First reported by on Dec 27, 2011.
Great job on describing the rtmfp protocol!
Do you have any plans to explore it further? I'd love to get an idea of the
complexity of the network topology. One of the things I find most useful would
be allowing the server to act like a peer in the mesh. That way it can use
various features of the NetGroup i.e. Post, SendToNeighbor etc.
I believe it's currently implemented in FMS 4.5 .
FYI, here is how to decode the groupspec string if that's useful in anyway.
let groupSpec =
let numBytes = groupSpec.Length
let bytes =
[| for i in 1..numBytes - 1 do
if i % 2 = 0 then
let chars = groupSpec.Substring(i, 2)
yield Byte.Parse(chars, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)
let reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(bytes))
let mutable length = reader.ReadByte()
while(length > 0x00uy) do
let marker = reader.ReadByte()
match marker with
|0x00uy ->
printfn "routingEnabled"
|0x01uy ->
printfn "multicastEnabled"
|0x02uy ->
printfn "objectReplicationEnabled"
|0x03uy ->
printfn "postingEnabled"
|0x05uy ->
let hash = reader.ReadBytes(int length - 1)
printfn "password sha256 hash of 'testpass22' %s" (Util.ByteToHex hash)
|0x0cuy ->
printfn "serverChannelEnabled"
|0x0duy ->
printfn "peerToPeerDisabled"
|0x0euy ->
let ascii = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding()
let groupName = reader.ReadBytes(int length - 1) |> ascii.GetString
printfn "groupName = %s" groupName
|0x1buy ->
printfn "ipMulticastMemberUpdatesEnabled"
| _ ->
printfn "unkown marker"
length <- reader.ReadByte()
Hi John,
Thanks for your mail and sorry about the delay due to the holiday travel.
Yes, I definitely want to explore it further.
But I have to admit that I didn't understand clearly what your code example is
Hi Kundan,
Thanks for the reply. Sorry about the code it's a little bit rough.
The group id in the python implementation is actually the group spec. you can
decode that to extract all the settings e.g. the group uri, peer2peerEnabled,
routingEnabled etc.
Here is an example with the client code
var groupspec:GroupSpecifier = new GroupSpecifier("myGroupTest");
groupspec.postingEnabled = true;
groupspec.routingEnabled = true;
// allows you to discover neighbors on the same LAN
groupspec.ipMulticastMemberUpdatesEnabled = true;
groupspec.multicastEnabled = true;
groupspec.objectReplicationEnabled = true;
group = new NetGroup(connection, groupspec.groupspecWithAuthorizations());
encoding and decoding the groupspec would be required if you eventually want to
create groups on the server instead of having them created via a client
request. I thought it might be useful if you're going to digg further in rtmfp.
Please let me know if you'd like any further clarification.
Original issue reported on by kundan10 on 4 Jan 2012 at 7:15
Original issue reported on by
on 4 Jan 2012 at 7:15