Objectron is a dataset of short, object-centric video clips. In addition, the videos also contain AR session metadata including camera poses, sparse point-clouds and planes. In each video, the camera moves around and above the object and captures it from different views. Each object is annotated with a 3D bounding box. The 3D bounding box describes the object’s position, orientation, and dimensions. The dataset contains about 15K annotated video clips and 4M annotated images in the following categories: bikes, books, bottles, cameras, cereal boxes, chairs, cups, laptops, and shoes
I download videos/bike/batch-10/3/video.MOV to see what the data would be like.
However, there are seemingly random masks keep appearing in the video. Cannot quite get what is this for, is it for augmentation or something?
Thanks for reporting this.
We ran a privacy filter on the bike data to blur all the faces & license plates. Sometime the filter does not work as expected and blurs too much. I will fix these.
I download videos/bike/batch-10/3/video.MOV to see what the data would be like. However, there are seemingly random masks keep appearing in the video. Cannot quite get what is this for, is it for augmentation or something?