google-research / kubric

A data generation pipeline for creating semi-realistic synthetic multi-object videos with rich annotations such as instance segmentation masks, depth maps, and optical flow.
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Some data fields not available in publicly released MOVi dataset #270

Open chaitanya100100 opened 1 year ago

chaitanya100100 commented 1 year ago

I am trying to access publicly released MOVi-B dataset. But some data fields are not available. I did the following:

ds, ds_info = tfds.load("movi_b", data_dir="gs://kubric-public/tfds", with_info=True)
train_iter = iter(tfds.as_numpy(ds["train"]))
example = next(train_iter)

The output is:

dict_keys(['background_color', 'backward_flow', 'camera', 'depth', 'events', 'forward_flow', 'instances', 'metadata', 'normal', 'object_coordinates', 'segmentations', 'video'])

dict_keys(['angular_velocities', 'bbox_frames', 'bboxes', 'bboxes_3d', 'color', 'friction', 'image_positions', 'mass', 'material_label', 'positions', 'quaternions', 'restitution', 'shape_label', 'velocities', 'visibility'])

dict_keys(['backward_flow_range', 'depth_range', 'forward_flow_range', 'height', 'num_frames', 'num_instances', 'video_name', 'width'])

I wanted to access example['instances']['size_label'] but it is not available.

Can you please update the public dataset?

chaitanya100100 commented 1 year ago

An update: it should have 'scale' parameter, not 'size_label' . It's not available in the publically available version.