google-deepmind / mujoco

Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact. A general purpose physics simulator.
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MJX False Collision in 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 only (no collision in MuJoCo) #1695

Closed smurthas closed 3 weeks ago

smurthas commented 1 month ago

With the default settings of MJX and MuJoCo, this model and basic rollout produces a false collision in MJX that is (correctly) not present when the same thing is executed in MuJoCo directly.

Colab repro, the same code is also pasted below with model XML inline.


Here is a video of what this looks like (I just captured this video with me moving it by hand in the Mac MuJoCo GUI, but it looks about the same when rendered in python by adding a camera and colors):

Note that there is no visible collision -- the objects are well clear of each other.

Here is the minimal repro (same as the colab):

import jax
from jax import numpy as jp

import mujoco
from mujoco import mjx

# A simple scene with two box geoms, one above the other, and an actuator 
# that can move the top one left and right. They have vertical space between
# each other, so when the top one moves from right to left (negative X-axis
# direction), they should not collide.
# With mujoco, they do not collide (so the assert checks pass), but with MJX, 
# they do collide (so the assert fails)

# note

no_contact = """
<mujoco model="push_block">
    <body name="starting_plane">
      <geom type="box" size=".2 .2 .01" pos="0 0 0"/>

    <body name="gripper_clone" pos="0.2 0 0.1">
      <joint name="conveyor_x" type="slide" damping="10" axis="1 0 0"/>
      <geom size=".002 .03 .01" pos="0 0 0"  type="box" friction=".8"/>

    <position name="conveyor_x" joint="conveyor_x" ctrlrange="-.5 .5" ctrllimited="true" kp="400"/>

no_contact_mj_model = mujoco.MjModel.from_xml_string(no_contact)
no_contact_mj_data = mujoco.MjData(no_contact_mj_model)

mujoco.mj_resetData(no_contact_mj_model, no_contact_mj_data)
duration = 5
while no_contact_mj_data.time < duration:
  no_contact_mj_data.ctrl = [-0.1 * no_contact_mj_data.time]
  mujoco.mj_step(no_contact_mj_model, no_contact_mj_data)

  assert len( == 0

mujoco.mj_resetData(no_contact_mj_model, no_contact_mj_data)
no_contact_mjx_model = mjx.put_model(no_contact_mj_model)
no_contact_mjx_data = mjx.put_data(no_contact_mj_model, no_contact_mj_data)

jit_step = jax.jit(mjx.step)
while no_contact_mjx_data.time < duration:
  no_contact_mjx_data = no_contact_mjx_data.replace(ctrl=jp.array([-0.1 * no_contact_mjx_data.time]))
  no_contact_mjx_data = jit_step(no_contact_mjx_model, no_contact_mjx_data)

  fetched_no_contact_mjx_data = mjx.get_data(no_contact_mj_model, no_contact_mjx_data)
  # this assert fails with a false collision after ~2 seconds of rollout
  assert len( == 0
smurthas commented 1 month ago

This appears to only be present in 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 -- if I explicitly specify version 3.1.3 when pip install-ing, the false collision goes away.

Hopefully this helps narrow down the search space of the bug (especially since it looks like some recent work was done to refactor collision checks and add condim support)!

Also, the original example had condim="1" set for the "starting plane" body, but I removed that and confirmed that the bug is present even without it, so I'm going to remove it from the example above and the colab notebook.

btaba commented 1 month ago

Thanks @smurthas for the bug report, we have a fix that will be pushed out shortly!

smurthas commented 1 month ago


I rolled back to 3.1.3 and have encountered another contact-related issue that is present in MJX in 3.1.3, but NOT present in MJX 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 nor in regular MuJoCo on any of the three versions.

Videos from 3.1.3, comparing MuJoCo and MJX, slowed down 10x:

MuJoCo -- no issue

MJX -- box jumps

Colab repro

Python test case function repro (same as colab code):

import mujoco
from mujoco import mjx
import jax
import mediapy
import numpy as np

block_only = """
<mujoco model="block_only">
    <camera name="side" pos="0. -.8 0.1" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0 1" mode="trackcom"/>

    <body name="starting_plane">
      <geom type="box" size=".2 .2 .01" pos="0.0 0 -.02" rgba=".5 .8 .5 1"/>

    <body name="box" pos="0 0 .03">
      <geom type="box" size="0.04 0.04 0.04" rgba=".8 .8 .5 1"/>


def test_block_only_env_mujoco_vs_mjx():
  # init MuJoCo
  mj_model = mujoco.MjModel.from_xml_string(block_only)
  mj_data = mujoco.MjData(mj_model)
  renderer = mujoco.Renderer(mj_model, width=640, height=480)
  mujoco.mj_resetData(mj_model, mj_data)

  # init MJX from same model and data
  jit_step = jax.jit(mjx.step)
  mjx_model = mjx.put_model(mj_model)
  mjx_data = mjx.put_data(mj_model, mj_data)

  mj_datas = []
  mjx_mj_datas = []
  # step forward to 0.25 seconds
  for _ in range(125):
    # step mujoco
    mujoco.mj_step(mj_model, mj_data)

    # step mjx and fetch data
    mjx_data = jit_step(mjx_model, mjx_data)
    mjx_mj_data = mjx.get_data(mj_model, mjx_data)

  # render videos
  mujoco_frames = []
  mjx_frames = []
  for mj_data, mjx_mj_data in zip(mj_datas, mjx_mj_datas):
    # render MuJoCo
    renderer.update_scene(mj_data, camera="side")

    # render MJX
    renderer.update_scene(mjx_mj_data, camera="side")

  # Display video at a 10x slowdown since it happens quickly
  mediapy.show_video(mujoco_frames, fps=500/10)
  mediapy.show_video(mjx_frames, fps=500/10)

  # assert that the datas match
  for mj_data, mjx_mj_data in zip(mj_datas, mjx_mj_datas):


I realize you are not going to try to fix issues that are no longer present, but I figured an isolated repro might be a useful regression test since the changes that introduced the false collision bug seems to have fixed a previous bug, so as you work to fix the false collision, it might help to ensure you don't inadvertently reintroduce this other bug.

btaba commented 3 weeks ago

Nice, thank you for the clean repros @smurthas . Looks like we're not regressing to this bug, but please let us know if you find any issues!