google / OctoPrint-LEDStripControl

OctoPrint plugin that intercepts M150 GCode commands and controls local GPIOs connected to LEDs.
Apache License 2.0
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Cannot trigger with M150 command (Prusa I3 Mk2s) #21

Closed mikedmor closed 6 years ago

mikedmor commented 6 years ago

I setup everything and got my pins all set, ran some test via ssh with pigpiod to make sure everything works (which it is), and updated my Prusa I3 firmware to enable BLINKM. However when i open octoprint and input M150 R255 there is no reponse, and the led's do not turn on. I also attempted to use the Pigpiod settings and still was unable to get my leds to turn on. I am unsure if this issue has to do with my printer or if it is related to the plugin.

precision commented 6 years ago

What version of Octoprint and Raspbian are you using?

mikedmor commented 6 years ago

Octoprint Version 1.3.8 Raspbian Version 8 (jessie)

precision commented 6 years ago

Ok, I think I saw something similar when I upgraded to Jessie, but I'm not 100% sure. Can you try the following?

I'm assuming this is a OctoPi like setup, where there is a virtualenv in ~/oprint

source oprint/bin/activate
pip install pigpio --upgrade

Then restart OctoPrint and try the M150 again. If that fixes it, I'll push a new version of the plugin that grabs the latest version of the pigpio python module. I had it pinned @ 1.35 because there was a broken version in the wild for a while.

mikedmor commented 6 years ago

Yes this is an OctoPi setup.

Still no luck though. I tried with both the pigpiod setting enabled and disabled again.

precision commented 6 years ago

Ok. So it doesn't work with or without pigpiod. What pins do you have the plugin configured to use and what pins on your RPi are your LEDs wired to?

mikedmor commented 6 years ago

Im using pins 17 for red, 22 for green, and 24 for blue. I followed this tutorial to get all the wiring setup:!%2Fws2812

mikedmor commented 6 years ago

Well I did find out i was configuring the tool wrong. Was using GPO numbers instead of physical pin numbers, However after updating to the physical pins it still does not seem to work. The correct pins i have setup is 11 for Red, 15 for Green, and 18 for Blue.

mikedmor commented 6 years ago

They just turned on! So i guess it took a moment. Thank you for the help!

precision commented 6 years ago

Great to hear! Glad it was just a configuration issue.