google-research / bigbird

Transformers for Longer Sequences
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Why is BigBird Pegasus/Pegasus Repeating the Same Sentence for Summarization? #29

Open Kevin-Patyk opened 2 years ago

Kevin-Patyk commented 2 years ago


BigBird Pegaus, when creating summaries of text, is repeating the same sentence over and over. I have tried using text on the Hugging Face model hub and there is an issue posted on Stack Overflow ( Additionally, below are some images from the Hugging Face hub.


I am doing text summarization for my thesis and I am not sure why this is happening, but apparently it has been an issue for 6 months. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

Thank you.

phamkhactu commented 2 years ago

Hello @Kevin-Patyk Do you need to preprocess text inputs before tokenizer??? I test by adding text input into tokenizer, and summary, but output not good, maybe need preprocess input text before summarization

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/bigbird-pegasus-large-arxiv")
model = BigBirdPegasusForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("google/bigbird-pegasus-large-arxiv", attention_type="original_full")

model =
inputs = tokenizer(text_ip, return_tensors='pt', truncation=True).to(device)
prediction = model.generate(**inputs) #max_length output is 256
prediction = tokenizer.batch_decode(prediction)

Here is outputs:

['<s> the problem of machine learning is to find a way to learn from data.<n> this paper studies the problem of finding a way to learn a way to learn a way to learn a way to learn a way to learn.<n> we study the problem of finding a way to learn a way to learn a way to learn.<n> we study the problem of finding a way to learn a way to learn a way to learn.<n> we study the problem of finding a way to learn a way to learn a way to learn.<n> we study the problem of finding a way to learn a way to learn.<n> we study the problem of finding a way to learn a way to learn.<n> we study the problem of finding a way to learn a way to learn.<n> we study the problem of finding a way to learn a way to learn.<n> we study the problem of finding a way to learn a way to learn.<n> we study the problem of finding a way to learn a way to learn.<n> we study the problem of finding a way to learn a way to learn.<n> we study the problem of finding a way to learn a way to learn.<n> we study the problem of finding a way to']