google / ExoPlayer

An extensible media player for Android
Apache License 2.0
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Demo App > Misc > Dizzy cannot play on HTC one LG G2, Android 4.4.2 #303

Closed ened closed 9 years ago

ened commented 9 years ago

Similar to #302 the video will load and move to preparing > buffering > ready states, but finally won't play.

D/WifiStateMachine(  936): handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
D/WifiStateMachine(  936): processMsg: ConnectedState
D/WifiStateMachine(  936): processMsg: L2ConnectedState
D/WifiNative-wlan0(  936): doString: SIGNAL_POLL
D/wpa_supplicant( 2113): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
D/wpa_supplicant( 2113): wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
D/wpa_supplicant( 2113): nl80211: survey data missing!
D/WifiStateMachine(  936): handleMessage: X
I/ViewRootImpl( 9383): ViewRoot's Touch Event : Touch Down
I/ViewRootImpl( 9383): ViewRoot's Touch Event : Touch UP
I/ActivityManager( 9383): Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:56501225
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): getRingerMode() mRingerMode:2
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): getOutput()
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() returns output 2
V/AudioSystem(  936): getFrameCount() streamType 1, output 2, frameCount 960
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): getOutput()
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() returns output 2
V/AudioSystem(  936): getOutputSamplingRate() reading from output desc
V/AudioSystem(  936): getSamplingRate() streamType 1, output 2, sampling rate 48000
V/AudioTrack(  936): sampleRate 44100, channelMask 0x3, format 1
V/AudioTrack(  936): streamType 1
V/AudioTrack(  936): sharedBuffer: 0x660e3000, size: 9460
V/AudioTrack(  936): set() streamType 1, sampleRate 44100, format 1, frameCount 0, flags 0004
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): checkPlayCondition().. streamType = 1
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): checkPlayCondition()... stream = 1, bResult = 1
D/audio_hw_extn(  264): audio_extn_get_parameters: returns 
V/msm8974_platform(  264): platform_get_parameters: exit: returns - 
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): adev_get_parameters: exit: returns - 
I/str_params(  264): key: 'isVirtualMirrorLinkDevice' value: ''
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): getOutput()
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 44100, format 1, channelMask 3, flags 4
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): selectOutput() commonFlags for output 3, 0001
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() returns output 3
V/AudioSystem(  936): getLatency() streamType 1, output 3, latency 50
V/AudioSystem(  936): getFrameCount() streamType 1, output 3, frameCount 960
V/AudioSystem(  936): getOutputSamplingRate() reading from output desc
V/AudioSystem(  936): getSamplingRate() streamType 1, output 3, sampling rate 48000
V/AudioTrack(  936): createTrack_l() output 3 afLatency 50
I/ActivityManager(  936): START u0 {dat= (has extras)} from pid 9383
V/AudioFlinger(  264): createTrack() sessionId: 0
V/AudioFlinger(  264): [MABL_AudioFlinger] PlaybackThread::setMABLEnable(), enable = 0 
V/AudioFlinger(  264): [MABL_AudioFlinger] PlaybackThread::setMABLControl(), curLvl = 31 
V/AudioFlinger(  264): [MABL_AudioFlinger] PlaybackThread::setMABLEnable(), enable = 0 
V/AudioFlinger(  264): [MABL_AudioFlinger] PlaybackThread::setMABLControl(), curLvl = 31 
V/AudioFlinger(  264): createTrack() lSessionId: 178
V/AudioFlinger(  264): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied: isTimed=0 sharedBuffer=0xb88fd1b8 frameCount=2365 mFrameCount=240 format=1 isLinear=1 channelMask=0x3 sampleRate=44100 mSampleRate=48000 hasFastMixer=1 tid=11000 fastTrackAvailMask=0xfe
V/AudioFlinger(  264): sharedBuffer: 0xadb8c000, size: 9460
V/AudioFlinger(  264): Track constructor name 4100, calling pid 936
V/AudioTrack(  936): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by server; frameCount 2365
V/AudioFlinger(  264): acquiring 178 from 936
V/AudioFlinger(  264):  added new entry for 178
V/AudioFlinger(  264): start(4100), calling pid 936 session 178
V/AudioFlinger(  264): ? => ACTIVE (4100) on thread 0xb88ee720
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): startOutput()
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): startOutput() output primary->(low_latency)(3), stream 1, session 178
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1
V/AudioPolicyManager(  264): getNewDevice() selected device 2
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): setOutputDevice() output 3 device 0002 delayMs 0
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 3
V/AudioPolicyManager(  264): checkAndSetVolume: index 5 output 3 device 2
D/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): computeVolume()...volume 0.399255, output 3, stream 1, index 5, device 2
