In which task and step of the codelab can this issue be found?
The mistake is in the opening paragraph.
Describe the problem
The app title and description don't match. The app should be called "Compose Article", but the first paragraph calls it "the Learn Together app".
URL of codelab*5p5mpf*_up*MQ..*_ga*OTE3OTcyNzMuMTczMTU1NTE2OQ..*_ga_6HH9YJMN9M**1ax7101*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTk0NTIzMTIyOC4xNzMyMDAzOTQ2*_ga_6HH9YJMN9M*MTczMjAwMzk0NS4xLjAuMTczMjAwMzk0NS4wLjAuMTMyMzgxNjg0Mg..#1
In which task and step of the codelab can this issue be found? The mistake is in the opening paragraph.
Describe the problem The app title and description don't match. The app should be called "Compose Article", but the first paragraph calls it "the Learn Together app".
Steps to reproduce?
Additional information