Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
Original comment by
on 7 Nov 2010 at 10:09
I've attached a patch which would solve the problem.
Although I'm still not sure how to handle messages that exist on both protos.
(message's name clash ... w/c is usually the mistake of the developer)
I'm leaning on throwing an exception if there is a clash ... sound good?
Original comment by
on 8 Nov 2010 at 8:30
Thanks for the quick response!
I agree that throwing an exception is the right answer if there is a message
name clash between two different .proto files. Google's compiler also gives an
error in that situation.
One potential issue with your patch is that it throws away the association
between a message and which .proto file the message was defined in. This would
be a problem if, for example, I am writing an rpc/services code generator and
within this code generator I want to make use of schemas generated by
java_v2protoc_schema. Since I don't know which .proto file a message was
defined in (because all of the .proto files got merged into one Proto class), I
can't determine what java outer classname to use to access the schema.
I also discovered a few more issues with message name resolution. Specifically,
this algorithm of package name searching is currently not being used:
"Type name resolution in the protocol buffer language works like C++: first the
innermost scope is searched, then the next-innermost, and so on, with each
package considered to be "inner" to its parent package. A leading '.' (for
example, means to start from the outermost scope instead." (from:
As an example: say I have a message 'M1' defined in package 'p1.test.inner'.
protostuff doesn't let me refer to that message as 'test.inner.M1' from within
a message defined in the 'p1' package, even though the protobuf spec allows for
this and Google's compiler happily accepts it.
I took a stab at fixing these issues (along with the initial issue), and have
attached a potential patch. Any thoughts? It works by building a hashtable of
the fully-qualified name of every message and enum group defined in a .proto
file, and then uses the above package-searching algorithm to try to resolve the
name. I think it simplifies the reference resolution code a bit too, which is a
nice side-effect.
One note about this patch: the test_rpc.proto and test_deep_reference.proto
test files do not compile with this patch. But actually, they are not valid
.proto files and Google's compiler does not accept them either. This is because
they reference messages (Foo and Baz) defined in a different non-parent package
without qualifying the name.
Original comment by
on 9 Nov 2010 at 12:37
Thanks for the patch. I'm gonna test it out.
I agree that the protostuff compiler isn't 100% compatible with google's
The lookup algorithm is similar to java class lookup.
I was also adding java features on top of the compiler. (See
With that, the message structure allows for deep nested messages.
I'm not sure but does the protobuf spec allow nested messages 2+ levels deep?
E.g a nested message cannot have a nested message?
I'll try to apply this patch and still allow test_rpc.proto and
test_deep_reference.proto to compile. (being google protobuf compatible and yet
still have the java features intact)
If you can modify your patch for this, would be awesome :-)
Original comment by
on 9 Nov 2010 at 5:10
Ah, gotcha! I didn't realize that you had implemented an add-on feature to
support the auto-importing of other packages' messages. Fair enough. I've added
a few lines to my patch and now if it fails to resolve a message/enum using the
standard protobuf rules, it will look for messages of the same name in each of
the imported .proto files. So now test_rpc.proto and test_deep_reference.proto
compile, and my standard google protobuf messages do too.
Also, yeah, the protobuf spec allows messages to be nested as deep as you want
them to be; there's definitely no arbitrary limit as far as that goes.
My updated patch is attached.
Original comment by
on 9 Nov 2010 at 6:24
Looks good.
A few remarks:
- In, the resolving of fullRefName is currently inversed.
String fullRefName = (this.packageName == null ? this.type : this.type + '.' + this.packageName);
- formatting ... To apply this patch correctly, can you use spaces(4) instead
of tabs?
- naming convention ... In, can you rename the newly added method
getFullJavaName() to getJavaFullName() (resembles getPackageJavaName() to
All in all. I think the patch is solid. Thanks!
Original comment by
on 9 Nov 2010 at 9:12
Nice catch in Of course right below that function there is
getExtendedMessageFullName, which does exactly what I need -- I don't know why
I didn't use that in the first place. :-)
Updated patch is attached.
Original comment by
on 9 Nov 2010 at 4:29
A few additional changes: the gwt_overlay compiler needs to use the new
getJavaFullName function instead of getFullName.
Original comment by
on 9 Nov 2010 at 8:39
Right. I forgot one thing. The reason for the on-the-fly computation
(no-caching) was because of the compiler option that allows packages to be
renamed at compile time.
This is especially useful when generating gwt overlays where you move the
package to ${package}.client
That functionality breaks with your patch.
Do you have a test-case for the patch? (Something similar to the structure of
your project's proto ... better if with the junit test-case)
My goal is to retain current features and make the test pass for your standard
google protobuf messages.
Thanks for your work. I'll incorporate portions of the patches.
Original comment by
on 10 Nov 2010 at 2:26
Hmm... I'm not sure that I follow. How does the patch break that functionality?
I have been using my patched version of the compiler along with the java
package renaming feature with no problems whatsoever. I've been doing it for
the exact reason you describe -- generating GWT overlays in the GWT client
package, while generating the server-side classes in a separate package. It's
been working great. Am I misunderstanding something?
I'll try and get you some test cases soon.
Original comment by
on 10 Nov 2010 at 4:21
You're right! I thought the caching would break that functionality but was
As long as the fullName/etc is dynamic, it's all good.
TIA for the test-cases.
Original comment by
on 10 Nov 2010 at 7:09
I've committed your patch and added some few changes after the patch (attached)
to allow getting imported protos by file or url.
Sorry it took too long. (Hopefully won't happen again ... was busy on
something else)
Thanks for your contribution.
P.S Your custom code generators are welcome here if you want to contribute them.
Original comment by
on 30 Dec 2010 at 10:14
Original issue reported on by
on 4 Nov 2010 at 11:12Attachments: