google / accompanist

A collection of extension libraries for Jetpack Compose
Apache License 2.0
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Webview client not able to capture onpagefinished callback #1689

Closed RizwanAtNvest closed 12 months ago

RizwanAtNvest commented 1 year ago
       val state = rememberWebViewState("")
                        state = state,
                        onCreated = {
                            it.webViewClient = WebViewClients(object : WebViewClients.PageLoaderStatus {
                                override fun onPageLoaded() {
                                    loadingState = false

                            it.settings.javaScriptEnabled = true
                            it.settings.domStorageEnabled = true

bentrengrove commented 12 months ago

You need to use the Accompanist web view clients. Have a look at the sample app in accompanist for an example