google-developer-training / basic-android-kotlin-compose-training-mars-photos

Solution code for Android Basics in Kotlin course
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Is it possible to get data from MarsUiState.Success in different Screens without load/call it again and again? #137

Open petrospap opened 3 months ago

petrospap commented 3 months ago

Hello, I am sorry for those rookie questions, I want to say that this is not an issue, so is OK if you ignore or delete this post. :)

I am totally new to Android studio/Kotlin, and some (plain and easy) issues that I have is extremely difficult to find solution. Taking this course (and many others), I try to use data (Object) from MarsUiState.Success in another Screen/Fragment WITHOUT to load/call it again and again.

An example how to use it now, in MarsPhotosApp

fun Navigation(navController: NavHostController) {
    // load once
    val marsViewModel: MarsViewModel = viewModel(factory = MarsViewModel.Factory)

        startDestination = Screens.Home.route,
    ) {
        composable(Screens.Home.route) {
        // Dont call marsViewModel here, duplicates on Screens.Map
            // val marsViewModel: MarsViewModel = viewModel(factory = MarsViewModel.Factory)
                marsUiState = marsViewModel.marsUiState,
                retryAction = marsViewModel::getMarsPhotos,
                //contentPadding = it
        composable(Screens.Map.route) {
            // How to get different data aka moonPhotos? Build a new model?
            // val marsViewModel: MarsViewModel = viewModel(factory = MarsViewModel.Factory)

                marsUiState = marsViewModel.marsUiState,
                retryAction = marsViewModel::getMarsPhotos,
                photoId = "0"
        composable(Screens.About.route) {


The photo data does not change, so there no reason to call again and again when (marsUiState) on every Screen/Fragment

Ideal (for me) is to ran in MainActivity

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        setContent {
            MarsPhotosTheme {
                    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
                ) {
                    val marsViewModel: MarsViewModel = viewModel(factory = MarsViewModel.Factory)
                              marsUiState = marsViewModel.marsUiState,
                              retryAction = marsViewModel::getMarsPhotos,

    fun StartApp(
    marsUiState: MarsUiState,
        retryAction: () -> Unit,
        modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
        // contentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(0.dp),
    ) {
          when (marsUiState) {
              is MarsUiState.Loading -> LoadingScreen(modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize())
              is MarsUiState.Success -> runApp(
                  modifier = modifier.fillMaxWidth()
              is MarsUiState.Error -> ErrorScreen(modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize())

    private fun runApp(
        photos: List<MarsPhoto>,
        // Start mainApp, navigation, etc
        // how to get photos in other Screens without call again marsUiState
        // photos already loaded!
        Log.d("PHOTOS", photos.toString())

Any idea how to to get photos in other Screens without call again marsUiState Thank you!

PS: In Add repository and Manual DI

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