Faithfulness and factuality annotations of XSum summaries from our paper "On Faithfulness and Factuality in Abstractive Summarization" (
In the eval_scores_xsum_summaries data there are many instances called either "bert_withckpt" or "bert_nockpt" followed by a bbcid. These model names does not appear in the other datasets. This is currently preventing me from using your scores in a project, as I can't reliably map the scores back to the summary-article pair .
Hi there,
In the eval_scores_xsum_summaries data there are many instances called either "bert_withckpt" or "bert_nockpt" followed by a bbcid. These model names does not appear in the other datasets. This is currently preventing me from using your scores in a project, as I can't reliably map the scores back to the summary-article pair .
Am I missing something, or is this a mistake? :)