google-developer-training / basic-android-kotlin-compose-training-mars-photos

Solution code for Android Basics in Kotlin course
Apache License 2.0
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Load and Display Images from the Internet #91

Open mrwilliams opened 9 months ago

mrwilliams commented 9 months ago

URL of codelab:

Specify the language of the codelab if it is not English: In which task and step of the codelab can this issue be found?

  1. Display a grid of images with a LazyVerticalGrid

Describe the problem

The text below states that the min size will be 128.dp in the code but shows a min size of 150.dp in the example:

The following example code displays items in a grid, using GridCells.Adaptive to set each column to be at least 128.dp wide:

// Sample code - No need to copy over

@Composable fun PhotoGrid(photos: List) { LazyVerticalGrid( columns = GridCells.Adaptive(minSize = 150.dp) ) { items(photos) { photo -> PhotoItem(photo) } } }

Steps to reproduce?

  1. Go to...
  2. Click on...
  3. See error...

Versions Android Studio version: API version of the emulator:

Additional information Include screenshots if they would be useful in clarifying the problem.