google-ar / arcore-unity-sdk

ARCore SDK for Unity
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Inconsistent Tracking — Samsung Galaxy S6 #377

Open MarcoLavoro opened 6 years ago

MarcoLavoro commented 6 years ago

hi, i have build the classic helloAR of arcore unity sdk, but after i have scanned the flor, if i put on it an object its position is inconsistent how you can see in the video.

is normal? there is a fix?

in this way i cant make my project

pablisho commented 6 years ago

Hi, what you show in the video is expected behaviour. The only way to help with this is to have an environment with more visual features (i.e. less white walls and floor, more objects, etc.). Let me know if this answers your question.

MarcoLavoro commented 6 years ago

@pablisho you mean that this is normal? Because in this way i can not make my projects... if you mean that is a normal and not a bug....i suppose yes, that answers to my question...

MarcoLavoro commented 6 years ago

@pablisho btw today i try also outside with more fisual features and there is the same problem.... there is no solution?

MarcoLavoro commented 6 years ago

by the way i tried also inside with different things around....there are always this problem...every one know if this behaviour will be correct? otherwise i am afraid that i must switch to arkit

small-potatoes commented 6 years ago

Hi ikaro88, I am not sure if this is the official HelloAR example we ship in the ARCore Unity SDK. Can I confirm that you are placing each Andy Model as a child of an anchor? If not, you must use an anchor to maintain object pose relative to the real world. If so, then the plane height may be adjusting and dragging the Andy's with it.

MarcoLavoro commented 6 years ago

@small-potatoes Yes, i checked that EVERY object is under an anchor, the problem is the anchor itself. This is confimed by the fact that also the plane shifted when i played

and the problem persist also if i BEFORE scan ALL the planes i have in my rooms, it appens indoor and outdoor, i can make more videos if you need

small-potatoes commented 6 years ago

I will file an internal bug for this to assess if this is a device-specific tracking issue. Can you please provide your device fingerprint (adb shell getprop and confirm that this happens with the unmodified helloar example in the sdk?

MarcoLavoro commented 6 years ago

@small-potatoes I confirm that is a unmodified helloar example, i tried at least 5-6 times downloading and just compilig on my device. Device Figerprint: "samsung/a6ltexx/a6lte:8.0.0/R16NW/A600FNXXU2ARG5:user/release-keys" Tell me if you need something else.

So, can you help me? because otherwise i can not do my apps with arcore

small-potatoes commented 6 years ago

Hi @ikaro88 , it is possible that the drift is happening due to adjustments being made to the plane's height. As an experiment, you may try creating a world anchor using Session.CreateAnchor(hitPose, null)) to see if the anchors still drift. Please let me know the result of your experiment.

In the meantime, we will look into whether there is a device-specific issue; it will take some time to come to a resolution if this is the case but we will keep this thread updated.

MarcoLavoro commented 6 years ago

@small-potatoes I tried but the problem still persist...

MarcoLavoro commented 6 years ago

@small-potatoes i tried just now the new version and still not work, the drift still persist :S

and if i replace var anchor = hit.Trackable.CreateAnchor(hit.Pose); with var anchor = Session.CreateAnchor(hit.Pose, null); the result is even worse :(

any help?

MarcoLavoro commented 6 years ago

i can make a video or send you the project if you need

small-potatoes commented 6 years ago

Hi @ikaro88, I am sorry you continue to have issues with this; it is being looked into as a possibly device-specific tracking bug. I will update you as soon as we have something.

MarcoLavoro commented 6 years ago

@small-potatoes i talked with different developers with different devices, this problem does not appen only to me, but appen to ALL developers (at least at every developer i talked with)

gkiernozek commented 5 years ago

Hey @ikaro88 it's probably "depth perception" problem and "perspective problem", not really problem with ARCore (because it's not moving items this much). these androids are not really in exact point that you seem they to be - you should place them directly from above to have the most consistent placement.