A data generation pipeline for creating semi-realistic synthetic multi-object videos with rich annotations such as instance segmentation masks, depth maps, and optical flow.
Hi, when I use the Kubric(Movi-E), I find the number of the train set is about 9750, the validation set is about 250 and the test set is about 999, which is different with the number 38,325/799 for train/validation in paper "TAP-Vid: A Benchmark for Tracking Any Point in a Video ".
Probably the number 38,325 contains movi-c,d,e,f because all of them are generated from Kubric. And the numbers for TAP-Vid-RGB-Stacking contains movi-a,b.
Hi, when I use the Kubric(Movi-E), I find the number of the train set is about 9750, the validation set is about 250 and the test set is about 999, which is different with the number 38,325/799 for train/validation in paper "TAP-Vid: A Benchmark for Tracking Any Point in a Video ".