google-map-react / old-examples

Examples for google-map-react component.
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Use react-redux in place of redux/react #6

Open yomolify opened 8 years ago

yomolify commented 8 years ago

Hi istarkov, Thank you for the amazing work on google-map-react. It has been a great help and learning experience going through the source code of the same. I noticed that the version of redux used is 0.11.1 in the examples, do you plan on updating the examples to use react-redux v4.0.0 since react bindings for redux officially moved to react-redux after v1.0.0-rc (

istarkov commented 8 years ago

With high probability there will be no flux framework at all in next example versions. (Because I almost stop using flux in my current projects)

Right now I write another examples showing how to use map with Large GeoJSON databases (vector tiles, svg drawing), and just use recompose library.

yomolify commented 8 years ago

That sounds wonderful! It would make this project even closer to idiomatic react. By when do you anticipate updating the examples?

istarkov commented 8 years ago

You are like my boss, he asks me same questions everyday :-) So the answer is - "As Soon As Possible" (or I don't know :-))

yomolify commented 8 years ago

Thank you for the update! I will keep checking back often looking for additional developments. Keep up the good work :)

mlucool commented 8 years ago

Hi, I am just wondering why the move away from Flux?

istarkov commented 8 years ago

It's not a good idea to externalize all the state. There is a small amount of state which needs to be moved to some global place like flux store, but all other state is just local and nothing more. It is the same why 99% variables we use is local, let's move them to global store :-)

Also all that fine tools like time machine, redux dev tools are cool with counter app but IMHO unusable in real projects with hundreds of components and enormous amount of state.

So I use and love redux but for small part of state. For all other things I use local components state.

And I think that in examples there is no need to place additional flux code at all.