tasks/cc/components/processors/proto/detection_postprocessing_graph_options.proto:47:12: Explicit 'optional' labels are disallowed in the Proto3 syntax. To define 'optional' fields in Proto3, simply remove the 'optional' label, as fields are 'optional' by default.
kuaashish commented 1 year ago

Hello @Heartful-echo,

Could you please elaborate your query with complete details and steps followed to reproduce the issue from our end.

Heartful-echo commented 1 year ago

Hi @kuaashish

Thank you for your comment.

My steps are below. $ git clone -b v0.10.0

$ sed -i -e "/\"imgcodecs\"/d;/\"calib3d\"/d;/\"features2d\"/d;/\"highgui\"/d;/\"video\"/d;/\"videoio\"/d" third_party/BUILD $ sed -i -e "/-ljpeg/d;/-lpng/d;/-ltiff/d;/-lImath/d;/-lIlmImf/d;/-lHalf/d;/-lIex/d;/-lIlmThread/d;/-lrt/d;/-ldc1394/d;/-lavcodec/d;/-lavformat/d;/-lavutil/d;/-lswscale/d;/-lavresample/d" third_party/BUILD

$ sed -i -e "/^ # Optimization flags/i \ \"ENABLE_NEON\": \"OFF\"," third_party/BUILD $ sed -i -e "/^ # Optimization flags/i \ \"WITH_TENGINE\": \"OFF\"," third_party/BUILD

$ sudo python3 gen_protos

Next, I want to run the following command to build, but I get an error with python3 gen_protos.

$ sudo python3 bdist_wheel

I see a file called detection_*** added in 0.10.0. This file has syntax = "proto3"; Until now it was syntax = "proto2"; I'm assuming this has an effect.

I tried changing the syntax="proto3" in the detection_*** files to syntax="proto2" and building. The whl file is created but when I write the code using this whl file I get the below error.

root@ubuntu:/mp# python3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 3, in import mediapipe as mp File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mediapipe/", line 30, in import mediapipe.tasks.python as tasks ImportError: cannot import name 'python' from 'mediapipe.tasks.python' (/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mediapipe/tasks/python/

kuaashish commented 1 year ago


I could not reproduce the issue from our end. Would you please let us know the complete steps followed from the mediapipe documentation or Any link? Which you can point here that will be helpful to reproduce the issue.

Heartful-echo commented 1 year ago


Can you provide the whl file of mediapipe0.10.0 for aarch64 in python3.8 environment? My aim is to use mediapipe0.10.0 on Raspberry Pi4 64bit. Thank you

krebsbstn commented 1 year ago

I am facing the same issue, i am able to provide a Dockerfile trying to build mediapipe from source. This one creates the Proto-Error aswell.

FROM ubuntu:20.04

ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
        build-essential \
        gcc-8 g++-8 \
        protobuf-compiler \
        ca-certificates \
        curl \
        wget \
        ffmpeg \
        git \
        unzip \
        nodejs \
        cmake \
        python3-dev \
        python3-opencv \
        python3-pip \
        libopencv-core-dev \
        libopencv-highgui-dev \
        libopencv-imgproc-dev \
        libopencv-video-dev \
        libopencv-calib3d-dev \
        libopencv-features2d-dev \
        software-properties-common && \
    add-apt-repository -y ppa:openjdk-r/ppa && \
    apt-get update && apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk && \
    apt-get install -y mesa-common-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev && \
    apt-get install -y mesa-utils && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-8 100 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-8
RUN pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
RUN pip3 install wheel
RUN pip3 install future
RUN pip3 install absl-py numpy protobuf==3.20.1
RUN pip3 install six==1.14.0

# Install bazel
RUN mkdir /bazel && \
    wget --no-check-certificate -O /bazel/ "${BAZEL_VERSION}/b\
azel-${BAZEL_VERSION}" && \
    wget --no-check-certificate -O  /bazel/LICENSE.txt "" && \
    chmod +x /bazel/ && \
    /bazel/  && \
    rm -f /bazel/

# Clone Mediapipe
RUN git clone
RUN cd mediapipe && \
    sed -i -e "/\"imgcodecs\"/d;/\"calib3d\"/d;/\"features2d\"/d;/\"highgui\"/d;/\"video\"/d;/\"videoio\"/d" third_party/BUILD && \
    sed -i -e "/-ljpeg/d;/-lpng/d;/-ltiff/d;/-lImath/d;/-lIlmImf/d;/-lHalf/d;/-lIex/d;/-lIlmThread/d;/-lrt/d;/-ldc1394/d;/-lavcodec/d;/-lavformat/d;/-lavutil/d;/-lswscale/d;/-lavresample/d" third_party/BUILD && \
    sed -i 's/"WITH_WEBP": "OFF"/"WITH_WEBP": "OFF",\n       "ENABLE_NEON": "OFF",\n         "WITH_TENGINE": "OFF"/' third_party/BUILD

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libprotobuf-dev

#replace __version__ variable in
RUN sed -i "s|__version__ = 'dev'|__version__ = '0.8'|g" mediapipe/

RUN cd mediapipe && \
    python3 gen_protos
RUN cd mediapipe && \
    python3 bdist_wheel

Be aware that this needs some space and time to be built but it shows how the current Proto-Error is raising.

kuaashish commented 1 year ago


We do not have official wheels for aarch64 in python now. However, Support of Raspberry Pi is in our roadmap and will be available soon.

Heartful-echo commented 1 year ago


This is very good information. I hope one day MediaPipe will be available on Raspberry Pi and CPUs with the same aarch64 architecture. This case will be closed.

I appreciate your support.

google-ml-butler[bot] commented 1 year ago

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