google / ExoPlayer

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video not playing #11333

Closed BobSmith43 closed 10 months ago

BobSmith43 commented 10 months ago


Issue description Video Stream Does not Play in Demo App. VLC Player application play the stream without issues.

What I tried :

Reproduction steps Try playing the stream in the demo application.

Link to test media

Version of ExoPlayer being used releaseVersion = '2.19.1' releaseVersionCode = 2_019_001

Device(s) and version(s) of Android being used

  1. vivo v23e 5G Android OS 11

  2. Samsung M33 5G Android OS 13

  3. One Plus 8T Android OS 13

  4. Samsung Tab 3 Android OS 11

A full bug report captured from the device

18:53:43.457  I  OTTPlayerActivity >> onStart()
18:53:43.475  I  Init 6ada648 [ExoPlayerLib/2.18.6] [m33x, SM-M336BU, samsung, 33]
18:53:43.497  W  Accessing hidden method Landroid/media/AudioTrack;->getLatency()I (unsupported, reflection, allowed)
18:53:43.562  D  playWhenReady [eventTime=0.00, mediaPos=0.00, window=0, true, USER_REQUEST]
18:53:43.565  D  surfaceSize [eventTime=0.00, mediaPos=0.00, window=0, 0, 0]
18:53:43.567  D  positionDiscontinuity [eventTime=0.01, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, reason=SEEK, PositionInfo:old [mediaItem=0, period=-1, pos=0], PositionInfo:new [mediaItem=0, period=-1, pos=848223]]
18:53:43.576  D  timeline [eventTime=0.02, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, periodCount=1, windowCount=1, reason=PLAYLIST_CHANGED
18:53:43.576  D    period [?]
18:53:43.576  D    window [?, seekable=false, dynamic=true]
18:53:43.576  D  ]
18:53:43.576  D  mediaItem [eventTime=0.02, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, reason=PLAYLIST_CHANGED]
18:53:43.584  D  state [eventTime=0.02, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, BUFFERING]
18:53:43.584  E  PlayerEventListener >> onPlaybackStateChanged() > playbackState >> 2
18:53:43.591  I  OTTPlayerActivity >> onResume()
18:53:43.592  I  check: return. parent=null
18:53:43.592  I  removeMultiSplitHandler: no exist. decor=DecorView@3ea775c[]
18:53:43.595  D  [NativeCFMS] BpCustomFrequencyManager::BpCustomFrequencyManager()
18:53:43.600  I  onImmersiveModeChanged: isStatusBarHidden=true
18:53:43.600  I  notifyKeepScreenOnChanged: keepScreenOn=true
18:53:43.605  D  onStateChanged: InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 2408, 1080), mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(66, 0
                - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 468 - 66, 612), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0
                - 0, 0)]} cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080 displayHeight=2408 physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2408 density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M 0,0 H -25.6 V
                23.46666666666667 H 25.6 V 0 H 0 Z
                @dp} rotation={1} scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=90, center=Point(90, 90)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=90, center=Point(2318, 90)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=90, center=Point(2318, 990)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=90, center=Point(90, 990)}]}  mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0
                - 1080, 2408), mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(2284, 0
                - 2408, 68) rotation=1}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_STATUS_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][2408,68], mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, mFrame=[2273,0][2408,1080], mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][66,1080], mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES, mFrame=[2408,0][2408,1080], mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][2408,68], mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[2273,0][2408,1080], mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][66,1080], mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][2408,-100000], mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[100000,0][2408,1080], mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,100000][2408,1080], mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0][2408,68], mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[2273,0][2408,1080], mVisible=true, mInsetsRoundedCornerFrame=false} }
18:53:43.607  I  setView = TM=true
18:53:43.608  I  removeMultiSplitHandler: no exist. decor=DecorView@3ea775c[OTTPlayerActivity]
18:53:43.618  I  onWindowVisibilityChanged(0) true android.view.SurfaceView{616fa79 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} of ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity]
18:53:43.619  D  updateSurface: has no frame
18:53:43.632  I  performTraversals params={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x1030309
                fitSides= naviIconColor=0
18:53:43.635  I  performTraversals mFirst=true windowShouldResize=true viewVisibilityChanged=false mForceNextWindowRelayout=false params={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION
                fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030309
                fitSides= naviIconColor=0
18:53:43.643  I  updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded mBlastBufferQueue=null isSameSurfaceControl=false
18:53:43.643  I  new BLASTBufferQueue, mName= ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity] mNativeObject= 0xb4000079b54121f0 sc.mNativeObject= 0xb4000079454d6c90
                caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded:2909 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9847 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3884
                android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ android.view.Choreographer$
                android.view.Choreographer$ android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:923 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:852 android.view.Choreographer$ 
18:53:43.644  I  update, w= 2342 h= 1080 mName = ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity] mNativeObject= 0xb4000079b54121f0 sc.mNativeObject= 0xb4000079454d6c90 format= -3
                caller=<init>:84 android.view.ViewRootImpl.updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded:2909 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9847
                android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3884 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ 
18:53:43.644  I  Relayout returned: old=(66,0,2408,1080) new=(66,0,2408,1080) req=(2342,1080)0 dur=8 res=0x3 s={true 0xb400007a454780f0} ch=true seqId=0
18:53:43.646  I  mThreadedRenderer.initialize() mSurface={isValid=true 0xb400007a454780f0} hwInitialized=true
18:53:43.646  D  eglCreateWindowSurface
18:53:43.648  D  updateSurface: has no frame
18:53:43.649  I  windowStopped(false) true android.view.SurfaceView{616fa79 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-2342,1012} of ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity]
18:53:43.649  D  updateSurface: has no frame
18:53:43.650  I  reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4438 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$
                android.view.Choreographer$ android.view.Choreographer$ 
18:53:43.650  I  Changes: creating=true format=true size=true visible=true alpha=false hint=true mUseAlpha=false visible=true left=true top=true
