google-research / parti

Apache License 2.0
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amazing work ! but when to release the code and pretrain model! #3

Open linhanxiao opened 2 years ago

linhanxiao commented 2 years ago

amazing work ! but when to release the code and pretrain model, I believe this work will have a great impact @lmthang

linhanxiao commented 2 years ago

can you answer this question @gunjanbaid

redstonedash commented 2 years ago


ParisNeo commented 2 years ago

Dall-e took sometime to release a demo available on line and we had to wait in line. I guess Google should make sure that Parti comply with their policy before opening it to the world. This tool is wonderful and I have many ideas of what we can use it for to help supporting many artistic fields. For example, I have already used Dall-E to generate some assets of an application I've built for a project and the creative process is really nice. You can see the idea forming and being enhanced through the prompt updates. Dall-E still struggles with generating text. I hope Parti can do better. People can also generate art and even get creative to build real objects out of an Idea they give the AI. For example, I used Dall-E to create an original bread in the shape of a cat eating crockets. The generated image can eazily be converted to real creation by a baker. And these are just few Ideas out of the loads of stuff you can do with this technology. Ofcourse the most obvious thing is to generate memes and NFTs.

But in the wrong hands, it can be miss used and the implications may be severe. So, better wait that all risks are mitigated before releasing it. Dall-e for example is blocked from generating celebrity photos and sexual content etc..

I think some adversarial attacks tests should be performed to ensure the safety of the tool. Also, they can create a shielding neural network that analyzes the promt to make use it dosn't violate their policy. They may also clean up the database used to train the networks to ensure it never sees bad stuff etc.

This takes time. I'll be pleased to test Parti when released. Good luck.

pl0xy commented 2 years ago

@ParisNeo and Dalle-E doesn't even comply with GDPR, or display the price of new credits (which should be free since it's a closed beta for testing their new features, instead of an enormous expense) with the tax included, which is required in the EU. I would imagine Google wouldn't release a front-end that was missing these sorts of things.

rfan-debug commented 10 months ago

Any updates of this model code and weight release?