google-deepmind / levintreesearch_cm

Apache License 2.0
22 stars 4 forks source link

error: contract violation in .../define2/define.rkt:15:7 #1

Closed spdegabrielle closed 1 year ago

spdegabrielle commented 1 year ago
Last login: Sat May 20 14:15:56 on ttys002
stephendegabrielle@Stephens-MacBook-Pro ~ % racket -v
Welcome to Racket v8.9.0.5 [cs].
stephendegabrielle@Stephens-MacBook-Pro ~ % raco pkg install --auto --update-deps
Querying Git references for levintreesearch_cm at
Downloading repository commit 57220d31c5acc098d361c00f6fbcb8321b498046
00: Resolving "define2" via
01: Resolving "global" via
02: Resolving "safe-case" via
03: Resolving "text-table" via
02: Resolving "safe-case" via
01: Resolving "global" via
00: Resolving "define2" via
03: Resolving "text-table" via
Resolving "text-block" via
Resolving "text-block" via
Downloading repository commit c9760f29b27e45c6fa9edee37d6275214745e8f8
Downloading repository commit 9ea449742edaa08d6b0f770acda9134f540d28bc
Downloading repository commit 52f016b6abe4da5d0a8f485622cf1a013f0c47b0
Downloading repository commit 4c4015134e605fd4835c36c44842a1561196b425
Downloading repository commit c34cd8ec379638f7dce7c523997272082b6f52ab
The following uninstalled packages were listed as dependencies
and they were automatically installed:
 dependencies of levintreesearch_cm:
raco setup: version:
raco setup: platform: aarch64-macosx [cs]
raco setup: target machine: tarm64osx
raco setup: installation name: snapshot
raco setup: variants: cs
raco setup: main collects: /Applications/Racket v8.9.0.5/collects/
raco setup: collects paths: 
raco setup:   /Users/stephendegabrielle/Library/Racket/snapshot/collects
raco setup:   /Applications/Racket v8.9.0.5/collects/
raco setup: main pkgs: /Applications/Racket v8.9.0.5/share/pkgs
raco setup: pkgs paths: 
raco setup:   /Applications/Racket v8.9.0.5/share/pkgs
raco setup:   /Users/stephendegabrielle/Library/Racket/snapshot/pkgs
raco setup: links files: 
raco setup:   /Applications/Racket v8.9.0.5/share/links.rktd
raco setup:   /Users/stephendegabrielle/Library/Racket/snapshot/links.rktd
raco setup: main docs: /Applications/Racket v8.9.0.5/doc
raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables ---                    [12:21:18]
raco setup: updating: /Users/stephendegabrielle/Library/Racket/snapshot/share/info-cache.rktd
raco setup: --- pre-installing collections ---                     [12:21:18]
raco setup: --- installing foreign libraries ---                   [12:21:18]
raco setup: --- installing shared files ---                        [12:21:18]
raco setup: --- compiling collections ---                          [12:21:18]
raco setup: --- parallel build using 8 jobs ---                    [12:21:18]
raco setup: 7 making: <pkgs>/define2
raco setup: 6 making: <pkgs>/global
raco setup: 5 making: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/jobsched
raco setup: 4 making: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/lts-cm
raco setup: 3 making: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/timev
raco setup: 2 making: <pkgs>/safe-case
raco setup: 1 making: <pkgs>/text-block
raco setup: 0 making: <pkgs>/text-table
raco setup: 2 making: <pkgs>/safe-case/img
raco setup: 0 making: <pkgs>/text-table/scribblings
raco setup: 6 making: <pkgs>/global/examples
raco setup: 2 making: <pkgs>/safe-case/scribblings
raco setup: 0 making: <pkgs>/text-table/tests
raco setup: 7 making: <pkgs>/define2/scribblings
raco setup: 3 making: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/timev/scribblings
raco setup: 5 making: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/jobsched/examples
raco setup: 6 making: <pkgs>/global/scribblings
raco setup: 1 making: <pkgs>/text-block/examples
raco setup: 7 making: <pkgs>/define2/tests
raco setup: 6 making: <pkgs>/global/tests
raco setup: 1 making: <pkgs>/text-block/img
raco setup: 1 making: <pkgs>/text-block/scribblings
raco setup: 1 making: <pkgs>/text-block/tests
raco setup: 5 making: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/jobsched/scribblings
raco setup: 4 making: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/lts-cm/domains
raco setup: 4 making: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/lts-cm/domains/rubiks-cube
raco setup: 4 making: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/lts-cm/domains/rubiks-cube/data
raco setup: 4 making: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/lts-cm/domains/sokoban
raco setup: 4 making: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/lts-cm/domains/sokoban/data
raco setup: 4 making: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/lts-cm/domains/stp
raco setup: 4 making: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/lts-cm/domains/stp/data
raco setup: 4 making: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/lts-cm/domains/witness
raco setup: 4 making: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/lts-cm/domains/witness/data
raco setup: --- creating launchers ---                             [12:21:25]
raco setup: --- installing man pages ---                           [12:21:25]
raco setup: --- building documentation ---                         [12:21:25]
raco setup: 5 running: <pkgs>/define2/scribblings/define2.scrbl
raco setup: 0 running: <pkgs>/global/scribblings/global.scrbl
raco setup: 6 running: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/jobsched/scribblings/jobsched.scrbl
raco setup: 4 running: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/lts-cm/scribblings/lts-cm.scrbl
raco setup: 2 running: <pkgs>/safe-case/scribblings/safe-case.scrbl
raco setup: 7 running: <pkgs>/text-block/scribblings/main.scrbl
raco setup: 1 running: <pkgs>/text-table/scribblings/text-table.scrbl
raco setup: 3 running: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/timev/scribblings/timev.scrbl
raco setup: WARNING: duplicate tag: (index-entry (mod-path "debug"))
raco setup:  in: /Users/stephendegabrielle/Library/Racket/snapshot/pkgs/mischief/mischief/scribblings/mischief.scrbl
raco setup:  in: /Users/stephendegabrielle/Library/Racket/snapshot/pkgs/debug/debug/scribblings/debug.scrbl
raco setup: WARNING: duplicate tag: (mod-path "debug")
raco setup:  in: /Users/stephendegabrielle/Library/Racket/snapshot/pkgs/mischief/mischief/scribblings/mischief.scrbl
raco setup:  in: /Users/stephendegabrielle/Library/Racket/snapshot/pkgs/debug/debug/scribblings/debug.scrbl
raco setup: 7 rendering: <pkgs>/define2/scribblings/define2.scrbl
raco setup: 6 rendering: <pkgs>/global/scribblings/global.scrbl
raco setup: 5 rendering: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/jobsched/scribblings/jobsched.scrbl
raco setup: 4 rendering: <pkgs>/racket-index/scribblings/main/user/local-redirect.scrbl
raco setup: 3 rendering: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/lts-cm/scribblings/lts-cm.scrbl
raco setup: 2 rendering: <pkgs>/racket-index/scribblings/main/user/release.scrbl
raco setup: 1 rendering: <pkgs>/safe-case/scribblings/safe-case.scrbl
raco setup: 0 rendering: <pkgs>/racket-index/scribblings/main/user/search.scrbl
raco setup: 3 rendering: <pkgs>/racket-index/scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl
raco setup: 2 rendering: <pkgs>/text-block/scribblings/main.scrbl
raco setup: 4 rendering: <pkgs>/text-table/scribblings/text-table.scrbl
raco setup: 6 rendering: <pkgs>/levintreesearch_cm/timev/scribblings/timev.scrbl
raco setup: --- installing collections ---                         [12:21:34]
raco setup: --- post-installing collections ---                    [12:21:34]
stephendegabrielle@Stephens-MacBook-Pro ~ % raco pkg install --auto --update-deps
raco pkg install: package is already installed
  package: levintreesearch_cm
stephendegabrielle@Stephens-MacBook-Pro ~ % racket -l- lts-cm/domains/stp/server-easy

