Describe the feature and the current behaviour/state
The FaceGeometry module currently returns both the face pose transformation and the runtime face mesh, important primitives for typical AR applications. However, with the newer Face Landmarker (Tasks Vision) only returns the former (facialTransformationMatrices) when returning the results. It would be beneficial to return the runtime metric mesh as well so that it can
Will this change the current API? How?
Yes, this will return an additional payload in the FaceLandmarkerResult class containing the XYZ/UV vertex buffer of the runtime mesh.
Who will benefit with this feature?
Anyone building web AR applications with Mediapipe FaceLandmarker where (1) having an accurate occluder that conforms closely to the face is needed or (2) precise pinning of objects based on runtime landmark positions.
Please specify the use cases for this feature
Using the dynamic face mesh as an accurate occluder. Positioning objects more precisely against the dynamic runtime landmarks in 3D metric space.
MediaPipe Solution (you are using)
Mediapipe Tasks Vision Face Landmarker
Programming language
Are you willing to contribute it
Describe the feature and the current behaviour/state
The FaceGeometry module currently returns both the face pose transformation and the runtime face mesh, important primitives for typical AR applications. However, with the newer Face Landmarker (Tasks Vision) only returns the former (facialTransformationMatrices) when returning the results. It would be beneficial to return the runtime metric mesh as well so that it can
Will this change the current API? How?
Yes, this will return an additional payload in the FaceLandmarkerResult class containing the XYZ/UV vertex buffer of the runtime mesh.
Who will benefit with this feature?
Anyone building web AR applications with Mediapipe FaceLandmarker where (1) having an accurate occluder that conforms closely to the face is needed or (2) precise pinning of objects based on runtime landmark positions.
Please specify the use cases for this feature
Using the dynamic face mesh as an accurate occluder. Positioning objects more precisely against the dynamic runtime landmarks in 3D metric space.
Any Other info
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