xxx means 'xxx' can be part of an unknown single word, for example, a person name 'Hypatia', can be split into pieces 'h', '##yp', '##ati', '##a', you can check that '##yp', '##ati' and '##a' are contained in the vocabulary file.
Same for numbers.
I think this vocabulary is not cover-all, and I do not know which one can cover all.
Dear friends,
1. Many ##xxx in vocab.txt, for an example:
My question is: we have "at" in vocab.txt, why needs "##at" ? what does "##at" mean here ?
2. Many numbers are there in vocab.txt, for an example:
My question is: digit numbers are unlimited, is it reasonable putting them into vocab.txt?
3. Some common word missing in vocab, for an example: Word "fax" does not exists in uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt,
Thanks your answer in advance.