google-code-export / google-checkout-oscommerce

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in google_xml_builder there is not enough sanitization of the input in terms of HTML entities #91

Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
What steps will reproduce the problem?
I first ran into this isse using the new feature for producing Google Base 
feeds but it potentially affects all operation of the module.

1. Create an item in OSCommerce and, in the description, enter named HTMK 
entities like Â
2. Generate the Google Base Feed and validate it.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
You would expect proper XML output.

Instead we get an XML parse error on the place where you have the Â.
The error occurs because there is no DTD for named HTML entities and they 
are not being fixed by the google_xml_builder class.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
1.5.0 RC1 / PHP 4 / Linux

Please provide any additional information below.

This occurs because you sanitize the values using "htmlentities" function.
This function only sanitizes a small number of entities.
A broader function that fixes ALL entities and replaces them with their 
NUMERIC entity values can be found bellow:

   * Sanitizes all Text to make sure we output a valid utf8 text
   * This is better than htmlentities because htmlentities only encodes
   * a few characters whereas we need to encode ALL of them
    /* html_convert_entities($string) -- convert named HTML entities 
     * XML-compatible numeric entities. 
    function html_convert_entities($s) {
        $sOut = preg_replace_callback("/&([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]
+);/", array( &$this, 'convert_entity'), htmlentities($s), -1); 
        return utf8_encode($sOut);
    /* Swap HTML named entity with its numeric equivalent. If the 
entity isn't 
     * in the lookup table, this function returns a blank, which 
destroys the 
     * character in the output - this is probably the desired 
behaviour when  
     * producing XML.  
    function convert_entity($matches) { 
      static $table = array('quot' => '"', 
                            'amp' => '&', 
                            'lt' => '<', 
                            'gt' => '>', 
                            'OElig' => 'Œ', 
                            'oelig' => 'œ', 
                            'Scaron' => 'Š', 
                            'scaron' => 'š', 
                            'Yuml' => 'Ÿ', 
                            'circ' => 'ˆ', 
                            'tilde' => '˜', 
                            'ensp' => ' ', 
                            'emsp' => ' ', 
                            'thinsp' => ' ', 
                            'zwnj' => '‌', 
                            'zwj' => '‍', 
                            'lrm' => '‎', 
                            'rlm' => '‏', 
                            'ndash' => '–', 
                            'mdash' => '—', 
                            'lsquo' => '‘', 
                            'rsquo' => '’', 
                            'sbquo' => '‚', 
                            'ldquo' => '“', 
                            'rdquo' => '”', 
                            'bdquo' => '„', 
                            'dagger' => '†', 
                            'Dagger' => '‡', 
                            'permil' => '‰', 
                            'lsaquo' => '‹', 
                            'rsaquo' => '›', 
                            'euro' => '€', 
                            'fnof' => 'ƒ', 
                            'Alpha' => 'Α', 
                            'Beta' => 'Β', 
                            'Gamma' => 'Γ', 
                            'Delta' => 'Δ', 
                            'Epsilon' => 'Ε', 
                            'Zeta' => 'Ζ', 
                            'Eta' => 'Η', 
                            'Theta' => 'Θ', 
                            'Iota' => 'Ι', 
                            'Kappa' => 'Κ', 
                            'Lambda' => 'Λ', 
                            'Mu' => 'Μ', 
                            'Nu' => 'Ν', 
                            'Xi' => 'Ξ', 
                            'Omicron' => 'Ο', 
                            'Pi' => 'Π', 
                            'Rho' => 'Ρ', 
                            'Sigma' => 'Σ', 
                            'Tau' => 'Τ', 
                            'Upsilon' => 'Υ', 
                            'Phi' => 'Φ', 
                            'Chi' => 'Χ', 
                            'Psi' => 'Ψ', 
                            'Omega' => 'Ω', 
                            'alpha' => 'α', 
                            'beta' => 'β', 
                            'gamma' => 'γ', 
                            'delta' => 'δ', 
                            'epsilon' => 'ε', 
                            'zeta' => 'ζ', 
                            'eta' => 'η', 
                            'theta' => 'θ', 
                            'iota' => 'ι', 
                            'kappa' => 'κ', 
                            'lambda' => 'λ', 
                            'mu' => 'μ', 
                            'nu' => 'ν', 
                            'xi' => 'ξ', 
                            'omicron' => 'ο', 
                            'pi' => 'π', 
                            'rho' => 'ρ', 
                            'sigmaf' => 'ς', 
                            'sigma' => 'σ', 
                            'tau' => 'τ', 
                            'upsilon' => 'υ', 
                            'phi' => 'φ', 
                            'chi' => 'χ', 
                            'psi' => 'ψ', 
                            'omega' => 'ω', 
                            'thetasym' => 'ϑ', 
                            'upsih' => 'ϒ', 
                            'piv' => 'ϖ', 
                            'bull' => '•', 
                            'hellip' => '…', 
                            'prime' => '′', 
                            'Prime' => '″', 
                            'oline' => '‾', 
                            'frasl' => '⁄', 
                            'weierp' => '℘', 
                            'image' => 'ℑ', 
                            'real' => 'ℜ', 
                            'trade' => '™', 
                            'alefsym' => 'ℵ', 
                            'larr' => '←', 
                            'uarr' => '↑', 
                            'rarr' => '→', 
                            'darr' => '↓', 
                            'harr' => '↔', 
                            'crarr' => '↵', 
                            'lArr' => '⇐', 
                            'uArr' => '⇑', 
                            'rArr' => '⇒', 
                            'dArr' => '⇓', 
                            'hArr' => '⇔', 