18:53:43.653  I  update, w= 2342 h= 1012 mName = null mNativeObject= 0xb4000079b540bdf0 sc.mNativeObject= 0xb4000079454d7370 format= 4 caller= android.view.SurfaceView.createBlastSurfaceControls:1383
                android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1079 android.view.SurfaceView.lambda$new$0$android-view-SurfaceView:200 android.view.SurfaceView$$ExternalSyntheticLambda5.onPreDraw:2
                android.view.ViewTreeObserver.dispatchOnPreDraw:1121 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4442 
18:53:43.653  I  102169209 Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0xa9458b5
18:53:43.653  I  pST: sr = Rect(0, 68 - 2342, 1080) sw = 2342 sh = 1012
18:53:43.654  D  performSurfaceTransaction RenderWorker position = [0, 68, 2342, 1080] surfaceSize = 2342x1012
18:53:43.654  I  applyTransactionOnVriDraw: vri = ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity] fRS = false t = 0xb4000079754578f0 android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:959
                android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.lambda$new$0$android-view-SurfaceView:200 
18:53:43.655  I  applyTransactionOnDraw: mRemoved = false isHardwareEnabled = true t = 0xb4000079754578f0android.view.SurfaceView.applyTransactionOnVriDraw:2048
                android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:959 android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.lambda$new$0$android-view-SurfaceView:200
18:53:43.655  I  updateSurface: mVisible = true mSurface.isValid() = true
18:53:43.655  I  updateSurface: mSurfaceCreated = false surfaceChanged = true visibleChanged = true
18:53:43.655  I  visibleChanged -- surfaceCreated
18:53:43.655  I  surfaceCreated 1 #8 android.view.SurfaceView{616fa79 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-2342,1012}
18:53:43.655  I  surfaceChanged -- format=4 w=2342 h=1012
18:53:43.655  I  surfaceChanged (2342,1012) 1 #8 android.view.SurfaceView{616fa79 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-2342,1012}
18:53:43.656  D  surfaceSize [eventTime=0.10, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, 2342, 1012]
18:53:43.656  I  surfaceRedrawNeeded
18:53:43.658  V  Layout: x=0 y=68 w=2342 h=1012, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 2342, 1012)
18:53:43.658  I  Setup new sync id=0
18:53:43.658  I  Setting syncFrameCallback
18:53:43.658  E  Failed to find sync for id=0
18:53:43.658  I  registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=false
18:53:43.665  D  updateSurfacePosition RenderWorker, frameNr = 1, position = [0, 68, 2342, 1080] surfaceSize = 2342x1012
18:53:43.665  I  uSP: rtp = Rect(0, 68 - 2342, 1080) rtsw = 2342 rtsh = 1012
18:53:43.666  I  onSSPAndSRT: pl = 0 pt = 68 sx = 1.0 sy = 1.0
18:53:43.667  I  aOrMT: ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity] t = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@6cdd925 fN = 1 android.view.SurfaceView.-$$Nest$mapplyOrMergeTransaction:0
18:53:43.667  I  mWNT: t=0xb400007975458790 mBlastBufferQueue=0xb4000079b54121f0 fn= 1 caller= android.view.SurfaceView.applyOrMergeTransaction:1455 android.view.SurfaceView.-$$Nest$mapplyOrMergeTransaction:0
18:53:43.668  I  mWNT: t=0xb4000079754578f0 mBlastBufferQueue=0xb4000079b54121f0 fn= 1 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$applyTransactionOnDraw$11$android-view-ViewRootImpl:12865
18:53:43.668  I  Received frameDrawingCallback syncResult=0 frameNum=1.
18:53:43.668  I  Setting up sync and frameCommitCallback
18:53:43.671  I  [ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity]#3](f:0,a:0) onFrameAvailable the first frame is available
18:53:43.672  I  Received frameCommittedCallback lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=1 didProduceBuffer=true
18:53:43.673  D  CFMS:: SetUp Pid : 25494    Tid : 25679
18:53:43.673  D  tagSocket(275) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
18:53:43.673  W  Expecting binder but got null!
18:53:43.674  I  onSyncComplete
18:53:43.674  I  setupSync seqId=0 mSyncId=0 fn=1 caller=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda11.accept:6 android.window.SurfaceSyncer.lambda$setupSync$1$android-window-SurfaceSyncer:128
                android.window.SurfaceSyncer$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.accept:8 android.window.SurfaceSyncer$SyncSet.checkIfSyncIsComplete:382 android.window.SurfaceSyncer$SyncSet.markSyncReady:359
                android.window.SurfaceSyncer.markSyncReady:151 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4503 
18:53:43.679  I  MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 0
18:53:43.689  D  loading [eventTime=0.13, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0, true]
18:53:43.691  I  finishedDrawing
18:53:43.763  I  MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 0
18:53:43.764  I  mThreadedRenderer.initializeIfNeeded()#2 mSurface={isValid=true 0xb400007a454780f0}
18:53:43.766  D  startInputInner - Id : 0
18:53:43.766  I  startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
18:53:44.162  I  handleAppVisibility mAppVisible = true visible = false
18:53:44.203  D  setSurface called with nullptr
18:53:44.203  D  setSurface() destroyed EGLSurface
18:53:44.203  D  destroyEglSurface
18:53:44.204  I  performTraversals mFirst=false windowShouldResize=false viewVisibilityChanged=true mForceNextWindowRelayout=false params=null
18:53:44.230  I  Resizing android.view.ViewRootImpl@cf1979a: frame = [66,0][2408,1080] reportDraw = false forceLayout = true syncSeqId = 0
18:53:44.260  I  Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,2408) new=(0,0,1080,2408) req=(1080,2408)8 dur=50 res=0x2 s={false 0x0} ch=true seqId=0
18:53:44.266  I  stopped(true) old = false
18:53:44.267  I  WindowStopped on set to true
18:53:44.285  I  OTTLandingFragment >> onStop()
18:53:44.289  I  OTTHomeActivity >> onStop()
18:53:44.299  I  removeMultiSplitHandler: no exist. decor=DecorView@3b7ab23[OTTHomeActivity]
18:53:44.309  V  updateAppliedLetterboxDirection, direction=1, Caller=android.view.ViewRootImpl.handleDispatchLetterboxDirectionChanged:13665
18:53:44.313  I  handleResized, msg = 4 frames=ClientWindowFrames{frame=[66,0][2408,1080] display=[66,0][2408,1080] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0] parentClippedByDisplayCutout=false} forceNextWindowRelayout=true
                displayId=0 resizeMode=-1 frameChanged=false displayFrameChanged=false configChanged=false displayChanged=false
18:53:44.313  I  handleResized mSyncSeqId = 0
18:53:44.322  I  performTraversals mFirst=false windowShouldResize=false viewVisibilityChanged=false mForceNextWindowRelayout=true params=null
18:53:44.329  I  updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded mBlastBufferQueue=0xb4000079b54121f0 isSameSurfaceControl=true
18:53:44.329  I  update, w= 2342 h= 1080 mName = ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity] mNativeObject= 0xb4000079b54121f0 sc.mNativeObject= 0xb40000794548a370 format= -3
                caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded:2898 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9847 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3884
                android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ android.view.Choreographer$ 
18:53:44.329  I  Relayout returned: old=(66,0,2408,1080) new=(66,0,2408,1080) req=(2342,1080)0 dur=7 res=0x0 s={true 0xb400007a454780f0} ch=false seqId=0
