Closed relh closed 4 months ago
Hi, it seems both the data and the API have changed. For now, could you use the old ADT json file together with pip install projectaria-tools'[all]'==1.5.1a1
and download with eg: adt_benchmark_dataset_downloader --cdn_file ariajson.json --output_folder ./adt_raw --sequence_names Apartment_release_clean_seq131 -d 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Thanks for reporting this.
After a bit more exploration, it seems that indeed, the new files work as well as the old ones, module the small issue with the paths. Could you confirm if the new files are also working for you after the change from ?
Yeah! I just had to finish downloading the depth maps and rest of the annotations first to fully test. I'm running this command:
python3 -m tapnet.tapvid3d.annotation_generation.generate_adt --adt_base_path /mnt/sda/tapvid/tapnet/tapvid3d_dataset/raw_adt/
I see a few errors/warningswarning:
[RecordReaderInterface][ERROR]: Tag 'metadata' was not found in the VRS file tags
Failed to parse eye gaze vergence file: Extra column "yaw_rads_cpf" in header of file "/mnt/sda/tapvid/tapnet/tapvid3d_dataset/raw_adt/Apartment_release_clean_seq131_M1292/eyegaze.csv".
I've run into this error in an assert comparing the hashes, I'm debugging it now incase it's just because the string/name changed:
File "/mnt/sda/tapvid/tapnet/tapnet/tapvid3d/annotation_generation/", line 116, in main
generate_adt_npz(_ADT_BASE_PATH.value, tmp_adt_dir, _OUTPUT_DIR.value)
File "/mnt/sda/tapvid/tapnet/tapnet/tapvid3d/annotation_generation/", line 95, in generate_adt_npz
File "/mnt/sda/tapvid/tapnet/tapnet/tapvid3d/annotation_generation/", line 439, in process_vid
assert trajectories_hash == in_npz["tracks_XYZ_hash"]
Uncaught exception. Entering post mortem debugging
Running 'cont' or 'step' will restart the program
> /mnt/sda/tapvid/tapnet/tapnet/tapvid3d/annotation_generation/
438 ).hexdigest()
--> 439 assert trajectories_hash == in_npz["tracks_XYZ_hash"]
ipdb> trajectories_hash
ipdb> in_npz["tracks_XYZ_hash"]
array('a2f0766185dc875a7c661dce1713594a', dtype='<U32')
The hashes aren't the same but the visibilities are, so it might be the same data. Currently still checking.
[MpsDataPathsProvider][WARNING]: Hand tracking folder (/mnt/sda/tapvid/tapnet/tapvid3d_dataset/raw_adt/Apartment_release_clean_seq131_M1292/mps/hand_tracking) does not exist in MPS root folder, not loading wrist and palm poses. 14:46:08 [42/9583]
[MultiRecordFileReader][DEBUG]: Opened file '/mnt/sda/tapvid/tapnet/tapvid3d_dataset/raw_adt/Apartment_release_clean_seq131_M1292/video.vrs' and assigned to reader #0
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 211-1/camera-et activated [VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 214-1/camera-rgb activated [VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 247-1/baro0 activated
[VrsDataProvider][WARNING]: Unsupported TimeSync mode: APP, ignoring.
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: Timecode stream found: 285-2
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 1201-1/camera-slam-left activated
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 1201-2/camera-slam-right activated
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 1202-1/imu-right activated
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 1202-2/imu-left activated
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 1203-1/mag0 activated
[AriaDigitalTwinDataProvider][INFO]: loading instance info from json file /mnt/sda/tapvid/tapnet/tapvid3d_dataset/raw_adt/Apartment_release_clean_seq131_M1292/instances.json
Loaded #closed loop trajectory poses records: 2880
[MultiRecordFileReader][DEBUG]: Opened file '/mnt/sda/tapvid/tapnet/tapvid3d_dataset/raw_adt/Apartment_release_clean_seq131_M1292/segmentations.vrs' and assigned to reader #0
[StreamIdLabelMapper][WARNING]: stream id 400-1 not found in Aria Device Model. You will not be able to get the label of this stream.