V/AudioFlinger(  264): signal playback thread
V/AudioFlinger(  264): thread 0xb250a008 type 0 TID 977 waking up
V/AudioFlinger(  264): acquireWakeLock_l() AudioOut_3 status 0
V/AudioFlinger(  264): acquireWakeLock_l() AudioOut_3 status 0
V/AudioFlinger(  264): releasing 177 from 936
V/AudioFlinger(  264):  decremented refcount to 0
V/AudioFlinger(  264): purging stale effects
V/AudioFlinger(  264): remove track (4098) and delete from mixer
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): start_output_stream: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) devices(0x2)
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): setup24BitPlayback
W/audio_hw_primary(  264): setup24BitPlayback: Format is not 24 bit
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): select_devices: enter playback and rx_mute is (-10) 10:rx_mute enable, -10 disable
V/msm8974_platform(  264): platform_get_output_snd_device: enter: output devices(0x2)
V/msm8974_platform(  264): platform_get_output_snd_device: exit: out_snd_device(speaker)
V/msm8974_platform_lge(  264): platform_lge_get_output_snd_device: enter
V/msm8974_platform_lge(  264): platform_lge_get_output_snd_device: output case  9
V/msm8974_platform_lge(  264): platform_lge_get_output_snd_device: exit: output device is checked in platform.c 
D/audio_hw_primary(  264): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
V/msm8974_platform(  264): platform_check_force_routing: id = 1
V/msm8974_platform(  264): platform_check_force_routing: not offload
D/msm8974_platform(  264): platform_check_force_routing: force route: 0
D/hardware_info(  264): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
V/msm8974_platform(  264): platform_send_audio_calibration: sending audio calibration for snd_device(2) acdb_id(14)
D/ACDB-LOADER(  264): ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 14, path =  0
D/ACDB-LOADER(  264): ACDB -> send_adm_topology
D/ACDB-LOADER(  264): ACDB -> send_audtable
D/ACDB-LOADER(  264): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): releaseOutput()
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): inserting command: 6 at index 0, num commands 0
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): AudioCommandThread() adding release output 3
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): AudioCommandThread() waking up
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): AudioCommandThread() processing release output 3
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): doReleaseOutput from tid 906
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): enable_audio_route: enter: usecase(1)
V/msm8974_platform_lge(  264): platform_lge_add_backend_name: enter: 
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): enable_audio_route: apply mixer path: low-latency-playback
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): enable_audio_route: exit
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): start_output_stream: Opening PCM device card_id(0) device_id(15)
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): releaseOutput() 3
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
V/AudioFlinger(  264): PlaybackThread::Track destructor
I/ActivityManager(  936): resumeTopActivitiesLocked(): target Stack:ActivityStack{43676b60 stackId=1, 10 tasks}
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): start_output_stream: exit
V/ActivityManager(  936): Moving to PAUSING: ActivityRecord{42872580 u0 t24}
D/ActivityManager(  936): resumeTopActivityLocked: Pausing null
V/ActivityManager(  936): resumeTopActivityLocked: Skip resume: need to start pausing
D/ActivityManager(  936): setFocusedStack: mFocusedStack=ActivityStack{43676b60 stackId=1, 10 tasks}
D/ActivityManager(  936): allPausedActivitiesComplete: r=ActivityRecord{42872580 u0 t24} state=PAUSING
V/ActivityManager(  936): Moving to PAUSED: ActivityRecord{42872580 u0 t24} (pause complete)
I/ActivityManager(  936): resumeTopActivitiesLocked(): target Stack:ActivityStack{43676b60 stackId=1, 10 tasks}
D/ActivityManager(  936): resumeTopActivityLocked: Restarting ActivityRecord{430a6228 u0 t24}
V/ActivityManager(  936): Moving to RESUMED: ActivityRecord{430a6228 u0 t24} (starting new instance)
I/ExoPlayerImpl( 9383): Init 1.2.1
D/EventLogger( 9383): start [0]
D/EventLogger( 9383): state [0.00, false, P]
D/EventLogger( 9383): state [0.00, true, I]
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
D/EventLogger( 9383): state [0.06, true, P]
I/ActivityManager(  936): Displayed +136ms
I/InputMethodManagerService(  936): IME STATUS OFF
I/ActivityManager( 9383): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@429ef1b0 time:56501495
D/BubblePopupHelper( 1117): isShowingBubblePopup : false
V/MediaExtractor( 9383):  MediaExtractor create
V/LgeMediaDetector( 9383): GetMediaType start
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:power_supply, action:3
E/BatteryObserver( 1131): usb Uevent not necessary.
