google / android-emulator-container-scripts

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Getting issue while running docker-compose -f js/docker/docker-compose-build.yaml -f js/docker/development.yaml up command #369

Open hridhar opened 4 months ago

hridhar commented 4 months ago

Please find the below error. we had gone through the errors and we saw that some folders are missing then we just created folders and added all the necessary information but still it is showing below error. Please check and support. emulator_1 | pulse: ( 0.010| 0.000) D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Client enabled srbchannel. emulator_1 | pulse: ( 0.010| 0.000) I: [pulseaudio] client.c: Freed 0 "pactl" emulator_1 | pulse: ( 0.010| 0.000) I: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Connection died. emulator_1 | daemon started successfully emulator_1 | emulator: NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all HOSTNAME=5b8c7466fa9a PWD=/android/sdk NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=graphics,compat32,utility,display HOME=/root https_proxy= ANDROID_AVD_HOME=/android-home SHLVL=0 HTTPS_PROXY= ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/android/sdk HTTP_PROXY= http_proxy= LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu:/usr/local/nvidia/lib:/usr/local/nvidia/lib64 PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PULSESERVER=unix:/tmp/pulse-socket =/usr/bin/env emulator_1 | emulator: emulator/emulator -avd Pixel2 -ports 5556,5557 -grpc 8554 -no-window -skip-adb-auth -no-snapshot-save -wipe-data -no-boot-anim -shell-serial file:/tmp/android-unknown/kernel.log -logcat :V -feature AllowSnapshotMigration -gpu swiftshader_indirect -shell-serial file:/tmp/android-unknown/kernel.log -logcat-output /tmp/android-unknown/logcat.log -metrics-collection -qemu -append panic=1 emulator_1 | INFO | Android emulator version (build_id 11237101) (CL:N/A) emulator_1 | INFO | AVD Pixel2 has path /android-home/Pixel2.avd emulator_1 | INFO | trying to check whether /android/sdk is a valid sdk root emulator_1 | WARNING | /android/sdk/system-images/android/x86_64/ is not a valid directory. emulator_1 | WARNING | emulator has searched the above paths but found no valid sdk root directory. emulator_1 | PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value [/android/sdk]! docker_emulator_1 exited with code 1

hridhar commented 3 months ago

any update

hridhar commented 1 week ago

Please update.