google-map-react / old-examples

Examples for google-map-react component.
357 stars 314 forks source link

error when running hot-dev-server #7

Closed joostaafjes closed 8 years ago

joostaafjes commented 8 years ago

Hi Istarkov,

Thanks very much for the work, the examples looks really nice so I might wanna use them but when running the example locally I get an error when running the hot-dev-server. Do you have an idea what this can be? See below for the trace. I have tried both on OSX 10.10.5 and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Node version: 4.2.2 (and 5.0.0 on Ubuntu) Npm version: 2.14.7 (and 3.3.6 on Ubuntu)



vagrant@precise64:~/google-map-react-examples$ npm run hot-dev-server

google-map-react-examples@0.3.0 hot-dev-server /home/vagrant/google-map-react-examples npm run clean;webpack-dev-server --config webpack-hot-dev-server.config.js --hot --progress

google-map-react-examples@0.3.0 clean /home/vagrant/google-map-react-examples rm -f ./build/stats.json;ls -d -1 ./build/public/* | xargs rm -rf;ls -d -1 ./build/prerender/* | xargs rm -rf;cp -r ./web/assets ./build/public/assets

ls: cannot access ./build/public/: No such file or directory ls: cannot access ./build/prerender/: No such file or directory 70% 1/1 build moduleshttp:// webpack result is served from content is served from /home/vagrant/google-map-react-examples Hash: 26aaf3b87b2690f7529e
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WARNING in ./~/google-map-react/lib/google_map.js Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'react-dom' in /home/vagrant/google-map-react-examples/node_modules/google-map-react/lib @ ./~/google-map-react/lib/google_map.js 82:15-35

ERROR in libsass bindings not found. Try reinstalling node-sass? @ ./web/sass/app.sass 4:14-563 11:1-15:3 12:19-568 webpack: bundle is now VALID.

istarkov commented 8 years ago

Looks like some libs does not work with node > 4, Must work with node ^2

joostaafjes commented 8 years ago

Thx for the quick reply. I downgraded node to 0.12.7 and reinstalled all modules. Now the sass error is gone but I still got this warning: WARNING in ./~/google-map-react/lib/google_map.js Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'react-dom' in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/react/40-map/15-google-map-react-examples/node_modules/google-map-react/lib @ ./~/google-map-react/lib/google_map.js 82:15-35

And when I open localhost:3000, I don't see a blank screen anymore but the maps don't appear yet.

Any idea? Which node version are you using?

istarkov commented 8 years ago


run browser and type http://localhost:3000/map/main
joostaafjes commented 8 years ago

That's it. Thx very much!!!

istarkov commented 8 years ago


istarkov commented 8 years ago

I just have the same issue in other library :-) It's so funny :-)