18:53:44.330  I  mThreadedRenderer.updateSurface() mSurface={isValid=true 0xb400007a454780f0}
18:53:44.332  I  Changes: creating=false format=false size=true visible=false alpha=false hint=false mUseAlpha=false visible=false left=false top=false
18:53:44.333  I  102169209 Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0xa9458b5
18:53:44.333  I  update, w= 2207 h= 1012 mName = null mNativeObject= 0xb4000079b540bdf0 sc.mNativeObject= 0xb4000079454d7370 format= 4 caller= android.view.SurfaceView.setBufferSize:1304
                android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:918 android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.setFrame:525 android.view.View.layout:24966
18:53:44.333  I  pST: sr = Rect(0, 68 - 2207, 1080) sw = 2207 sh = 1012
18:53:44.334  D  performSurfaceTransaction RenderWorker position = [0, 68, 2207, 1080] surfaceSize = 2207x1012
18:53:44.334  I  applyTransactionOnVriDraw: vri = ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity] fRS = false t = 0xb400007975457110 android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:959
                android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.setFrame:525 
18:53:44.334  I  applyTransactionOnDraw: mRemoved = false isHardwareEnabled = true t = 0xb400007975457110android.view.SurfaceView.applyTransactionOnVriDraw:2048
                android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:959 android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.setFrame:525 android.view.View.layout:24966 
18:53:44.335  I  updateSurface: mVisible = true mSurface.isValid() = true
18:53:44.335  I  updateSurface: mSurfaceCreated = true surfaceChanged = false visibleChanged = false
18:53:44.335  I  surfaceChanged -- format=4 w=2207 h=1012
18:53:44.335  I  surfaceChanged (2207,1012) 1 #5 android.view.SurfaceView{616fa79 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-2207,1012}
18:53:44.337  D  surfaceSize [eventTime=0.78, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0, 2207, 1012]
18:53:44.337  I  surfaceRedrawNeeded
18:53:44.338  V  Layout: x=0 y=68 w=2207 h=1012, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 2207, 1012)
18:53:44.342  D  setSurface() destroyed EGLSurface
18:53:44.342  D  destroyEglSurface
18:53:44.345  D  eglCreateWindowSurface
18:53:44.353  D  updateSurfacePosition RenderWorker, frameNr = 72, position = [0, 68, 2207, 1080] surfaceSize = 2207x1012
18:53:44.353  I  uSP: rtp = Rect(0, 68 - 2207, 1080) rtsw = 2207 rtsh = 1012
18:53:44.353  I  onSSPAndSRT: pl = 0 pt = 68 sx = 1.0 sy = 1.0
18:53:44.355  I  aOrMT: ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity] t = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@c3e1098 fN = 72 android.view.SurfaceView.-$$Nest$mapplyOrMergeTransaction:0
18:53:44.355  I  mWNT: t=0xb400007975456390 mBlastBufferQueue=0xb4000079b54121f0 fn= 72 caller= android.view.SurfaceView.applyOrMergeTransaction:1455 android.view.SurfaceView.-$$Nest$mapplyOrMergeTransaction:0
18:53:44.356  I  mWNT: t=0xb400007975457110 mBlastBufferQueue=0xb4000079b54121f0 fn= 72 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$applyTransactionOnDraw$11$android-view-ViewRootImpl:12865
18:53:44.359  I  finishedDrawing
18:53:44.361  E  win=Window{eb07c4 u0} destroySurfaces: appStopped=true cleanupOnResume=false win.mWindowRemovalAllowed=false win.mRemoveOnExit=false
18:53:44.571  D  controlAnimationUnchecked: Added types=1 animType=1 from=android.view.InsetsController.applyAnimation:1576
                android.view.InsetsController.applyAnimation:1557 android.view.InsetsController.onControlsChanged:995 
18:53:44.582  I  Changes: creating=false format=false size=true visible=false alpha=false hint=false mUseAlpha=false visible=false left=false top=true
18:53:44.582  I  102169209 Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0xa9458b5
18:53:44.583  I  update, w= 2207 h= 1080 mName = null mNativeObject= 0xb4000079b540bdf0 sc.mNativeObject= 0xb4000079454d7370 format= 4 caller= android.view.SurfaceView.setBufferSize:1304
                android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:918 android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.setFrame:525 android.view.View.layout:24966
18:53:44.583  I  pST: sr = Rect(0, 0 - 2207, 1080) sw = 2207 sh = 1080
18:53:44.584  D  performSurfaceTransaction RenderWorker position = [0, 0, 2207, 1080] surfaceSize = 2207x1080
18:53:44.585  I  applyTransactionOnVriDraw: vri = ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity] fRS = false t = 0xb400007975457470 android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:959
                android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.setFrame:525 
18:53:44.585  I  applyTransactionOnDraw: mRemoved = false isHardwareEnabled = true t = 0xb400007975457470android.view.SurfaceView.applyTransactionOnVriDraw:2048
                android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:959 android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.setFrame:525 android.view.View.layout:24966 
18:53:44.585  I  updateSurface: mVisible = true mSurface.isValid() = true
18:53:44.585  I  updateSurface: mSurfaceCreated = true surfaceChanged = false visibleChanged = false
18:53:44.585  I  surfaceChanged -- format=4 w=2207 h=1080
18:53:44.585  I  surfaceChanged (2207,1080) 1 #5 android.view.SurfaceView{616fa79 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-2207,1080}
18:53:44.586  D  surfaceSize [eventTime=1.03, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0, 2207, 1080]
18:53:44.586  I  surfaceRedrawNeeded
18:53:44.587  V  Layout: x=0 y=0 w=2207 h=1080, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 2207, 1080)
18:53:44.592  D  updateSurfacePosition RenderWorker, frameNr = 94, position = [0, 0, 2207, 1080] surfaceSize = 2207x1080
18:53:44.593  I  uSP: rtp = Rect(0, 0 - 2207, 1080) rtsw = 2207 rtsh = 1080
18:53:44.594  I  onSSPAndSRT: pl = 0 pt = 0 sx = 1.0 sy = 1.0
18:53:44.595  I  aOrMT: ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity] t = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@cc0e862 fN = 94 android.view.SurfaceView.-$$Nest$mapplyOrMergeTransaction:0
18:53:44.595  I  mWNT: t=0xb400007975448950 mBlastBufferQueue=0xb4000079b54121f0 fn= 94 caller= android.view.SurfaceView.applyOrMergeTransaction:1455 android.view.SurfaceView.-$$Nest$mapplyOrMergeTransaction:0
18:53:44.595  I  finishedDrawing
18:53:44.596  I  mWNT: t=0xb400007975457470 mBlastBufferQueue=0xb4000079b54121f0 fn= 94 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$applyTransactionOnDraw$11$android-view-ViewRootImpl:12865
18:53:44.609  D  controlAnimationUnchecked: Added types=2 animType=1 from=android.view.InsetsController.applyAnimation:1576
                android.view.InsetsController.applyAnimation:1557 android.view.InsetsController.onControlsChanged:995 
18:53:44.612  I  Resizing android.view.ViewRootImpl@cf1979a: frame = [66,0][2408,1080] reportDraw = false forceLayout = false syncSeqId = 0
18:53:44.615  I  Changes: creating=false format=false size=true visible=false alpha=false hint=false mUseAlpha=false visible=false left=false top=false
18:53:44.615  I  102169209 Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0xa9458b5
18:53:44.616  I  update, w= 2342 h= 1080 mName = null mNativeObject= 0xb4000079b540bdf0 sc.mNativeObject= 0xb4000079454d7370 format= 4 caller= android.view.SurfaceView.setBufferSize:1304
