google-ar / WebARonARCore

An experimental Chromium modification in the form of an app for Android that lets developers build Augmented Reality (AR) experiences using web technologies on top of Google's ARCore.
Apache License 2.0
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Moving objects by dragging rather than 'teleporting' them #58

Closed robertjuh closed 6 years ago

robertjuh commented 6 years ago


Would it be possible to move objects over a plane with a drag motion? This instead of the process of tapping on a place in the plane and the object will teleport or clone there?

If it's not made yet, i could give it a try to make it myself but i'm not sure where to start maybe you have suggestions?

msimpson commented 6 years ago

You could listen to planesadded, planesupdated, and planesremoved to create, update, and remove surface extents to which you could clamp the Y axis of your game objects. Those events are emitted by the ARDisplay, which is returned by the promise generated from the getARDisplay method of THREE.ARUtils.

I did something similar when I layered ammo.js over the scene with surfaces tessellated as a ground objects with which other game objects would collide. Some of my initial questioning and code can be found in this issue on the THREE AR repository.

judax commented 6 years ago

I think this question fits better in the repo. I would suggest/encourage you to re-post it there. Happy to reply once you do with some suggestions.