google-ai-edge / model-explorer

A modern model graph visualizer and debugger
Apache License 2.0
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Possible to support any arbitrary DSL based graph generation? #90

Open Sameeranjoshi opened 3 days ago

Sameeranjoshi commented 3 days ago

I have a Domain Specific Language, the language has dataflow constructs in it and is made for dataflow programming and dataflow hardwares and I want to understand if it's possible to add support in this tool for the language so that I can visualize those dataflow graphs? If so, is there a sample documentation or some commits which did it in the past?

justinchuby commented 3 days ago

pkgoogle commented 2 days ago

Hi @Sameeranjoshi, as justinchuby linked -- you can definitely do that and the resource he linked is the right resource to go to. Let us know if you run into any issue regarding following those instructions.