                android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:918 android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.setFrame:525 android.view.View.layout:24966
18:53:44.616  I  pST: sr = Rect(0, 0 - 2342, 1080) sw = 2342 sh = 1080
18:53:44.617  D  performSurfaceTransaction RenderWorker position = [0, 0, 2342, 1080] surfaceSize = 2342x1080
18:53:44.617  I  applyTransactionOnVriDraw: vri = ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity] fRS = false t = 0xb40000797545d1d0 android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:959
                android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.setFrame:525 
18:53:44.618  I  applyTransactionOnDraw: mRemoved = false isHardwareEnabled = true t = 0xb40000797545d1d0android.view.SurfaceView.applyTransactionOnVriDraw:2048
                android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:959 android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.setFrame:525 android.view.View.layout:24966 
18:53:44.618  I  updateSurface: mVisible = true mSurface.isValid() = true
18:53:44.618  I  updateSurface: mSurfaceCreated = true surfaceChanged = false visibleChanged = false
18:53:44.618  I  surfaceChanged -- format=4 w=2342 h=1080
18:53:44.618  I  surfaceChanged (2342,1080) 1 #5 android.view.SurfaceView{616fa79 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-2342,1080}
18:53:44.620  D  surfaceSize [eventTime=1.06, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0, 2342, 1080]
18:53:44.620  I  surfaceRedrawNeeded
18:53:44.621  V  Layout: x=0 y=0 w=2342 h=1080, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 2342, 1080)
18:53:44.628  D  updateSurfacePosition RenderWorker, frameNr = 97, position = [0, 0, 2342, 1080] surfaceSize = 2342x1080
18:53:44.631  I  handleResized, msg = 4 frames=ClientWindowFrames{frame=[66,0][2408,1080] display=[66,0][2408,1080] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0] parentClippedByDisplayCutout=false} forceNextWindowRelayout=false
                displayId=0 resizeMode=-1 frameChanged=false displayFrameChanged=false configChanged=false displayChanged=false
18:53:44.631  I  finishedDrawing
18:53:44.636  I  mWNT: t=0xb40000797545d1d0 mBlastBufferQueue=0xb4000079b54121f0 fn= 97 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$applyTransactionOnDraw$11$android-view-ViewRootImpl:12865
18:53:44.641  I  Resizing android.view.ViewRootImpl@cf1979a: frame = [66,0][2408,1080] reportDraw = false forceLayout = false syncSeqId = 0
18:53:44.641  I  uSP: rtp = Rect(0, 0 - 2342, 1080) rtsw = 2342 rtsh = 1080
18:53:44.642  I  onSSPAndSRT: pl = 0 pt = 0 sx = 1.0 sy = 1.0
18:53:44.643  I  aOrMT: ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity] t = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@49f864f fN = 97 android.view.SurfaceView.-$$Nest$mapplyOrMergeTransaction:0
18:53:44.644  I  mWNT: t=0xb400007975457a10 mBlastBufferQueue=0xb4000079b54121f0 fn= 97 caller= android.view.SurfaceView.applyOrMergeTransaction:1455 android.view.SurfaceView.-$$Nest$mapplyOrMergeTransaction:0
18:53:44.645  I  handleResized, msg = 4 frames=ClientWindowFrames{frame=[66,0][2408,1080] display=[66,0][2408,1080] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0] parentClippedByDisplayCutout=false} forceNextWindowRelayout=false
                displayId=0 resizeMode=-1 frameChanged=false displayFrameChanged=false configChanged=false displayChanged=false
18:53:44.811  I  Background concurrent copying GC freed 275634(14MB) AllocSpace objects, 167(4284KB) LOS objects, 47% free, 26MB/50MB, paused 1.245ms,108us total 177.684ms
18:53:44.813  D  Input channel destroyed: 'ClientS', fd=278
18:53:44.817  D  Input channel destroyed: 'ClientS', fd=282
18:53:44.924  D  cancelAnimation of types: 1, animType: 1, host:, from:android.view.InsetsController.notifyFinished:1375
18:53:44.957  D  cancelAnimation of types: 2, animType: 1, host:, from:android.view.InsetsController.notifyFinished:1375
18:53:45.585  D  timeline [eventTime=2.02, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0, periodCount=1, windowCount=1, reason=SOURCE_UPDATE
18:53:45.586  D    period [2383.09]
18:53:45.587  D    window [2383.09, seekable=true, dynamic=false]
18:53:45.588  D  ]
18:53:45.594  W  Unsupported mime audio/x-ima
18:53:45.596  W  Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L1
18:53:45.596  W  Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2
18:53:45.597  W  Unsupported mime video/wvc1
18:53:45.598  W  Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
18:53:45.658  W  Unrecognized profile/level 32768/256 for video/mp4v-es
18:53:45.713  D  videoEnabled [eventTime=2.15, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0]
18:53:45.717  D  audioEnabled [eventTime=2.16, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0]
18:53:45.727  D  tracks [eventTime=2.17, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0
18:53:45.728  D    group [
18:53:45.728  D      [X] Track:0, id=0, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=1806609, codecs=avc1.4d401f, res=1190x720, fps=29.97, supported=YES
18:53:45.729  D      [X] Track:1, id=1, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=932533, codecs=avc1.4d401f, res=794x480, fps=29.97, supported=YES
18:53:45.729  D      [X] Track:2, id=2, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=656672, codecs=avc1.4d401e, res=596x360, fps=29.97, supported=YES
18:53:45.729  D      [X] Track:3, id=3, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=510582, codecs=avc1.42c014, res=396x240, fps=29.97, supported=YES
18:53:45.729  D    ]
18:53:45.729  D    group [
18:53:45.734  D      [X] Track:0, id=group_audio:original, mimeType=audio/mp4a-latm, codecs=mp4a.40.2, language=en-fdcab696, label=original, selectionFlags=[auto,default], supported=YES
18:53:45.734  D    ]
18:53:45.734  D    group [
18:53:45.735  D      [X] Track:0, id=ID3, mimeType=application/id3, supported=YES
18:53:45.735  D    ]
18:53:45.736  D    Metadata [
18:53:45.736  D      HlsTrackMetadataEntry
18:53:45.736  D    ]
18:53:45.736  D  ]
18:53:45.752  D  tagSocket(223) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
18:53:45.913  D  downstreamFormat [eventTime=2.35, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0, id=0, mimeType=null, bitrate=1806609, codecs=avc1.4d401f,mp4a.40.2, res=1190x720, fps=29.97]
18:53:45.914  I  Creating an asynchronous MediaCodec adapter for track type video
18:53:45.919  I  state->set(ALLOCATING)
18:53:45.919  I  allocate(c2.exynos.h264.decoder)
18:53:45.924  I  Available Codec2 services: "default" "default0" "software"
18:53:45.927  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
18:53:45.937  I  Created component [c2.exynos.h264.decoder]
18:53:45.937  I  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder] state->set(ALLOCATED)
18:53:45.937  D  read media type: video/avc
18:53:45.942  D  extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
18:53:45.942  D  extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
18:53:45.942  D  extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
18:53:45.942  D  extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
18:53:45.944  D  ignored struct field coded.color-format.locations
18:53:45.947  D  ignoring local param raw.size (0xd2001800) as it is already supported
18:53:45.947  D  ignoring local param default.color (0x5200180b) as it is already supported
