Closed momo1986 closed 4 years ago
Hi @jiuqiant and @fanzhanggoogle .
How can I build the 3D hand pose aar package and use in RGB camera.?
Currently, in my 2D RGB camera project, my retrieved z coordinate value is 0.0.
It looks like it is expected to visualize the depth, but cannot obtain the depth value.
Thanks & Regards!
My hardware is UVC-Camera. It is parallel to the taken object.
I am not sure, whether the rgb-depth camera, other 3D cameras or multiple 2D cameras are the essential hardware device for the 3D hand pose estimation on Mediapipe.
My taken hands under the camera are some hands playing piano, I think it is out-of-training-dataset samples. Will mediapipe think the depth is 0.0 if the scene are not built in point-cloud during training?
My Java code is imitated and transferred from:
I notice in the APK build script,
The script is : genrule( name = "model", srcs = select({ "//conditions:default": ["//mediapipe/models:hand_landmark.tflite"], ":use_3d_model": ["//mediapipe/models:hand_landmark_3d.tflite"], }), outs = ["hand_landmark.tflite"], cmd = "cp $< $@", )
How can I make multihandtrackinggpu.binarypb to call hand_landmark_3d.tflite instead of hand_landmark.tflite during inference time?
Hello, @eknight7 , @jiuqiant @fanzhanggoogle .
I forcedly set the default hand pose model as hand_landmark_3d.tflite.
It can work currently.
Thanks for your patience.
Maybe this can be closed.
Wish you are all good during epidemic.
Regards! Momo
Hi Mediapipe guys.
After temporarily finishing the face detection project, I focus on the hand detection and tracking project.
I still do some demo based on your aar package customization.
It is similar with this project, but we build our project on USB camera.
My tar-built script is:
My launching command is:
bazel build -c opt --fat_apk_cpu=arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a --define 3D=true //mediapipe/examples/android/src/java/com/google/mediapipe/apps/aar_examples:mp_multi_hand_3d_tracking_aar
The hand pose project can be run.
I used the callback as @jiuqiant illustrated to get x, y, z 's coordinate. However, the z value is always 0.
The camera is RGB camera.
My question is how can I visualize the depth and really measure the depth?
Thanks & Regards! Momo