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How do I differentiate I-FRAME only tracks? #8313

Closed nishantkp closed 3 years ago

nishantkp commented 3 years ago


I have a HLS manifest, which supposedly has 5 video tracks but ExoPlayer shows 8 video tracks. There is a total of 5 variants and 3 keyframes. How do I differentiate between variants and keyframes? I am only interested in variants for video track selection.

Link to test content

This is the manifest file, it shows 5 variants and 3 keyframes, but when I play it with the ExoPlayer demo app and open track selection shows 8 video tracks instead of 5.

# AUDIO groups
# variants
# keyframes

This is the log from ExoPlayer demo,

D/EventLogger: videoEnabled [eventTime=0.43, mediaPos=0.00, window=0, period=0]
D/EventLogger: audioEnabled [eventTime=0.43, mediaPos=0.00, window=0, period=0]
D/EventLogger: tracks [eventTime=0.43, mediaPos=0.00, window=0, period=0
D/EventLogger:   MediaCodecVideoRenderer [
D/EventLogger:     Group:0, adaptive_supported=YES [
D/EventLogger:       [X] Track:0, id=0, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=668000, codecs=avc1.42C01E, res=640x360, supported=YES
D/EventLogger:       [X] Track:1, id=1, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=1020000, codecs=avc1.42C01E, res=640x360, supported=YES
D/EventLogger:       [X] Track:2, id=2, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=1339000, codecs=avc1.42C01F, res=640x360, supported=YES
D/EventLogger:       [X] Track:3, id=3, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=1978000, codecs=avc1.4D401F, res=960x540, supported=YES
D/EventLogger:       [X] Track:4, id=4, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=2791000, codecs=avc1.4D401F, res=1280x720, supported=YES
D/EventLogger:       [ ] Track:5, id=5, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=72000, codecs=avc1.42C01E, res=640x360, supported=YES
D/EventLogger:       [ ] Track:6, id=6, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=232000, codecs=avc1.4D401F, res=960x540, supported=YES
D/EventLogger:       [ ] Track:7, id=7, mimeType=video/avc, bitrate=333000, codecs=avc1.4D401F, res=1280x720, supported=YES
D/EventLogger:     ]
D/EventLogger:     Metadata [
D/EventLogger:       HlsTrackMetadataEntry
D/EventLogger:     ]
D/EventLogger:   ]
D/EventLogger:   MediaCodecAudioRenderer [
D/EventLogger:     Group:0, adaptive_supported=YES_NOT_SEAMLESS [
D/EventLogger:       [X] Track:0, id=audio-aacl-96:English, mimeType=audio/mp4a-latm, codecs=mp4a.40.2, channels=2, sample_rate=44100, language=en, label=English, supported=YES
D/EventLogger:       [ ] Track:1, id=audio-aacl-128:English, mimeType=audio/mp4a-latm, codecs=mp4a.40.2, channels=2, sample_rate=44100, language=en, label=English, supported=YES
D/EventLogger:     ]
D/EventLogger:     Metadata [
D/EventLogger:       HlsTrackMetadataEntry [audio-aacl-96, English]
D/EventLogger:     ]
D/EventLogger:   ]
D/EventLogger:   TextRenderer [
D/EventLogger:     Group:0, adaptive_supported=N/A [
D/EventLogger:       [X] Track:0, id=textstream:In stream captions, mimeType=application/cea-608, supported=YES
D/EventLogger:     ]
D/EventLogger:   ]
D/EventLogger:   MetadataRenderer [
D/EventLogger:     Group:0, adaptive_supported=N/A [
D/EventLogger:       [X] Track:0, id=null, mimeType=application/id3, supported=YES
D/EventLogger:     ]
D/EventLogger:     Group:1, adaptive_supported=N/A [
D/EventLogger:       [ ] Track:0, id=null, mimeType=application/id3, supported=YES
D/EventLogger:     ]
D/EventLogger:   ]
D/EventLogger:   CameraMotionRenderer []
D/EventLogger: ]

ExoPlayer version : 2.12.1

apptrash commented 3 years ago

Take a look at this ticket. Seems like there is no support for #EXT-X-I-FRAME-STREAM-INF tag.

And also look at this:

AquilesCanta commented 3 years ago

Hi, just a quick update, I've updated the referenced bugs to reflect that they have already been addressed (sorry for lagging behind on them!). So I-FRAME only variants are now fully supported. I'll leave the original question to @christosts.

christosts commented 3 years ago

The keyframes tracks have a format that is flagged with C.ROLE_FLAG_TRICK_PLAY. To identify keyframe tracks, inspect the formats inside the TrackGroup and check if any for the Format's roleFlags contains C.ROLE_FLAG_TRICK_PLAY:


Alternatively, to keep only the video tracks, check that their formats are not flagged with C.ROLE_FLAG_TRICK_PLAY:

format.roleFlags & C.ROLE_FLAG_TRICK_PLAY == 0

Closing this ticket, feel free to re-open if the answer is not sufficient.