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
D/WifiController(  936): battery changed pluggedType: 2
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:power_supply, action:3
W/Settings(  936): Setting stay_on_while_plugged_in has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
W/Settings(  936): Setting wifi_sleep_policy has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
D/HeadsetStateMachine( 1188): Disconnected process message: 10
D/TangibleManager( 1439): [TangibleIO] TangibleIntentReceiver onReceive intent = Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }
D/UsbTangibleController( 1439): [TangibleIO] UsbTangibleController action = android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
D/HeadsetTangibleController( 1439): [TangibleIO] HeadsetTangibleController onAction action = android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
D/OtgUmsTangibleController( 1439): [TangibleIO] OtgUmsTangibleController onAction action = android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1117): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1117): handleBatteryUpdate (2) (54)
I/[SystemUI]LGPowerUI( 1117): []batteryThermNotification temperature : 276 plugged : true isCharging : true
I/[SystemUI]LGPowerUI( 1117): []StopCharging degree: 500
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
I/ActivityManager(  936): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{430a6228 u0 t24} time:56501786
V/ActivityManager(  936): Moving to STOPPING: ActivityRecord{42872580 u0 t24} (stop requested)
W/SurfaceFlinger(  261): couldn't log to binary event log: overflow.
V/ActivityManager(  936): Moving to STOPPED: ActivityRecord{42872580 u0 t24} (stop complete)
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
V/LgeMediaDetector( 9383): GetMainType start
V/LgeMediaDetector( 9383): GetSubType start
V/LgeMediaDetector( 9383): GetFTYPSubType start
V/LgeMediaDetector( 9383): GetFTYPSubType end
V/LgeMediaDetector( 9383): GetSubType end
V/LgeMediaDetector( 9383): Pre GetMediaType [nMain:196608][nSub:196608]
V/LgeMediaDetector( 9383): GetMediaType [nMain:3][nSub:0]
V/LgeMediaDetector( 9383): GetMediaType end
V/MediaExtractor( 9383): Autodetected media content as 'video/mp4' with confidence 0.60
E/MediaExtractorHelper( 9383): LG-CodeParser Version: LG_CodecParser_R1.0.0.11
E/MediaExtractorHelper( 9383): SupportCodecEx : 201
E/MediaExtractorHelper( 9383): #### Audio mime audio/mp4a-latm 
E/MediaExtractorHelper( 9383): #### componentName =
W/BrunchUsedCodecImpl( 9383): [isUsedCodec] Used codec!!!!! = audio/mp4a-latm
E/MediaExtractorHelper( 9383): #### componentName = AACDecoder
W/BrunchUsedCodecImpl( 9383): [isUsedCodec] Used codec!!!!! = audio/mp4a-latm
E/MediaExtractorHelper( 9383): #### componentName =
W/BrunchUsedCodecImpl( 9383): [isUsedCodec] Used codec!!!!! = audio/mp4a-latm
E/MediaExtractorHelper( 9383): SupportCodecEx : 104
E/MediaExtractorHelper( 9383): #### Video mime video/avc 
E/MediaExtractorHelper( 9383): #### componentName =
W/BrunchUsedCodecImpl( 9383): [isUsedCodec] Used codec!!!!! = video/avc
E/MediaExtractorHelper( 9383): #### componentName =
W/BrunchUsedCodecImpl( 9383): [isUsedCodec] Used codec!!!!! = video/avc
D/EventLogger( 9383): state [0.70, true, B]
I/OMXClient( 9383): Using client-side OMX mux.
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:firmware, action:1
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:firmware, action:2
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:firmware, action:1
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:firmware, action:2
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:firmware, action:1
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:firmware, action:2
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:firmware, action:1
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:firmware, action:2
E/OMX-VDEC-1080P(  264): Failed to enable dynamic buffer mode
E/OMXNodeInstance(  264): OMX_SetParameter() failed for StoreMetaDataInBuffers: 0x80001019
E/ACodec  ( 9383): [] storeMetaDataInBuffers failed w/ err -2147483648
I/ACodec  ( 9383): DRC Mode: Port Reconfig Mode
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
I/ExtendedCodec( 9383): Enabling timestamp reordering
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Re-check a condition - 'isMalformed = 0'
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Reset mWrongNALCounter.
