google-ar / arcore-unity-sdk

ARCore SDK for Unity
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Getting a "DllNotFoundException: arcore_instant_preview_unity_plugin" when Entering Play Mode in Unity 2019+, MacOS Catalina #741

Open dominykasmk-zz opened 3 years ago

dominykasmk-zz commented 3 years ago


  1. Create a new project
  2. Add XR Legacy Input Helpers and Multiplayer HLAPI
  3. Import ARCore, remove Vulkan, set target API to 24, check "ARCore Supported"
  4. Enter Play Mode

Reality: DllNotFoundException: arcore_instant_preview_unity_plugin GoogleARCoreInternal.ARPrestoCallbackManager._Initialize () (at Assets/GoogleARCore/SDK/Scripts/Managers/ARPrestoCallbackManager.cs:218) GoogleARCoreInternal.ARPrestoCallbackManager.get_Instance () (at Assets/GoogleARCore/SDK/Scripts/Managers/ARPrestoCallbackManager.cs:101) GoogleARCoreInternal.ARCoreAndroidLifecycleManager.get_Instance () (at Assets/GoogleARCore/SDK/Scripts/Managers/ARCoreAndroidLifecycleManager.cs:96) GoogleARCoreInternal.LifecycleManager.get_Instance () (at Assets/GoogleARCore/SDK/Scripts/Managers/LifecycleManager.cs:43) GoogleARCore.ARCoreBackgroundRenderer.OnEnable () (at Assets/GoogleARCore/SDK/Scripts/ARCoreBackgroundRenderer.cs:82)

denreyrey commented 3 years ago

getting same error here. @dominykasmk did you find any solutions?

marcosnils commented 3 years ago

Hi! I'm also having the same issue. @nvictornvictor any ideas how we can get this working? It's a bit frustrating not being able to use preview in last unity LTS with arcore unity 1.18


NickRussell95 commented 3 years ago

I am also having this issue - has anyone found a solution?

denreyrey commented 3 years ago

👋 this has been fixed for me in the last arcore 1.19 version.