google-research-datasets / Objectron

Objectron is a dataset of short, object-centric video clips. In addition, the videos also contain AR session metadata including camera poses, sparse point-clouds and planes. In each video, the camera moves around and above the object and captures it from different views. Each object is annotated with a 3D bounding box. The 3D bounding box describes the object’s position, orientation, and dimensions. The dataset contains about 15K annotated video clips and 4M annotated images in the following categories: bikes, books, bottles, cameras, cereal boxes, chairs, cups, laptops, and shoes
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how to evaluate symmetric objects? #26

Open FANzhaoxin666 opened 3 years ago

FANzhaoxin666 commented 3 years ago

hi!i have trained a model on bottle! However, i find that it seems that is no evaluation codes about computing iou for such kinds of symmetric objects as described in the paper. Could please share how to evaluate symmetric objects in detail?

lzhang57 commented 3 years ago


You can add the below code snippets to to evaluate symmetric objects.

It first rotates the ground truth box along its vertical axis from 0~360 degrees, pick the rotated box which has the largest IoU with the predicted box, and use that rotated box to compute the eval metrics instead of the original ground truth.

def _get_rotated_box(box_point_3d, angle):
  """Rotate a box along its vertical axis.
    box: Input box.
    angle: Rotation angle in rad.
    A rotated box
  CENTER = 0
  up_vector = box_point_3d[BACK_TOP_LEFT] - box_point_3d[BACK_BOTTOM_LEFT]
  rot_vec = angle * up_vector / np.linalg.norm(up_vector)
  rotation = rotation_util.from_rotvec(rot_vec).as_dcm()
  box_center = box_point_3d[CENTER]
  box_point_3d_rotated = np.matmul((box_point_3d - box_center), rotation) + box_center
  return box_point_3d_rotated

def evaluate_3d(self, box_point_3d, instance, N=100):
  """Evaluates a box in 3D.
  It computes metrics of view angle and 3D IoU.
    box: A predicted box.
    instance: A 9*3 array of an annotated box, in metric level.
    The 3D IoU (float)
  result = (None, None, 0.0)
  for angle in np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, N):
    box_point_3d_rotated = self._get_rotated_box(box_point_3d, angle)
    azimuth_error, polar_error = self.evaluate_viewpoint(box_point_3d_rotated,
    iou = self.evaluate_iou(box_point_3d_rotated, instance)
    if iou > result[-1]:
      result = (azimuth_error, polar_error, iou)
  return result
FANzhaoxin666 commented 3 years ago


You can add the below code snippets to to evaluate symmetric objects.

It first rotates the ground truth box along its vertical axis from 0~360 degrees, pick the rotated box which has the largest IoU with the predicted box, and use that rotated box to compute the eval metrics instead of the original ground truth.

def _get_rotated_box(box_point_3d, angle):
  """Rotate a box along its vertical axis.
    box: Input box.
    angle: Rotation angle in rad.
    A rotated box
  CENTER = 0
  up_vector = box_point_3d[BACK_TOP_LEFT] - box_point_3d[BACK_BOTTOM_LEFT]
  rot_vec = angle * up_vector / np.linalg.norm(up_vector)
  rotation = rotation_util.from_rotvec(rot_vec).as_dcm()
  box_center = box_point_3d[CENTER]
  box_point_3d_rotated = np.matmul((box_point_3d - box_center), rotation) + box_center
  return box_point_3d_rotated

def evaluate_3d(self, box_point_3d, instance, N=100):
  """Evaluates a box in 3D.
  It computes metrics of view angle and 3D IoU.
    box: A predicted box.
    instance: A 9*3 array of an annotated box, in metric level.
    The 3D IoU (float)
  result = (None, None, 0.0)
  for angle in np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, N):
    box_point_3d_rotated = self._get_rotated_box(box_point_3d, angle)
    azimuth_error, polar_error = self.evaluate_viewpoint(box_point_3d_rotated,
    iou = self.evaluate_iou(box_point_3d_rotated, instance)
    if iou > result[-1]:
      result = (azimuth_error, polar_error, iou)
  return result
