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[Permissions] `MutableMultiplePermissionsState.shouldShowRationale` returns true despite some permissions being `Denied(shouldShowRationale=false)` #1781

Open FelixZY opened 5 days ago

FelixZY commented 5 days ago


The current implementation of MutableMultiplePermissionsState.shouldShowRationale does not consider cases where one or more permissions are Denied(shouldShowRationale=false). This causes issues in statements such as

val permissions = rememberMultiplePermissionsState(listOf(ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION))

when {
  // Granted
  permissions.allPermissionsGranted -> Unit,
  // Denied, but I can ask the user
  permissions.shouldShowRationale -> 
    // ERROR: Does not trigger!
  // Denied and I may not ask the user.
  else -> Unit

The issue is located at

Suggested fix:

    override val shouldShowRationale: Boolean by derivedStateOf {
-       permissions.any { it.status.shouldShowRationale }
+       permissions.any { it.status.shouldShowRationale } && permissions.none { !it.status.isGranted && !it.status.shouldShowRationale }
bentrengrove commented 1 day ago

That does make sense. PR's welcome!