18:53:45.947  D  ignored struct field raw.hdr-static-info.mastering
18:53:45.948  I  query failed after returning 14 values (BAD_INDEX)
18:53:45.948  W  expected specified color aspects (0:0:0:0)
18:53:45.957  I  MediaCodec will operate in async mode
18:53:45.957  D  flushMediametrics
18:53:45.959  D  connecting to surface 0xb400007a4548d5a0, reason connectToSurface
18:53:45.959  I  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder] setting surface generation to 26105857
18:53:45.959  D  disconnecting from surface 0xb400007a4548d5a0, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
18:53:45.959  D  connecting to surface 0xb400007a4548d5a0, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
18:53:45.959  D  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session
18:53:45.960  I  appPid(25494) width(1190) height(720)
18:53:45.960  D  no c2 equivalents for csd-1
18:53:45.960  D  no c2 equivalents for log-session-id
18:53:45.960  D  no c2 equivalents for native-window
18:53:45.960  D  no c2 equivalents for flags
18:53:45.961  D  c2 config diff is   c2::u32 raw.max-size.height = 720
                c2::u32 raw.max-size.width = 1190
                c2::u32 raw.size.height = 720
                c2::u32 raw.size.width = 1190
18:53:45.962  D  set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:1(BT709_5), M:1(BT709_5), T:3(SMPTE170M))
18:53:45.963  W  query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332.
18:53:45.963  D  client requested max input size 648000, which is smaller than what component recommended (7340032); overriding with component recommendation.
18:53:45.963  W  This behavior is subject to change. It is recommended that app developers double check whether the requested max input size is in reasonable range.
18:53:45.963  D  encoding statistics level = 0
18:53:45.964  I  query failed after returning 14 values (BAD_INDEX)
18:53:45.966  D  keep callback message for reclaim
18:53:45.969  I  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder] state->set(STARTING)
18:53:45.992  W  query -- param skipped: index = 1073743886.
18:53:45.992  W  query -- param skipped: index = 1610614798.
18:53:45.992  W  query -- param skipped: index = 1610614821.
18:53:45.992  W  query -- param skipped: index = 2684356609.
18:53:45.992  D  debug.c2.use_dmabufheaps set, forcing DMABUF Heaps
18:53:45.992  D  Using DMABUF Heaps
18:53:45.993  D  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder#104] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 17 - OK (0)
18:53:45.993  I  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder#104] start: max output delay 15
18:53:45.995  I  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder#104] Created output block pool with allocatorID 18 => poolID 303 - OK
18:53:45.995  D  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder#104] Configured output block pool ids 303 => OK
18:53:45.995  D  remote graphic buffer migration 0/0
18:53:45.995  D  setOutputSurface -- failed to set consumer usage (6/BAD_INDEX)
18:53:45.995  D  setOutputSurface -- generation=26105857 consumer usage=0x900
18:53:45.997  D  Surface configure completed
18:53:45.997  I  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder] state->set(RUNNING)
18:53:45.997  I  Using DMA-BUF heap named: system
18:53:45.998  I  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder#104] 4 initial input buffers available
18:53:46.003  I  setCodecState state(0), called in 6
18:53:46.009  D  videoDecoderInitialized [eventTime=2.45, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0, c2.exynos.h264.decoder]
18:53:46.018  D  videoInputFormat [eventTime=2.45, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0, id=0, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=1806609, codecs=avc1.4D401F, res=1190x720, fps=29.97]
18:53:46.032  D  c2 config diff is   c2::u32 output.delay.value = 11
18:53:46.032  D  set default color aspects for surface (R:2(Limited), P:1(BT709_5), M:1(BT709_5), T:3(SMPTE170M))
18:53:46.032  I  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder#104] updating max output delay 18
18:53:46.032  D  set max dequeue count 18 from update
18:53:46.051  D  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder#104] Ignoring stale input buffer done callback: last flush index = 0, frameIndex = 0
18:53:46.055  I  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder#104] updating max output delay 18
18:53:46.055  D  set max dequeue count 18 from update
18:53:46.056  I  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder#104] updating max output delay 18
18:53:46.056  D  set max dequeue count 18 from update
18:53:46.081  I  setCodecState state(1), called in 6
18:53:47.196  I  [SurfaceView[]@0#4](f:0,a:0) onFrameAvailable the first frame is available
18:53:47.203  D  videoSize [eventTime=3.64, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0, 1190, 720]
18:53:47.208  D  renderedFirstFrame [eventTime=3.65, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0, Surface(name=null)/@0xa9458b5]
18:53:47.219  I  Changes: creating=false format=false size=true visible=false alpha=false hint=false mUseAlpha=false visible=false left=true top=false
18:53:47.219  I  102169209 Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0xa9458b5
18:53:47.219  I  update, w= 1785 h= 1080 mName = null mNativeObject= 0xb4000079b540bdf0 sc.mNativeObject= 0xb4000079454d7370 format= 4 caller= android.view.SurfaceView.setBufferSize:1304
                android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:918 android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.setFrame:525 android.view.View.layout:24966
18:53:47.219  I  pST: sr = Rect(278, 0 - 2063, 1080) sw = 1785 sh = 1080
18:53:47.224  D  performSurfaceTransaction RenderWorker position = [278, 0, 2063, 1080] surfaceSize = 1785x1080
18:53:47.225  I  applyTransactionOnVriDraw: vri = ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity] fRS = false t = 0xb4000079754a0c10 android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:959
                android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.setFrame:525 
18:53:47.226  I  applyTransactionOnDraw: mRemoved = false isHardwareEnabled = true t = 0xb4000079754a0c10android.view.SurfaceView.applyTransactionOnVriDraw:2048
                android.view.SurfaceView.performSurfaceTransaction:959 android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1105 android.view.SurfaceView.setFrame:525 android.view.View.layout:24966 
18:53:47.229  I  updateSurface: mVisible = true mSurface.isValid() = true
18:53:47.229  I  updateSurface: mSurfaceCreated = true surfaceChanged = false visibleChanged = false
18:53:47.229  I  surfaceChanged -- format=4 w=1785 h=1080
18:53:47.229  I  surfaceChanged (1785,1080) 1 #5 android.view.SurfaceView{616fa79 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1785,1080}
18:53:47.233  D  surfaceSize [eventTime=3.67, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0, 1785, 1080]
18:53:47.233  I  surfaceRedrawNeeded
18:53:47.234  V  Layout: x=278 y=0 w=1785 h=1080, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1785, 1080)
18:53:47.245  D  updateSurfacePosition RenderWorker, frameNr = 396, position = [278, 0, 2063, 1080] surfaceSize = 1785x1080
18:53:47.245  I  uSP: rtp = Rect(278, 0 - 2063, 1080) rtsw = 1785 rtsh = 1080
18:53:47.247  I  onSSPAndSRT: pl = 278 pt = 0 sx = 1.0 sy = 1.0
