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tf_agents version problem #50

Closed Haiyuan-Liu closed 6 months ago

Haiyuan-Liu commented 6 months ago


Thank you for opening source this repo! 👍

I was trying the notebook Minimal_example_for_running_inference_using_RT_1_X_TF_using_tensorflow_datasets.ipynb in the provided colab environment.

I encountered this problem related to module tf_agents:

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
[<ipython-input-12-d25d1bf9a118>](https://localhost:8080/#) in <cell line: 6>()
      4 from PIL import Image
      5 import numpy as np
----> 6 from tf_agents.policies import py_tf_eager_policy
      7 import tf_agents
      8 from tf_agents.trajectories import time_step as ts

8 frames
[/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/](https://localhost:8080/#) in _validate_tf_environment(package)
     57   if (distutils.version.LooseVersion(tf.__version__) <
     58       distutils.version.LooseVersion(required_tensorflow_version)):
---> 59     raise ImportError(
     60         'This version of TensorFlow Probability requires TensorFlow '
     61         'version >= {required}; Detected an installation of version {present}. '

ImportError: This version of TensorFlow Probability requires TensorFlow version >= 2.16; Detected an installation of version 2.15.1. Please upgrade TensorFlow to proceed

To solve this, I tried to uninstall the original tensorflow 2.15.1 and install 2.16, but does not work.

Could you please check this problem! This would be very helpful!

Thank you very much! Best, HY Liu

Haiyuan-Liu commented 6 months ago

This problem can be solved by using lower version of tf-agents: pip install tf-agents==0.18.0 This change does not affect the resting code in the notebook.

Best, HY Liu