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 400-1/NA activated
[StreamIdLabelMapper][WARNING]: stream id 400-2 not found in Aria Device Model. You will not be able to get the label of this stream.
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 400-2/NA activated
[StreamIdLabelMapper][WARNING]: stream id 400-3 not found in Aria Device Model. You will not be able to get the label of this stream.
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 400-3/NA activated
[VrsDataProvider][WARNING]: VRS file does not contain calib_json field in VRS tags.
[RecordReaderInterface][ERROR]: Tag 'metadata' was not found in the VRS file tags
[MultiRecordFileReader][DEBUG]: Opened file '/mnt/sda/tapvid/tapnet/tapvid3d_dataset/raw_adt/Apartment_release_clean_seq131_M1292/depth_images.vrs' and assigned to reader #0
[StreamIdLabelMapper][WARNING]: stream id 345-1 not found in Aria Device Model. You will not be able to get the label of this stream.
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 345-1/NA activated
[StreamIdLabelMapper][WARNING]: stream id 345-2 not found in Aria Device Model. You will not be able to get the label of this stream.
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 345-2/NA activated
[StreamIdLabelMapper][WARNING]: stream id 345-3 not found in Aria Device Model. You will not be able to get the label of this stream.
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 345-3/NA activated
[VrsDataProvider][WARNING]: VRS file does not contain calib_json field in VRS tags.
[RecordReaderInterface][ERROR]: Tag 'metadata' was not found in the VRS file tags
[RecordFileReader][DEBUG]: Reading TagsRecord for RGB Camera Class #1
[TagsRecord][DEBUG]: Read 7 VRS tags and 5 user tags for RGB Camera Class #1
[RecordFileReader][DEBUG]: Reading TagsRecord for Camera Data (SLAM) #1
[TagsRecord][DEBUG]: Read 7 VRS tags and 5 user tags for Camera Data (SLAM) #1
[RecordFileReader][DEBUG]: Reading TagsRecord for Camera Data (SLAM) #2
[TagsRecord][DEBUG]: Read 7 VRS tags and 5 user tags for Camera Data (SLAM) #2
[RecordFileReader][DEBUG]: Reading TagsRecord for IMU Data (SLAM) #1
[TagsRecord][DEBUG]: Read 7 VRS tags and 5 user tags for IMU Data (SLAM) #1
[RecordFileReader][DEBUG]: Deleted 4 TagsRecords from the index.
[MultiRecordFileReader][DEBUG]: Opened file '/mnt/sda/tapvid/tapnet/tapvid3d_dataset/raw_adt/Apartment_release_clean_seq131_M1292/synthetic_video.vrs' and assigned to reader #0
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 214-1/camera-rgb activated
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 1201-1/camera-slam-left activated
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 1201-2/camera-slam-right activated
[VrsDataProvider][INFO]: streamId 1202-1/imu-right activated
[DeviceCadExtrinsics][WARNING]: No CAD available for simulated device
[RecordReaderInterface][ERROR]: Tag 'metadata' was not found in the VRS file tags
[AriaDigitalTwinDataProvider][INFO]: skip loading skeletonMetaDataFilePath because the data path is empty
[AriaDigitalTwinDataProvider][INFO]: skip loading skeletonsFilePaths because the data path is empty
Failed to parse eye gaze vergence file: Extra column "yaw_rads_cpf" in header of file "/mnt/sda/tapvid/tapnet/tapvid3d_dataset/raw_adt/Apartment_release_clean_seq131_M1292/eyegaze.csv".
Loaded #EyeGazes: 3526
It seems like there might be some changes in the data/streams? I'm still not sure. Going to poke around a little bit more. I tried changing up the endianness and hashing again but couldn't get them to agree.