18:53:47.248  I  aOrMT: ViewRootImpl@7f352db[OTTPlayerActivity] t = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@63e582f fN = 396 android.view.SurfaceView.-$$Nest$mapplyOrMergeTransaction:0
18:53:47.248  I  finishedDrawing
18:53:47.248  I  mWNT: t=0xb40000797540da90 mBlastBufferQueue=0xb4000079b54121f0 fn= 396 caller= android.view.SurfaceView.applyOrMergeTransaction:1455 android.view.SurfaceView.-$$Nest$mapplyOrMergeTransaction:0
18:53:47.249  I  mWNT: t=0xb4000079754a0c10 mBlastBufferQueue=0xb4000079b54121f0 fn= 396 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$applyTransactionOnDraw$11$android-view-ViewRootImpl:12865
18:53:47.545  I  Creating an asynchronous MediaCodec adapter for track type audio
18:53:47.552  D  downstreamFormat
                [eventTime=3.99, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0, id=group_audio:original, mimeType=audio/mp4a-latm, codecs=mp4a.40.2, language=en-fdcab696, label=original, selectionFlags=[auto,default]]
18:53:47.553  I  state->set(ALLOCATING)
18:53:47.553  I  allocate(
18:53:47.557  I  setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
18:53:47.572  I  Created component []
18:53:47.572  I  [] state->set(ALLOCATED)
18:53:47.573  D  read media type: audio/mp4a-latm
18:53:47.575  D  extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
18:53:47.575  D  extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
18:53:47.576  D  extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
18:53:47.576  D  extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
18:53:47.576  D  extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
18:53:47.576  D  extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
18:53:47.576  D  extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
18:53:47.581  I  query failed after returning 20 values (BAD_INDEX)
18:53:47.583  I  MediaCodec will operate in async mode
18:53:47.583  D  flushMediametrics
18:53:47.584  D  [] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session
18:53:47.584  I  appPid(25494) width(0) height(0)
18:53:47.584  D  no c2 equivalents for log-session-id
18:53:47.584  D  no c2 equivalents for flags
18:53:47.584  D  c2 config diff is   c2::u32 = 2
                c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000
18:53:47.585  W  query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332.
18:53:47.585  D  encoding statistics level = 0
18:53:47.585  I  query failed after returning 20 values (BAD_INDEX)
18:53:47.587  D  keep callback message for reclaim
18:53:47.587  I  [] state->set(STARTING)
18:53:47.589  W  query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345.
18:53:47.589  W  query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170.
18:53:47.589  W  query -- param skipped: index = 1610614798.
18:53:47.591  D  [] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 18 - OK (0)
18:53:47.593  I  [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 39 - OK
18:53:47.593  D  [] Configured output block pool ids 39 => OK
18:53:47.593  I  [] state->set(RUNNING)
18:53:47.593  I  [] 4 initial input buffers available
18:53:47.602  D  audioDecoderInitialized [eventTime=4.04, mediaPos=848.22, window=0, period=0,]
18:53:47.668  D  setVolume(1.000000, 1.000000) pid : 25494
18:53:47.955  D  state [eventTime=4.39, mediaPos=848.24, window=0, period=0, READY]
18:53:47.956  E  PlayerEventListener >> onPlaybackStateChanged() > playbackState >> 3
18:53:47.963  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 848237 , remainingSeconds > 1534853
18:53:47.977  D  isPlaying [eventTime=4.41, mediaPos=848.24, window=0, period=0, true]
18:53:48.002  D  getTimestamp_l(72): device stall time corrected using current time 5806200523693
18:53:50.964  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 851083 , remainingSeconds > 1532007
18:53:51.367  D  loading [eventTime=7.81, mediaPos=851.48, window=0, period=0, false]
18:53:51.420  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a541d2b8 : 5(36700160 size) total buffers - 4(29360128 size) used buffers - 217/224 (recycle/alloc) - 11/223 (fetch/transfer)
18:53:52.291  D  loading [eventTime=8.73, mediaPos=852.41, window=0, period=0, true]
18:53:52.537  D  loading [eventTime=8.98, mediaPos=852.65, window=0, period=0, false]
18:53:52.681  V  Thread:[104]: processing Mutations
18:53:52.681  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to take action on the mutation queue.
18:53:52.681  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to process next mutation if one exists.
18:53:52.682  V  Thread:[104]:Persistent mutations queue is EMPTY!. Will check inMemory Queue next
18:53:52.683  V  Thread:[104]: In Memory mutations queue was EMPTY!. Nothing to process, exiting
18:53:52.816  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a5459708 : 5(40960 size) total buffers - 1(8192 size) used buffers - 247/252 (recycle/alloc) - 5/251 (fetch/transfer)
18:53:53.965  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 854085 , remainingSeconds > 1529005
18:53:56.311  D  loading [eventTime=12.75, mediaPos=856.43, window=0, period=0, true]
18:53:56.336  I  ViewPostIme key 0
18:53:56.339  I  ViewPostIme key 1
18:53:56.663  D  loading [eventTime=13.10, mediaPos=856.78, window=0, period=0, false]
18:53:56.682  I  ViewPostIme key 0
18:53:56.687  I  ViewPostIme key 1
18:53:56.882  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a541d2b8 : 5(36700160 size) total buffers - 5(36700160 size) used buffers - 380/387 (recycle/alloc) - 11/386 (fetch/transfer)
18:53:56.966  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 857082 , remainingSeconds > 1526008
18:53:58.204  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a5459708 : 5(40960 size) total buffers - 4(32768 size) used buffers - 503/508 (recycle/alloc) - 5/505 (fetch/transfer)
18:53:59.968  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 860084 , remainingSeconds > 1523006
18:54:00.312  D  loading [eventTime=16.75, mediaPos=860.43, window=0, period=0, true]
18:54:00.552  D  loading [eventTime=16.99, mediaPos=860.66, window=0, period=0, false]
18:54:02.165  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a541d2b8 : 5(36700160 size) total buffers - 4(29360128 size) used buffers - 539/546 (recycle/alloc) - 11/546 (fetch/transfer)
18:54:02.685  V  Thread:[104]: processing Mutations
18:54:02.685  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to take action on the mutation queue.
18:54:02.685  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to process next mutation if one exists.
18:54:02.686  V  Thread:[104]:Persistent mutations queue is EMPTY!. Will check inMemory Queue next
18:54:02.687  V  Thread:[104]: In Memory mutations queue was EMPTY!. Nothing to process, exiting
18:54:02.969  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 863088 , remainingSeconds > 1520002
18:54:03.459  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a5459708 : 5(40960 size) total buffers - 1(8192 size) used buffers - 746/751 (recycle/alloc) - 5/750 (fetch/transfer)
18:54:04.333  D  loading [eventTime=20.77, mediaPos=864.45, window=0, period=0, true]
18:54:04.569  D  loading [eventTime=21.01, mediaPos=864.68, window=0, period=0, false]
18:54:05.805  I  elapsed: FramesInPipeline(5) > n(2)
18:54:05.969  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 866085 , remainingSeconds > 1517005
18:54:07.395  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a541d2b8 : 5(36700160 size) total buffers - 5(36700160 size) used buffers - 696/703 (recycle/alloc) - 11/702 (fetch/transfer)
