google / XNNPACK

High-efficiency floating-point neural network inference operators for mobile, server, and Web
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Doesn't it support windows x86 (32 bit)? #4637

Open gootaoo opened 1 year ago

gootaoo commented 1 year ago

I run the following command and got an error: bazel --output_user_root=./../tensorflow_build/2.11 build -s --config=opt --define tflite_with_xnnpack=true --cpu=x64_x86_windows //tensorflow/lite:tensorflowlite.dll

ERROR: C:/users/desktop/tensorflow_build/master1/gaunzc4b/external/XNNPACK/BUILD.bazel:4762:26: configurable attribute "deps" in @XNNPACK//:amalgam_microkernels doesn't match this configuration. Would a default condition help?

Conditions checked: @XNNPACK//:aarch32 @XNNPACK//:aarch64 @XNNPACK//:x86 @XNNPACK//:emscripten_wasm @XNNPACK//:emscripten_wasmsimd @XNNPACK//:emscripten_wasmrelaxedsimd @XNNPACK//:riscv

Maratyszcza commented 1 year ago

AFAIK, Bazel doesn't support 32-bit Windows builds. CMake should work.

gootaoo commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reply, @Maratyszcza it should support compiling x86 (32-bit) compilation. When I remove the tflite_with_xnnpack parameter, it can be compiled successfully.