Closed cookii-king closed 7 months ago
Ok I think I found a work around if anyone else is struggling.
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: Builder(builder: (context) {
if (googlePayConfig == null) {
return Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(
color: white,
Map<String, dynamic> convertValuesToString(Map<String, dynamic> originalMap) {
Map<String, dynamic> newMap = {};
originalMap.forEach((key, value) {
if (value is Map<String, dynamic>) {
// If the value is a nested map, recursively process it
newMap[key] = convertValuesToString(value);
} else if (value is String) {
// Check if the string is actually a JSON string
try {
// Attempt to decode the JSON string
final decodedValue = jsonDecode(value);
// If decoding is successful, use the decoded value (which could be a Map or a List)
newMap[key] = decodedValue;
} catch (e) {
// If decoding fails, it's not a JSON string, so just convert the value to a string
newMap[key] = value;
} else {
// For all other non-Map values, convert the value to a string
newMap[key] = value.toString();
return newMap;
void onPaymentResult(Map<String, dynamic> result) {
Map<String, dynamic> processedResult = convertValuesToString(result);
processedResult.forEach((key, value) {
print('$key: $value');
// Now you can access the token as a Map<String, dynamic> or List<dynamic>
var token = processedResult["paymentMethodData"]["tokenizationData"]["token"];
if (token is Map<String, dynamic> || token is List<dynamic>) {
log('Token is a Map<String, dynamic> or List<dynamic>: $token');
// log(token["androidPayCards"][0]["nonce"].toString());
String paymentMethodNonce = token["androidPayCards"][0]["nonce"];
wallet.createPaymentMethod(FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser?.uid ?? "", paymentMethodNonce);
} else {
print('Token is not a Map<String, dynamic> or List<dynamic>: $token');
// Map<String, String> remapKeysToString(Map<String, dynamic> originalMap) {
// Map<String, String> newMap = {};
// void traverseMap(Map<String, dynamic> map, String prefix) {
// map.forEach((key, value) {
// String newKey = prefix.isEmpty ? key : '$prefix.$key';
// if (value is Map<String, dynamic>) {
// // If the value is a nested map, recursively traverse it
// traverseMap(value, newKey);
// } else {
// // Otherwise, add the key-value pair to the new map, converting the value to a string
// newMap[newKey] = value.toString();
// }
// });
// }
// traverseMap(originalMap, ''); // Start with an empty prefix
// return newMap;
// }
// Map<String, dynamic> convertValuesToString(Map<String, dynamic> originalMap) {
// Map<String, dynamic> newMap = {};
// originalMap.forEach((key, value) {
// if (value is Map<String, dynamic>) {
// // If the value is a nested map, recursively process it
// newMap[key] = convertValuesToString(value);
// } else {
// // Otherwise, convert the value to a string
// newMap[key] = value.toString();
// }
// });
// return newMap;
// }
return Row(
children: [
child: GooglePayButton(
height: 60,
paymentConfiguration: googlePayConfig!,
onPaymentResult: onPaymentResult,
// onPaymentResult: (Map<String, dynamic> result) async {
// // Map<String, String> flattenedMap = remapKeysToString(result);
// // flattenedMap.forEach((key, value) {
// // print('$key: $value');
// // });
// Map<String, dynamic> processedResult = convertValuesToString(result);
// processedResult.forEach((key, value) {
// print('$key: $value');
// });
// // Map<String, dynamic> token = processedResult["paymentMethodData"]["tokenizationData"]["token"];
// // log(token.toString());
// // var token = processedResult["paymentMethodData"]["tokenizationData"]["token"];
// // if (token is Map<String, dynamic>) {
// // print('Token is a Map<String, dynamic>: $token');
// // } else {
// // print('Token is not a Map<String, dynamic>: $token');
// // }
// var token = processedResult["paymentMethodData"]["tokenizationData"]["token"];
// if (token is Map<String, dynamic> || token is List<dynamic>) {
// log('Token is a Map<String, dynamic> or List<dynamic>: $token');
// } else {
// print('Token is not a Map<String, dynamic> or List<dynamic>: $token');
// }
// // log(result.toString());
// // Map<String, dynamic> map = {};
// // result.keys.forEach((key) {
// // // log(key);
// // });
// // result.values.forEach((value) {
// // if (value is Map<String, dynamic>) {
// // Map<String, dynamic> _map = value;
// // // log(value.toString());
// // _map.keys.forEach((_key) {
// // // log(_key);
// // });
// // _map.values.forEach((_value) {
// // if (_value is Map<String, dynamic>) {
// // // log(_value.toString());
// // _value.keys.forEach((__key) {
// // // log(__key);
// // });
// // _value.values.forEach((__value) {
// // // __value.