I/OMXClient( 9383): Using client-side OMX mux.
E/OMXMaster( 9383): A component of name '' already exists, ignoring this one.
I/        ( 9383): @@@VOLOG Info THD 6436DB98:    VOOMXPlugin.cpp  VOOMXPlugin  59    open successfully. 0X62D1E004
E/        ( 9383): VOLOG Info THD 6436DB98 voCOMXBaseConfig.cpp Open 368  The config file vomeOne.cfg could not be opened!
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Re-check a condition - 'isMalformed = 0'
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Reset mWrongNALCounter.
I/SoftAAC2( 9383): Reconfiguring decoder: 0->44100 Hz, 0->2 channels
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Re-check a condition - 'isMalformed = 0'
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Reset mWrongNALCounter.
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): getOutput()
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() returns output 2
V/AudioSystem( 9383): getOutputSamplingRate() reading from output desc
V/AudioSystem( 9383): getSamplingRate() streamType 3, output 2, sampling rate 48000
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): getOutput()
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() returns output 2
V/AudioSystem( 9383): getFrameCount() streamType 3, output 2, frameCount 960
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): getOutput()
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() returns output 2
V/AudioSystem( 9383): getLatency() streamType 3, output 2, latency 160
V/AudioTrack( 9383): getMinFrameCount=7056: afFrameCount=960, minBufCount=8, afSampleRate=48000, afLatency=160
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): getOutput()
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() returns output 2
V/AudioSystem( 9383): getFrameCount() streamType 3, output 2, frameCount 960
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): getOutput()
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() returns output 2
V/AudioSystem( 9383): getOutputSamplingRate() reading from output desc
V/AudioSystem( 9383): getSamplingRate() streamType 3, output 2, sampling rate 48000
V/AudioTrack( 9383): sampleRate 44100, channelMask 0x3, format 1
V/AudioTrack( 9383): streamType 3
V/AudioTrack( 9383): set() streamType 3, sampleRate 44100, format 1, frameCount 28224, flags 0000
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): checkPlayCondition().. streamType = 3
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): checkPlayCondition()... stream = 3, bResult = 1
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): getOutput()
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() device 2, stream 3, samplingRate 44100, format 1, channelMask 3, flags 0
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): getOutput() returns output 2
V/AudioSystem( 9383): getLatency() streamType 3, output 2, latency 160
V/AudioSystem( 9383): getFrameCount() streamType 3, output 2, frameCount 960
V/AudioSystem( 9383): getOutputSamplingRate() reading from output desc
V/AudioSystem( 9383): getSamplingRate() streamType 3, output 2, sampling rate 48000
V/AudioTrack( 9383): createTrack_l() output 2 afLatency 160
V/AudioTrack( 9383): afFrameCount=960, minBufCount=8, afSampleRate=48000, afLatency=160
V/AudioTrack( 9383): minFrameCount: 7056, afFrameCount=960, minBufCount=8, sampleRate=44100, afSampleRate=48000, afLatency=160
V/AudioFlinger(  264): createTrack() sessionId: 0
V/AudioFlinger(  264): [MABL_AudioFlinger] PlaybackThread::setMABLEnable(), enable = 0 
V/AudioFlinger(  264): [MABL_AudioFlinger] PlaybackThread::setMABLControl(), curLvl = 31 
V/AudioFlinger(  264): [MABL_AudioFlinger] PlaybackThread::setMABLEnable(), enable = 0 
V/AudioFlinger(  264): [MABL_AudioFlinger] PlaybackThread::setMABLControl(), curLvl = 31 
V/AudioFlinger(  264): createTrack() lSessionId: 179
V/AudioFlinger(  264): Track constructor name 4097, calling pid 9383
V/AudioFlinger(  264): acquiring 179 from 9383
V/AudioFlinger(  264):  added new entry for 179
V/SoundNormalizerUtil( 9383): lge.normalizer.param = version2.0/true/14.5/true/8230/1.0/2050/0.55
V/SoundNormalizerUtil( 9383): SoundNormalizer:version = version2.0
V/SoundNormalizerUtil( 9383): SoundNormalizer:Enable = "true"
V/SoundNormalizerUtil( 9383): normalizer V2: SoundNormalizer:Enable set to true
V/SoundNormalizerUtil( 9383): normalizer V2: normalizerMakeupGain = 14.5
V/SoundNormalizerUtil( 9383): SoundNormalizer:PreFilter_HPF_350Hz = "true"
V/SoundNormalizerUtil( 9383): normalizer V2: AudioEffect:SoundNormalizer:PreFilter_HPF_350Hz set to true
V/SoundNormalizerUtil( 9383): normalizer V2: normalizerLimiterThreshold = 8230
V/SoundNormalizerUtil( 9383): normalizer V2: normalizerLimiterSlope = 1.00
V/SoundNormalizerUtil( 9383): normalizer V2: normalizerCompressorThreshold = 2050
V/SoundNormalizerUtil( 9383): normalizer V2: normalizerCompressorSlope = 0.55
V/AudioTrack( 9383): NormalizerV2(session: 179): mNormalizerV2->process(framecount: 1)
V/AudioTrack( 9383): NormalizerV2: channelCount = 2, mStreamType = 3, mFlags = 0
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Re-check a condition - 'isMalformed = 0'
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Reset mWrongNALCounter.