18:54:08.333  D  loading [eventTime=24.77, mediaPos=868.45, window=0, period=0, true]
18:54:08.592  D  loading [eventTime=25.03, mediaPos=868.70, window=0, period=0, false]
18:54:08.676  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a5459708 : 5(40960 size) total buffers - 1(8192 size) used buffers - 991/996 (recycle/alloc) - 5/995 (fetch/transfer)
18:54:08.970  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 869088 , remainingSeconds > 1514002
18:54:11.972  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 872082 , remainingSeconds > 1511008
18:54:12.349  D  loading [eventTime=28.79, mediaPos=872.46, window=0, period=0, true]
18:54:12.598  D  loading [eventTime=29.04, mediaPos=872.71, window=0, period=0, false]
18:54:12.632  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a541d2b8 : 5(36700160 size) total buffers - 3(22020096 size) used buffers - 851/858 (recycle/alloc) - 11/857 (fetch/transfer)
18:54:12.696  V  Thread:[104]: processing Mutations
18:54:12.696  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to take action on the mutation queue.
18:54:12.696  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to process next mutation if one exists.
18:54:12.697  V  Thread:[104]:Persistent mutations queue is EMPTY!. Will check inMemory Queue next
18:54:12.697  V  Thread:[104]: In Memory mutations queue was EMPTY!. Nothing to process, exiting
18:54:14.114  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a5459708 : 5(40960 size) total buffers - 1(8192 size) used buffers - 1246/1251 (recycle/alloc) - 5/1250 (fetch/transfer)
18:54:14.974  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 875093 , remainingSeconds > 1507997
18:54:16.361  D  loading [eventTime=32.80, mediaPos=876.48, window=0, period=0, true]
18:54:16.629  D  loading [eventTime=33.07, mediaPos=876.74, window=0, period=0, false]
18:54:17.919  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a541d2b8 : 5(36700160 size) total buffers - 4(29360128 size) used buffers - 1011/1018 (recycle/alloc) - 11/1017 (fetch/transfer)
18:54:17.975  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 878089 , remainingSeconds > 1505001
18:54:19.254  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a5459708 : 5(40960 size) total buffers - 1(8192 size) used buffers - 1487/1492 (recycle/alloc) - 5/1491 (fetch/transfer)
18:54:20.371  D  loading [eventTime=36.81, mediaPos=880.49, window=0, period=0, true]
18:54:20.652  D  loading [eventTime=37.09, mediaPos=880.77, window=0, period=0, false]
18:54:20.975  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 881089 , remainingSeconds > 1502001
18:54:22.704  V  Thread:[104]: processing Mutations
18:54:22.704  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to take action on the mutation queue.
18:54:22.704  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to process next mutation if one exists.
18:54:22.705  V  Thread:[104]:Persistent mutations queue is EMPTY!. Will check inMemory Queue next
18:54:22.705  V  Thread:[104]: In Memory mutations queue was EMPTY!. Nothing to process, exiting
18:54:23.175  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a541d2b8 : 5(36700160 size) total buffers - 4(29360128 size) used buffers - 1169/1176 (recycle/alloc) - 11/1174 (fetch/transfer)
18:54:23.977  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 884090 , remainingSeconds > 1499000
18:54:24.383  D  loading [eventTime=40.82, mediaPos=884.50, window=0, period=0, true]
18:54:24.578  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a5459708 : 5(40960 size) total buffers - 1(8192 size) used buffers - 1736/1741 (recycle/alloc) - 5/1740 (fetch/transfer)
18:54:24.645  D  loading [eventTime=41.08, mediaPos=884.76, window=0, period=0, false]
18:54:25.706  I  elapsed: FramesInPipeline(4) > n(2)
18:54:26.978  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 887091 , remainingSeconds > 1495999
18:54:28.399  D  loading [eventTime=44.84, mediaPos=888.52, window=0, period=0, true]
18:54:28.455  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a541d2b8 : 5(36700160 size) total buffers - 3(22020096 size) used buffers - 1325/1332 (recycle/alloc) - 11/1331 (fetch/transfer)
18:54:28.629  D  loading [eventTime=45.07, mediaPos=888.74, window=0, period=0, false]
18:54:29.922  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a5459708 : 5(40960 size) total buffers - 1(8192 size) used buffers - 1986/1991 (recycle/alloc) - 5/1990 (fetch/transfer)
18:54:29.978  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 890091 , remainingSeconds > 1492999
18:54:32.401  D  loading [eventTime=48.84, mediaPos=892.52, window=0, period=0, true]
18:54:32.641  D  loading [eventTime=49.08, mediaPos=892.75, window=0, period=0, false]
18:54:32.706  V  Thread:[104]: processing Mutations
18:54:32.706  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to take action on the mutation queue.
18:54:32.706  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to process next mutation if one exists.
18:54:32.707  V  Thread:[104]:Persistent mutations queue is EMPTY!. Will check inMemory Queue next
18:54:32.707  V  Thread:[104]: In Memory mutations queue was EMPTY!. Nothing to process, exiting
18:54:51.276  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a5459708 : 5(40960 size) total buffers - 1(8192 size) used buffers - 2991/2996 (recycle/alloc) - 5/2996 (fetch/transfer)
18:54:52.452  D  loading [eventTime=68.89, mediaPos=912.57, window=0, period=0, true]
18:54:52.723  V  Thread:[104]: processing Mutations
18:54:52.723  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to take action on the mutation queue.
18:54:52.723  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to process next mutation if one exists.
18:54:52.724  V  Thread:[104]:Persistent mutations queue is EMPTY!. Will check inMemory Queue next
18:54:52.724  V  Thread:[104]: In Memory mutations queue was EMPTY!. Nothing to process, exiting
18:54:52.802  D  loading [eventTime=69.24, mediaPos=912.91, window=0, period=0, false]
18:54:53.990  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 914099 , remainingSeconds > 1468991
18:54:54.938  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a541d2b8 : 5(36700160 size) total buffers - 4(29360128 size) used buffers - 2121/2128 (recycle/alloc) - 11/2126 (fetch/transfer)
18:54:56.468  D  loading [eventTime=72.91, mediaPos=916.59, window=0, period=0, true]
18:54:56.473  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a5459708 : 5(40960 size) total buffers - 1(8192 size) used buffers - 3231/3236 (recycle/alloc) - 5/3235 (fetch/transfer)
18:54:56.702  D  loading [eventTime=73.14, mediaPos=916.82, window=0, period=0, false]
18:54:59.993  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 920106 , remainingSeconds > 1462984
18:55:00.216  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a541d2b8 : 5(36700160 size) total buffers - 4(29360128 size) used buffers - 2278/2285 (recycle/alloc) - 11/2284 (fetch/transfer)
18:55:00.472  D  loading [eventTime=76.91, mediaPos=920.59, window=0, period=0, true]
18:55:00.777  D  loading [eventTime=77.22, mediaPos=920.89, window=0, period=0, false]
18:55:01.721  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a5459708 : 5(40960 size) total buffers - 1(8192 size) used buffers - 3477/3482 (recycle/alloc) - 5/3481 (fetch/transfer)
18:55:02.725  V  Thread:[104]: processing Mutations

