google / accompanist

A collection of extension libraries for Jetpack Compose
Apache License 2.0
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Question: Dismiss bottom sheet programmatically? #1717

Closed JohanAlbrectsen closed 9 months ago

JohanAlbrectsen commented 10 months ago

I can dismiss my bottom sheet by navController.popBackStack(), the issue is there's no animation. It's very rough and flashy, which is bad UX. Am I dismissing / popping the bottom sheet wrong?

hrach commented 9 months ago

Yes, this is not implemented properly. In PR for M3 I've posted our solution which does this properly: - but you have to implement your own "destination" type to achieve this.

ianhanniballake commented 9 months ago

navController.popBackStack() is indeed how you dismiss a bottom sheet destination. However, Accompanist doesn't control what that looks like - it just calls sheetState.hide().

If you can reproduce the same rough and flashy animation when hiding any bottom sheet that uses ModalBottomSheetLayout, you should file an issue in the issue tracker.