google / UIforETW

User interface for recording and managing ETW traces
Apache License 2.0
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Better 32-bit support #76

Closed randomascii closed 5 years ago

randomascii commented 8 years ago

"On a ponderously slow 32 bit machine I tried to get a trace, but UIforETW32 reported:

Starting tracing to in-memory circular buffers... xperf: error: UIforETWSession: Not enough storage is available to process this command. (0x8). Error starting tracing. Try stopping tracing and then starting it again? Process exit code was 80070008 (2147942408)

It's a 32 bit Windows 10 install on a machine that was upgraded from Vista to 7 to 10. (I suggested that maybe reinstalling as x64 to get the benefit of the 4G of ram in the machine would be worthwhile, but he said he'd rather just buy a whole new computer if he was going to go to all that bother.)

Anyway, I guess it was probably just out of contiguous memory? Maybe the 32.exe could use a smaller buffer, if that's possible to configure."

Even on a 64-bit OS it is possible to not have enough memory for tracing. Ideally the requested memory would be lowered in that case rather than failing.

randomascii commented 5 years ago

Nobody has cared in almost three years. I'm closing this.