A 5x5 Sliding Tile test set of 1000 problems of medium difficulty...
Like this one:
│ 2 │ 7 │ 3 │ 8 │ 4 │
│ 5 │ 1 │13 │   │ 9 │
│ 6 │11 │16 │18 │14 │
│20 │12 │17 │15 │23 │
│21 │10 │22 │24 │19 │

Without training, only 25/1000 test problems are solved
with a budget of 100 000 search steps.

Can training on simpler problems improve this number?

Press Enter to continue
│                     Levin Tree Search with Context Models                      │
chain-log-file: /Users/stephendegabrielle/lts-cm-logs/stp/chain-2023-05-27--12-22-46.rktd 

║ Chain iteration: 1/8 train-file: data/stp5x5-train-1000-walk20.rktd ║
log-dir: /Users/stephendegabrielle/lts-cm-logs/stp/2023-05-27--12-22-46

Bootstrap iteration: 1    previous solved: 0/1000 budget: 7000

** Starting solver. n-workers=5
Number of tasks: 1000
kill-thread: contract violation
  expected: thread?
  given: #<void>
   [repeats 3 more times]
   body of (submod "/Users/stephendegabrielle/Library/Racket/snapshot/pkgs/levintreesearch_cm/lts-cm/domains/stp/server-easy.rkt" main)
stephendegabrielle@Stephens-MacBook-Pro ~ % 
Metaxal commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the report! It's fixed now.