google-ar / arcore-unity-sdk

ARCore SDK for Unity
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Augmented Images: Not being able to add images runtime when using Instant Preview #517

Open patrickdemooij9 opened 5 years ago

patrickdemooij9 commented 5 years ago


Currently I can't add augmented images to the augmented images database. I currently wait until the session is tracking and then try to add the image so the augmented database located in the session config the following way: session.SessionConfig.AugmentedImageDatabase.AddImage("TestImage", testTexture);

testTexture is a Texture2D that is the same as image 001 from the example. The texture has read/write enabled and uses RGB 24 bit for formatting.

I have tried the following things:

None of the above work for me. I also made a new project, thinking that maybe I messed with some configurations, but I am able to recreate the problem.

Error: image



  1. Create a new project with the versions specified above
  2. Open the AugmentedImages example
  3. Open the ExampleController
  4. Add the following code with the other variables:

private bool addedNewDatabase; [SerializeField] private Texture2D testTexture;

  1. Add the following code in the update after the check for if the application is tracking.
if (!addedNewDatabase)
                ARCoreSession session = FindObjectOfType<ARCoreSession>();
                //session.SessionConfig.AugmentedImageDatabase = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<AugmentedImageDatabase>();
                session.SessionConfig.AugmentedImageDatabase.AddImage("TestImage", testTexture);
                addedNewDatabase = true;
  1. Add the 001 example texture to the inspector for the testTexture. Enable the write/read attribute and use the RGB 24 bit formatting. It will give another error otherwise
  2. Run the application, it will give an error in the editor window.



EngMetwally commented 5 years ago

I am facing the same issue when i try to do it in editor, but it works well after building to an android device

patrickdemooij9 commented 5 years ago

Just tried to make this work again, but it seems like it isn't an Instant Preview only problem. I debugged the whole code while on the android mobile and it doesn't return anything from "nativeSession.AugmentedImageDatabaseApi.AddImageAtRuntime". It just gets stops in that function.

vjleo commented 5 years ago

The image part of ARCore needs some attention...

v-octal commented 5 years ago

Any update on this?

janeshvar commented 4 years ago

Did you got the soluiton for this problem ?