                            'forall' => '∀', 
                            'part' => '∂', 
                            'exist' => '∃', 
                            'empty' => '∅', 
                            'nabla' => '∇', 
                            'isin' => '∈', 
                            'notin' => '∉', 
                            'ni' => '∋', 
                            'prod' => '∏', 
                            'sum' => '∑', 
                            'minus' => '−', 
                            'lowast' => '∗', 
                            'radic' => '√', 
                            'prop' => '∝', 
                            'infin' => '∞', 
                            'ang' => '∠', 
                            'and' => '∧', 
                            'or' => '∨', 
                            'cap' => '∩', 
                            'cup' => '∪', 
                            'int' => '∫', 
                            'there4' => '∴', 
                            'sim' => '∼', 
                            'cong' => '≅', 
                            'asymp' => '≈', 
                            'ne' => '≠', 
                            'equiv' => '≡', 
                            'le' => '≤', 
                            'ge' => '≥', 
                            'sub' => '⊂', 
                            'sup' => '⊃', 
                            'nsub' => '⊄', 
                            'sube' => '⊆', 
                            'supe' => '⊇', 
                            'oplus' => '⊕', 
                            'otimes' => '⊗', 
                            'perp' => '⊥', 
                            'sdot' => '⋅', 
                            'lceil' => '⌈', 
                            'rceil' => '⌉', 
                            'lfloor' => '⌊', 
                            'rfloor' => '⌋', 
                            'lang' => '〈', 
                            'rang' => '〉', 
                            'loz' => '◊', 
                            'spades' => '♠', 
                            'clubs' => '♣', 
                            'hearts' => '♥', 
                            'diams' => '♦', 
                            'nbsp' => ' ', 
                            'iexcl' => '¡', 
                            'cent' => '¢', 
                            'pound' => '£', 
                            'curren' => '¤', 
                            'yen' => '¥', 
                            'brvbar' => '¦', 
                            'sect' => '§', 
                            'uml' => '¨', 
                            'copy' => '©', 
                            'ordf' => 'ª', 
                            'laquo' => '«', 
                            'not' => '¬', 
                            'shy' => '­', 
                            'reg' => '®', 
                            'macr' => '¯', 
                            'deg' => '°', 
                            'plusmn' => '±', 
                            'sup2' => '²', 
                            'sup3' => '³', 
                            'acute' => '´', 
                            'micro' => 'µ', 
                            'para' => '¶', 
                            'middot' => '·', 
                            'cedil' => '¸', 
                            'sup1' => '¹', 
                            'ordm' => 'º', 
                            'raquo' => '»', 
                            'frac14' => '¼', 
                            'frac12' => '½', 
                            'frac34' => '¾', 
                            'iquest' => '¿', 
                            'Agrave' => 'À', 
                            'Aacute' => 'Á', 
                            'Acirc' => 'Â', 
                            'Atilde' => 'Ã', 
                            'Auml' => 'Ä', 
                            'Aring' => 'Å', 
                            'AElig' => 'Æ', 
                            'Ccedil' => 'Ç', 
                            'Egrave' => 'È', 
                            'Eacute' => 'É', 
                            'Ecirc' => 'Ê', 
                            'Euml' => 'Ë', 
                            'Igrave' => 'Ì', 
                            'Iacute' => 'Í', 
                            'Icirc' => 'Î', 
                            'Iuml' => 'Ï', 
                            'ETH' => 'Ð', 
                            'Ntilde' => 'Ñ', 
                            'Ograve' => 'Ò', 
                            'Oacute' => 'Ó', 
                            'Ocirc' => 'Ô', 
                            'Otilde' => 'Õ', 
                            'Ouml' => 'Ö', 
                            'times' => '×', 
                            'Oslash' => 'Ø', 
                            'Ugrave' => 'Ù', 
                            'Uacute' => 'Ú', 
                            'Ucirc' => 'Û', 
                            'Uuml' => 'Ü', 
                            'Yacute' => 'Ý', 
                            'THORN' => 'Þ', 
                            'szlig' => 'ß', 
                            'agrave' => 'à', 
                            'aacute' => 'á', 
                            'acirc' => 'â', 
                            'atilde' => 'ã', 
                            'auml' => 'ä', 
                            'aring' => 'å', 
                            'aelig' => 'æ', 
                            'ccedil' => 'ç', 
                            'egrave' => 'è', 
                            'eacute' => 'é', 
                            'ecirc' => 'ê', 
                            'euml' => 'ë', 
                            'igrave' => 'ì', 
                            'iacute' => 'í', 
                            'icirc' => 'î', 
                            'iuml' => 'ï', 
                            'eth' => 'ð', 
                            'ntilde' => 'ñ', 
                            'ograve' => 'ò', 
                            'oacute' => 'ó', 
                            'ocirc' => 'ô', 
                            'otilde' => 'õ', 
                            'ouml' => 'ö', 
                            'divide' => '÷', 
                            'oslash' => 'ø', 
                            'ugrave' => 'ù', 
                            'uacute' => 'ú', 
                            'ucirc' => 'û', 
                            'uuml' => 'ü', 
                            'yacute' => 'ý', 
                            'thorn' => 'þ', 
                            'yuml' => 'ÿ'
      // Entity not found? Destroy it. 
      if (isset($table[$matches[1]])) {
        return $table[$matches[1]];
      } else {
        return '';

By opening google_xml_builder and replacing all calls to htmlentities with 
a call to this cusotm function (html_convert_entities) these issues 


Original issue reported on by on 13 Oct 2009 at 2:40