google-deepmind / mujoco

Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact. A general purpose physics simulator.
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Help with composite objects #1742

Open abhiyanthrik opened 1 week ago

abhiyanthrik commented 1 week ago


I'm a robotics engineer and I'm trying to use MuJoCo to simulate composite materials with the Viper X manipulator from Interbotix. I am fairly new to the MuJoCo simulator and facing some issues. Following are the details-

The idea is to do some pick-and-place kinda actions on deformable objects with simple geometry like spheres and ellipsoids using a manipulator. I am considering "composite objects" to simulate deformable objects. When I bring either the manipulator or the composite object in the simulation, everything goes fine, but when I try to bring both, I get an error saying *Error: mass and inertia of moving bodies must be larger than mjMINVAL* Following is the MJCF structure I am using Master file (simulation.xml) ```XML ``` Manipulator (manipulator.xml) ```XML ``` Composite material (composite.xml) ```XML ```

Here are the screenshots of how things going:

While launching only manipulator standalone-manipulator

while launching only composite object (very small as I am planning for many small objects to pick) standalone-composite

Error when including both in the simulation error

I have tried changing parameters like mass, geoms, type etc. I tried looking in the documentation but was not able to find anything useful.

I hope my query is clear. Hoping to get a solution.

Regards, Rohit

abhiyanthrik commented 2 days ago

Would someone please help me with this? I am not finding a way out of it and confused.

yuvaltassa commented 2 days ago

This is odd. We'll take a look.