// // log(__value);
// // // map = jsonDecode(__value);
// // // log(__value.toString());
// // // log(jsonDecode(__value));
// // if (__value is String) {
// // try {
// // // Attempt to decode the JSON string to a Map.
// // map = jsonDecode(__value);
// // log(map["androidPayCards"]);
// // print(map);
// // } catch (e) {
// // // If decoding fails, handle the error (e.g., log it).
// // print('Error decoding JSON: $e');
// // }
// // }
// // if (__value is Map<String, dynamic>) {
// // __value.keys.forEach((___key) {
// // log(___key);
// // });
// // // __value.
// // // map = __value;
// // // log(__value.toString());
// // // log(map["androidPayCards"][0]["nonce"].toString());
// // }
// // });
// // }
// // });
// // }
// // });
// },
paymentItems: [
label: 'Total',
amount: double.tryParse(depositAmount.toString())!.toStringAsFixed(2),
status: PaymentItemStatus.final_price,
Don't mind the comments I was debugging.
I/FA (18120): Application backgrounded at: timestamp_millis: 1714220576475 I/flutter (18120): Error decoding JSON: type 'int' is not a subtype of type 'Map<String, dynamic>' [log] 5684 [log] MASTERCARD [log] PAYMENT_GATEWAY I/flutter (18120): Error decoding JSON: FormatException: Unexpected character (at character 1) I/flutter (18120): MASTERCARD I/flutter (18120): ^ I/flutter (18120): Error decoding JSON: type 'List' is not a subtype of type 'String'
I/flutter (18120): Error decoding JSON: FormatException: Unexpected character (at character 1)
I/flutter (18120): PAYMENT_GATEWAY
I/flutter (18120): ^
[log] {"androidPayCards":[{"type":"AndroidPayCard","nonce":"","description":"Android Pay","consumed":false,"threeDSecureInfo":null,"details":{"bin":"","cardType":"MasterCard","isNetworkTokenized":false,"lastTwo":"84","lastFour":"***"},"binData":{"prepaid":"Unknown","healthcare":"Unknown","debit":"Unknown","durbinRegulated":"Unknown","commercial":"Unknown","payroll":"Unknown","issuingBank":"Unknown","countryOfIssuance":"Unknown","productId":"Unknown"}}]}
`[log] {apiVersion: 2, apiVersionMinor: 0, paymentMethodData: {description: Mastercard •••• , info: {cardDetails: , cardNetwork: MASTERCARD}, tokenizationData: {token: {"androidPayCards":[{"type":"AndroidPayCard","nonce":"","description":"Android Pay","consumed":false,"threeDSecureInfo":null,"details":{"bin":"","cardType":"MasterCard","isNetworkTokenized":false,"lastTwo":"**","lastFour":"***"},"binData":{"prepaid":"Unknown","healthcare":"Unknown","debit":"Unknown","durbinRegulated":"Unknown","commercial":"Unknown","payroll":"Unknown","issuingBank":"Unknown","countryOfIssuance":"Unknown","productId":"Unknown"}}]}, type: PAYMENT_GATEWAY}, type: CARD}}
error seems to happen with description Mastercard •••• *** because its not string
Am I missing something because I'm trying to pass the nonce to Braintree so that I can create a payment method