The hashing functionality was added a bit last minute and it's not fully tested. If you could disable this for the moment and record the examples where the hashing differs, and then share those files with me, I can debug further. Thanks!
a58ad5052af6f55d49c1cde0d824a91 | 1/9 [00:38<05:06, 38.30s/it]
78%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▋ | 7/9 [04:05<01:11, 35.80s/it]
It seems a mix of like 50% or more of the hashes agreeing and remaining not. I'm still generating the annotations as had to add a try/continue because 2-3 of the 200+ ADT depth maps/segmentations couldn't be downloaded from the explorer project aria page.
Once it's done I'll check if the non-hashing ones still visually look good.. but probably something weird at play? Given its like 50/50 I wonder if it's something like rounding or who knows what.
I tried hashing a bunch of other transforms just incase but the original one in the adt_utils is the only one that's at least 50/50 correct in hashes:
scales = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000]
signs = [-1, 1]
data_types = [np.int32, np.int64]
use_absolute = [True, False]
endianesses = ['<', '>']
axes_permutations = itertools.permutations([0, 1, 2])
for scale in scales:
for data_type in data_types:
for endian in endianesses:
for abs_val in use_absolute:
for signs_combination in itertools.product(signs, repeat=3):
for permutation in axes_permutations:
Hi, I was able to redownload the whole ADT raw data with aria_dataset_downloader --cdn_file Aria_Digital_Twin_1720774989.json -o ./adt_raw -d 0 6 7 8
without issues.
I'm regenerating the all the npz's with these freshly downloaded ADT dataset, but so far all hashes are matching, so I couldn't reproduce your issue. Could you please share some of the npz's you generated which have non-matching hashes so I can take a closer look?
Thanks, Ignacio
Hi @relh, I've updated the codebase and base npz files to handle the ADTv2 version. This should be fixed now. Sorry for this issue and thanks for your patience.
Thanks! I think the hashing issue was unrelated. It is probably a versioning issue on my side.
I've recreated my python env from scratch and followed the instructions here:
I've then run the
All of my visibilities match, but only about 50% of my hashes match. I don't know what the problem is but if the trajectories look bad I'll update this or make a new issue as a sign post for other people. Thanks!
I can send you a .npz file if you want but luckily it seems to be a me problem and not a v2 of ADT integration problem :).
Hey Richard, please do send me a few npz with non-matching hashes and I'll take a look. If you can post a link here to GDrive/Dropbox/other that'd be great.
Sure thing! Here's one:
-- hashes --- | 0/9 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
This was my print-out for it. One hash is the computed, other is from the npz
Here is another one incase having 2 helps:
Ok, that was helpful. It seems that computation errors produce some +-1 differences when rounding the tracks to ints in millimeters. I'll switch to using means for both tracks and visibilities shortly.
I've already uploaded new rc3 npz files with this field, and the code update will follow shortly, in case you want to double check the files you generated.
As an extra note, I also realized that the sequence "Apartment_release_work_skeleton_seq136" had some corrupt depth/segmentation files in ADT-v1, which resulted in new npz files for that sequence only. You might need to regenerate these.
Wow good bug hunting! Thanks for investigating.
I also found maybe 1 sequence that broke the visibilities assert, it might be enough to change the threshold from 1e-5 to 1e-4, but I didn't check.
To download the Project Aria digital twin data now you need to get a CDN JSON from a different address than the TapVid 3D README links to (see I would PR an update to the README to point to this new page but there's still a bug.
The new sequences from
have changed the sequence names from the annotations for TapVid 3D.If you run this command:
python3 -m tapnet.tapvid3d.annotation_generation.generate_adt --adt_base_path /mnt/sda/tapvid/tapnet/tapvid3d_dataset/raw_adt/
You see an error like this:
[AriaDigitalTwinDataPathsProvider][ERROR]: sequence path does not exist: /mnt/sda/tapvid/tapnet/tapvid3d_dataset/raw_adt/Apartment_release_clean_seq131
This is because the new project aria sequences have names like
where they have this additionalM1292
tacked on. So the video folders no longer line up with the annotation numpy names:This all fails in the
file, where its loading sequence names that don't exist. If I fix this I'll PR it, it might be as simple as pre-processing the ARIA data back to the name convention that the annotations use.