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Re-check a condition - 'isMalformed = 0'
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Reset mWrongNALCounter.
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Re-check a condition - 'isMalformed = 0'
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Reset mWrongNALCounter.
V/AudioFlinger(  264): stop(4100), calling pid 936
V/AudioFlinger(  264): not stopping/stopped => stopping/stopped (4100) on thread 0xb250a008
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Re-check a condition - 'isMalformed = 0'
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Reset mWrongNALCounter.
V/AudioFlinger(  264): presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 0 framesWritten 48000
V/AudioFlinger(  264): presentationComplete() reset: mPresentationCompleteFrames 50400 audioHalFrames 2400
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Re-check a condition - 'isMalformed = 0'
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Reset mWrongNALCounter.
V/AudioFlinger(  264): presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 50400 framesWritten 48000
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
D/EventLogger( 9383): videoSizeChanged [480, 360, 1.0]
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Re-check a condition - 'isMalformed = 0'
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Reset mWrongNALCounter.
V/AudioFlinger(  264): presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 50400 framesWritten 48960
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Re-check a condition - 'isMalformed = 0'
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Reset mWrongNALCounter.
V/AudioFlinger(  264): presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 50400 framesWritten 48960
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Re-check a condition - 'isMalformed = 0'
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Reset mWrongNALCounter.
V/AudioFlinger(  264): presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 50400 framesWritten 49920
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Re-check a condition - 'isMalformed = 0'
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Reset mWrongNALCounter.
V/AudioFlinger(  264): presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 50400 framesWritten 49920
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Re-check a condition - 'isMalformed = 0'
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Reset mWrongNALCounter.
V/AudioFlinger(  264): presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 50400 framesWritten 50880
V/AudioFlinger(  264): presentationComplete() session 178 complete: framesWritten 50880
V/AudioFlinger(  264): removeTracks_l removing track on session 178
V/AudioFlinger(  264): acquireWakeLock_l() AudioOut_3 status 0
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): stopOutput()
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): inserting command: 5 at index 0, num commands 0
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): AudioCommandThread() adding stop output 3
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): AudioCommandThread() waking up
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): AudioCommandThread() processing stop output 3
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): doStopOutput from tid 906
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): stopOutput() output 3, stream 1, session 178
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): changeRefCount() stream 1, count 0
V/AudioPolicyManager(  264): getNewDevice() selected device 0
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): setOutputDevice() output 3 device 0000 delayMs 100
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 3
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Re-check a condition - 'isMalformed = 0'
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Reset mWrongNALCounter.
