google-deepmind / graph_nets

Build Graph Nets in Tensorflow
Apache License 2.0
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Suggestion: Attribute Prediction Example #90

Closed RandomString123 closed 4 years ago

RandomString123 commented 4 years ago

I am new to graph networks and I have reviewed, and am using, this project as a springboard to learn more. I understand the examples provided with this project and thought I could extend those examples to perform what most graph network papers describe as a basic task, predicting {Node, Edge, Global} attributes of a graph based on graph structures and relationships learned from training graphs.

However, every model I seem to apply does not produce the expected target graph it produces some intermediate graph that I can not figure out how to decode back into my original graph with the missing attributes filled in. I think it would help if there was an example project that performs {Node, Edge, Global} attribute prediction of a graph based training performed on similar graphs? Even if this example just trains on random graphs / data. I am more interested in structuring a network to:

  1. With a GraphTuple or graph dictionary properly ablate out values
  2. Train a GraphNetwork on un-ablated graphs (or sample ablated with the associated un-ablated target graphs)
  3. Use the GraphNetwork on unseen ablated graphs to compute accuracy of the model.
alvarosg commented 4 years ago

I am not sure what the problem is exactly, could you provide a minimum working example?

In principle graph networks always take graphs as inputs and output full graphs with the same structure, and a configurable number of features per-edge, per-node, and per-global. So in principle all you need is to match the output sizes to have the same size as the inputs, and build a loss to minimize the difference between the features of the output graphs (produced by feeding the ablated input graphs to the graph net) and the un-ablated training graphs.

RandomString123 commented 4 years ago

In the next comment is a file that is a toy example I created. Imagine you wanted to represent all of the possible functions x + y = z as a a graph where x = {1,2,3}, y = {4,5,6}. Then over-fit a model so that if it sees the graph 1 + 5 = ? it will return the completed graph 1 + 5 = 6.

From your above message and my thoughts over the day I think there are three problems here and they all probably stem from my unfamiliarity with tf and graph networks.

1) I have too many free variables and they are unbounded so the algorithm just randomly bounces around. 2) I am probably using the wrong model. 3) My loss function is probably sub-optimal.

RandomString123 commented 4 years ago

I did some more testing over the weekend and found a bug in my loss model. Put a better version below. It still does much worse than I would expect for the reasons above. The linear model still doesn't do very well I think i should be using another when ablating out a nodes attributes and trying to predict its value based on the rest of the graph.


alvarosg commented 4 years ago

Hi, there seems to be several things that could be fixed in that code (I tried fixing them an the model trains in 100 iterations):

Hope this helps!

RandomString123 commented 4 years ago

Those suggestions got me a lot closer to a working solution. Thanks, it is a good starting point for toying around with the networks and seeing how they operate.