google-ar / arcore-android-sdk

ARCore SDK for Android Studio
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Feature Request: Camera Control (flashlight/torch, auto exposure, etc.) #153

Open inio opened 6 years ago

inio commented 6 years ago

This bug is for collecting various requests for camera control capabilities.

KeaneGames commented 6 years ago

+1 for this, we really need to be able to lock the exposure & white balance of the camera (We're doing some additional computer-vision tracking of a device based on the colour of a blob)

Is there any current method to lock these?

thereallukesimpson commented 6 years ago

Another +1 for auto-focus control. Our use case relies on close focal point.

inio commented 6 years ago

ARCore 1.4 adds support for two new aspects of camera control:

stev3 commented 5 years ago

@inio would it be possible to provide the foundations for a working example of setting AutoFocus? I can see it used in and have tested it successfully, but am unable to get it working with an augmented reality example, like in the example. Any help or example integration would be fantastic for all of us... I know the performance of the AR is supposed to decrease with auto-focus, but the camera quality is really too rough for the best quality demos without auto-focus. Thanks!

inio commented 5 years ago

Haven't tested this but if you replace:



Config config = new Config(session);

You should get auto-focus.

Note: this config can be set after Session.resume(), it's just slightly cleaner/faster to do it beforehand.

kenyee commented 5 years ago

+1 for a flashlight control...or give us access to the CameraView layer so we can get to it...

EbadSyed commented 5 years ago

I am trying to integrate ArCore in an existing application which uses Camera 2 API for capturing and viewing images, and want to integrate ArCore in it particularly to track Camera (Acquire Camera Pose) and capture 3D Point Clouds.

Would it create conflicts if I call session.update to acquire frame and getCamera in the same application already accessing and viewing Camera View ?

If no would the frames on ArCore and Camera Preview be synchronized ?

Or is it recommended to use ArCore as the base and use Texture and Image provided by ArCore for rendering the view ?

timtsoitt commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am doing a project related to vision screening. One major point is that I need to capture photo with flashlight on. If I use Camera 2 API, the application needs a few seconds to open it. The photo is pixelated and I cannot do feature extraction.

I will be appreciated if flashlight control feature can be added :).

mr0ng commented 5 years ago

So we can't turn on the flashlight / torch while using ARCore?

inio commented 5 years ago

At the moment there is no way to control the flash light while using ARCore.

mr0ng commented 5 years ago

@inio Thanks for the update. I have a client project that requires this flashlight+ARCore functionality in the very near term, so any beta/preview SDKs or any insights/suggestions you can provide is greatly appreciated. Thanks for all your efforts!

mr0ng commented 5 years ago

@fredsa @inio Any update or ETA on flashlight being able to be toggled while using ARCore? Thank you!

mr0ng commented 5 years ago

@fredsa @inio Any update on this issue? We are waiting patiently. Let me know if there's anything me or my dev team can do to help expedite this feature.

kenyee commented 5 years ago

I thought the new camera sharing API in Sceneform 1.7 would have helped but didn't see anything that would work there...

genefield commented 5 years ago

I'm also working on a project that will need the flashlight at times, would love to see this feature added!

guerwan commented 5 years ago

On some devices, like Samsung S9 and S10, there are some exposure issues in some lighting conditions, it would be very helpful to be able to modify the value if we know that the app is supposed to be used in those specific conditions.

mr0ng commented 5 years ago

@inio checking to see if there has been any updates or movement on getting flashlight to toggle while using ARCore. Thanks

mr0ng commented 5 years ago

@inio Me again :) Just checking in to see if there has been any progress on flashlight + ARCore or if you can provide any additional transparency regarding a rough timeline on when we might expect to see this issue resolved (or otherwise!)

bangonkali commented 5 years ago

Looking forward to the Flash on/off support.

mr0ng commented 5 years ago

@inio checking in on flashflight toggle support with ARCore. Thank you!

Canato commented 5 years ago

@inio since is only one issue for many features request, how can we follow what is done and what is not?

For image resolution the two methods can be used in java side Session.getSupportedCameraConfigs() how can we higher the resolution on the ndk/sdk? to use ArCameraIntrinsics_getImageDimensions ?

We are doing in native code for performance.


d3m3tr105 commented 5 years ago

Any news on flash with AR Core? It's been over an year now...

ARUser21 commented 5 years ago

Any news on flash on/off support with ARCore?

maximrahlis commented 5 years ago

Trying again, when will you release support for flashlight on/off with ARCore? What about zoom with ARCore?

xabre commented 4 years ago

Flashlight support with ARCore would be especially useful in enterprise AR use-cases in not so well lit industrial environments. Would be a great addition.

TomMettam commented 4 years ago

Still no way to do this? :/

darktip commented 4 years ago

i guess still nothing)

jeremyadoux commented 4 years ago


Could you, please, give us more information about compatibility between Arcore and Flashlight? Just a lit bit of hope, please.

I make a lot of test about the accuracy of ArCore, and I can certify ArCore have better accuracy during a strong light exposition, so definitively, I need the flash activation to improve ArCore accuracy.

Thank for reading to me and give us an answer.

wangtsung commented 4 years ago

Still no way to do this???

i1E commented 4 years ago

+1 for a flashlight control

gigadeplex commented 4 years ago

I'm running into this problem at the moment, has anyone solved this yet!? +1 for flashlight!!

LiamLuUW commented 4 years ago

+1 for flashlight

waqa1988 commented 4 years ago

+1 for flashlight!!

logicbored commented 4 years ago

Flashlight with ARCore please! Given the applications and usefulness of AR for industrial manufacturing & training use-cases - this is key need to help push AR (and ARCore) adoption into a market that values AR and will buy more Android devices.

Archi97 commented 4 years ago

@inio Please add flashlight support for ARCore.

jpeltone commented 4 years ago

+1 for flashlight

vlobanov commented 4 years ago

I'm perfectly fine with possibility of losing tracking quality in exchange for ability to set WB and exposure settings. Absolute inability to do is somewhat a showstopper for my app that records video along with AR, because professional users need to be able to control such things.

ericloureiro commented 3 years ago

+1 for flashlight

Kxtreme commented 3 years ago

+1 for flashlight

Vilyx commented 3 years ago

+1 for flashlight

bozzlab commented 3 years ago

+1 for flashlight!

amzjaycloudace commented 3 years ago

+1000000 for flashlight

derwaldgeist commented 3 years ago

+10000000000 for flashlight. This is a core feature!

henrikyn commented 3 years ago

ARCore flashlight support would be awesome! +1

whatisor commented 3 years ago

+1 for Resolution setting.

frizensami commented 3 years ago

+1 for flashlight!

klim0777 commented 3 years ago

+1 for flashlight

thesleeper commented 3 years ago

+1 for flashlight. what can we do to push this up the priority list? doesnt seem like they are reading this

sisomiso commented 3 years ago

+1 for flashlight

monoganog commented 3 years ago

+1 for flashlight