V/AudioFlinger(  264): start(4097), calling pid 9383 session 179
V/AudioFlinger(  264): ? => ACTIVE (4097) on thread 0xb88ee618
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): startOutput()
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): startOutput() output primary->(primary)(2), stream 3, session 179
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): changeRefCount() stream 3, count 1
V/AudioPolicyManager(  264): getNewDevice() selected device 2
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0002 delayMs 0
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0002 or null device for output 2
V/AudioPolicyManager(  264): checkAndSetVolume: index 5 output 2 device 2
D/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): computeVolume()...volume 0.047179, output 2, stream 3, index 5, device 2
D/EventLogger( 9383): state [1.03, true, R]
V/AudioFlinger(  264): signal playback thread
V/AudioFlinger(  264): thread 0xb2676008 type 0 TID 907 waking up
V/AudioFlinger(  264): acquireWakeLock_l() AudioOut_2 status 0
V/AudioFlinger(  264): acquireWakeLock_l() AudioOut_2 status 0
V/AudioFlinger(  264): anticipated start
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): start_output_stream: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) devices(0x2)
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): setup24BitPlayback
W/audio_hw_primary(  264): setup24BitPlayback: Format is not 24 bit
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): select_devices: enter playback and rx_mute is (-10) 10:rx_mute enable, -10 disable
V/msm8974_platform(  264): platform_get_output_snd_device: enter: output devices(0x2)
V/msm8974_platform(  264): platform_get_output_snd_device: exit: out_snd_device(speaker)
V/msm8974_platform_lge(  264): platform_lge_get_output_snd_device: enter
V/msm8974_platform_lge(  264): platform_lge_get_output_snd_device: output case  9
V/msm8974_platform_lge(  264): platform_lge_get_output_snd_device: exit: output device is checked in platform.c 
D/audio_hw_primary(  264): select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
V/msm8974_platform(  264): platform_check_force_routing: id = 0
V/msm8974_platform(  264): platform_check_force_routing: not offload
D/msm8974_platform(  264): platform_check_force_routing: force route: 0
D/hardware_info(  264): hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker) is already active
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): enable_audio_route: enter: usecase(0)
V/msm8974_platform_lge(  264): platform_lge_add_backend_name: enter: 
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): enable_audio_route: apply mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): enable_audio_route: exit
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): start_output_stream: Opening PCM device card_id(0) device_id(0)
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Re-check a condition - 'isMalformed = 0'
E/MPEG4Extractor( 9383): [LGE-MP4P] Reset mWrongNALCounter.
V/audio_hw_primary(  264): start_output_stream: exit
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:power_supply, action:3
E/BatteryObserver( 1131): usb Uevent not necessary.
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:power_supply, action:3
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1117): received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1117): handleBatteryUpdate (2) (54)
I/[SystemUI]LGPowerUI( 1117): []batteryThermNotification temperature : 275 plugged : true isCharging : true
I/[SystemUI]LGPowerUI( 1117): []StopCharging degree: 500
D/HeadsetStateMachine( 1188): Disconnected process message: 10
D/WifiController(  936): battery changed pluggedType: 2
W/Settings(  936): Setting stay_on_while_plugged_in has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
W/Settings(  936): Setting wifi_sleep_policy has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
D/TangibleManager( 1439): [TangibleIO] TangibleIntentReceiver onReceive intent = Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }
D/UsbTangibleController( 1439): [TangibleIO] UsbTangibleController action = android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
D/HeadsetTangibleController( 1439): [TangibleIO] HeadsetTangibleController onAction action = android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
D/OtgUmsTangibleController( 1439): [TangibleIO] OtgUmsTangibleController onAction action = android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
I/AudioFlinger(  264): BUFFER TIMEOUT: remove(4097) from active list on thread 0xb2676008
V/AudioFlinger(  264): removeTracks_l removing track on session 179
V/AudioFlinger(  264): acquireWakeLock_l() AudioOut_2 status 0
D/dalvikvm(  682): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1903K, 32% free 16999K/24912K, paused 3ms+2ms, total 66ms
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): stopOutput()
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): inserting command: 5 at index 0, num commands 0
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): AudioCommandThread() adding stop output 2
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): AudioCommandThread() waking up
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): AudioCommandThread() processing stop output 2
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): doStopOutput from tid 906
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): stopOutput() output 2, stream 3, session 179
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): changeRefCount() stream 3, count 0
V/AudioPolicyManager(  264): getNewDevice() selected device 0
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): setOutputDevice() output 2 device 0000 delayMs 320
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0002
V/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  264): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0000 or null device for output 2
V/AudioPolicyService(  264): AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:cpu, action:0
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:power_supply, action:3
E/BatteryObserver( 1131): usb Uevent not necessary.
I/Vold    (  253): [LGE][VOLD][NetlinkHandler.cpp][onEvent()] subsys:power_supply, action:3
V/WifiServiceExtension(  936): checkPollTimer Cnt= 0 rssi =-50 threshold=-100

YouTube Dash demos work well as well.

ojw28 commented 9 years ago

Collapsing into #302