18:55:02.726  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to take action on the mutation queue.
18:55:02.726  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to process next mutation if one exists.
18:55:02.727  V  Thread:[104]:Persistent mutations queue is EMPTY!. Will check inMemory Queue next
18:55:02.727  V  Thread:[104]: In Memory mutations queue was EMPTY!. Nothing to process, exiting
18:55:02.994  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 923111 , remainingSeconds > 1459979
18:55:04.493  D  loading [eventTime=80.93, mediaPos=924.61, window=0, period=0, true]
18:55:04.814  D  loading [eventTime=81.25, mediaPos=924.93, window=0, period=0, false]
18:55:05.505  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a541d2b8 : 5(36700160 size) total buffers - 3(22020096 size) used buffers - 2436/2443 (recycle/alloc) - 11/2442 (fetch/transfer)
18:55:05.996  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 926111 , remainingSeconds > 1456979
18:55:07.060  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a5459708 : 5(40960 size) total buffers - 1(8192 size) used buffers - 3727/3732 (recycle/alloc) - 5/3731 (fetch/transfer)
18:55:08.505  D  loading [eventTime=84.94, mediaPos=928.62, window=0, period=0, true]
18:55:08.811  D  loading [eventTime=85.25, mediaPos=928.92, window=0, period=0, false]
18:55:08.997  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 929111 , remainingSeconds > 1453979
18:55:10.629  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a541d2b8 : 5(36700160 size) total buffers - 4(29360128 size) used buffers - 2591/2598 (recycle/alloc) - 11/2597 (fetch/transfer)
18:55:11.999  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 932117 , remainingSeconds > 1450973
18:55:12.506  D  loading [eventTime=88.95, mediaPos=932.62, window=0, period=0, true]
18:55:12.554  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a5459708 : 5(40960 size) total buffers - 1(8192 size) used buffers - 3985/3990 (recycle/alloc) - 5/3989 (fetch/transfer)
18:55:12.736  V  Thread:[104]: processing Mutations
18:55:12.736  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to take action on the mutation queue.
18:55:12.736  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to process next mutation if one exists.
18:55:12.737  V  Thread:[104]:Persistent mutations queue is EMPTY!. Will check inMemory Queue next
18:55:12.737  V  Thread:[104]: In Memory mutations queue was EMPTY!. Nothing to process, exiting
18:55:12.761  D  loading [eventTime=89.20, mediaPos=932.88, window=0, period=0, false]
18:55:15.000  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 935110 , remainingSeconds > 1447980
18:55:15.983  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a541d2b8 : 5(36700160 size) total buffers - 4(29360128 size) used buffers - 2751/2758 (recycle/alloc) - 11/2757 (fetch/transfer)
18:55:16.514  D  loading [eventTime=92.95, mediaPos=936.63, window=0, period=0, true]
18:55:16.785  D  loading [eventTime=93.22, mediaPos=936.90, window=0, period=0, false]
18:55:17.779  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a5459708 : 5(40960 size) total buffers - 1(8192 size) used buffers - 4230/4235 (recycle/alloc) - 5/4234 (fetch/transfer)
18:55:18.002  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 938119 , remainingSeconds > 1444971
18:55:20.529  D  loading [eventTime=96.97, mediaPos=940.64, window=0, period=0, true]
18:55:20.781  D  loading [eventTime=97.22, mediaPos=940.90, window=0, period=0, false]
18:55:21.003  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 941121 , remainingSeconds > 1441969
18:55:21.105  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a541d2b8 : 5(36700160 size) total buffers - 4(29360128 size) used buffers - 2905/2912 (recycle/alloc) - 11/2910 (fetch/transfer)
18:55:22.746  V  Thread:[104]: processing Mutations
18:55:22.747  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to take action on the mutation queue.
18:55:22.747  V  Thread:[104]: Got message to process next mutation if one exists.
18:55:22.748  V  Thread:[104]:Persistent mutations queue is EMPTY!. Will check inMemory Queue next
18:55:22.748  V  Thread:[104]: In Memory mutations queue was EMPTY!. Nothing to process, exiting
18:55:23.062  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a5459708 : 5(40960 size) total buffers - 1(8192 size) used buffers - 4477/4482 (recycle/alloc) - 5/4481 (fetch/transfer)
18:55:24.003  E  OTTPlayerActivity >> listenProgressUpdate() > movieId > 648816f797ac8651ad692101 , userId > 9016331 , duration > 2383090 , position > 944120 , remainingSeconds > 1438970
18:55:24.548  D  loading [eventTime=100.99, mediaPos=944.67, window=0, period=0, true]
18:55:24.809  D  loading [eventTime=101.25, mediaPos=944.92, window=0, period=0, false]
18:55:25.962  E  Audio sink error
      $UnexpectedDiscontinuityException: Unexpected audio track timestamp discontinuity: expected 1000946541400, got 1000956562734
                    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
                    at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
                    at android.os.Looper.loop(
18:55:26.408  D  bufferpool2 0xb4000079a541d2b8 : 5(36700160 size) total buffers - 5(36700160 size) used buffers - 3064/3071 (recycle/alloc) - 11/3070 (fetch/transfer)
18:55:26.428  I  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder] state->set(FLUSHING)
18:55:26.428  I  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder] state->set(FLUSHED)
18:55:26.429  D  keep callback message for reclaim
18:55:26.429  I  [c2.exynos.h264.decoder] state->set(RESUMING)
18:55:26.429  D  droppedFrames [eventTime=102.87, mediaPos=956.57, window=0, period=0, 192]
18:55:26.429  I  query failed after returning 15 values (BAD_INDEX)
rohitjoins commented 10 months ago

The project is now deprecated. We are not accepting any new issues in this project. Please file your issue in the androidx.media3 GitHub project instead:

BobSmith43 commented 10 months ago

@rohitjoins please check

tobias-indico commented 9 months ago

I also had a similar problem, and I think the problem was that I was trying to play a RTSP stream with audio AAC LATM format. In the documentation it is specified that it supports audio AAC ADTS format.

ExoPlayer RTSP docs

I see that you are using "mp4a-latm" like I did, but not sure if you're also streaming using RTSP though.