google / android-emulator-container-scripts

1.88k stars 263 forks source link #90

Closed lordjustine closed 4 years ago

lordjustine commented 4 years ago

Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Minimal dependency script to query a set of publically available emulator and system image zip files. import logging import os import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import zipfile

import click import urlfetch from consolemenu import SelectionMenu from tqdm import tqdm

from emu.docker_config import DockerConfig

SYSIMG_REPOS = [ "", "", "", ]

EMU_REPOS = [""]

CHANNEL_MAPPING = {"channel-0": "stable", "channel-1": "beta", "channel-2": "dev", "channel-3": "canary"}

API_LETTER_MAPPING = { "10": "G", "15": "I", "16": "J", "17": "J", "18": "J", "19": "K", "21": "L", "22": "L", "23": "M", "24": "N", "25": "N", "26": "O", "27": "O", "28": "P", "29": "Q", }

Older versions might not work as expected. MIN_REL_I386 = "K" MIN_REL_X64 = "O"

Platform tools, needed to get adb. PLATFORM_TOOLS_URL = ""

def _download(url, dest): """Downloads the given url to the given destination with a progress bar.

This function will immediately return if the file already exists. """ if os.path.exists(dest): print(" Skipping already downloaded file: {}".format(dest)) return dest with urlfetch.get(url) as r: with tqdm(r, total=int(r.headers["content-length"]), unit="B", unit_scale=True) as t: with open(dest, "wb") as f: for data in r: f.write(data) t.update(len(data)) return dest class AndroidReleaseZip(object): """Provides information of released android products.

Every released zip file contains a file, this file contains [key]=[value] pairs with information about the contents of the zip. """

ABI_CPU_MAP = {"armeabi-v7a": "arm", "arm64-v8a": "arm64", "x86_64": "x86_64", "x86": "x86"} SHORT_MAP = {"armeabi-v7a": "a32", "arm64-v8a": "a64", "x86_64": "x64", "x86": "x86"} SHORT_TAG = {"android": "aosp", "google_apis": "google", "google_apis_playstore": "playstore"}

def init(self, fname): self.fname = fname if not zipfile.is_zipfile(fname): raise Exception("{} is not a zipfile!".format(fname)) with zipfile.ZipFile(fname, "r") as sysimg: props = [x for x in sysimg.infolist() if "" in x.filename] if not props: raise Exception("{} does not contain!".format(fname)) prop =[0]).decode("utf-8").splitlines() self.props = dict([a.split("=") for a in prop if "=" in a])

def str(self): return "{}-{}".format(self.desc(), self.revision())

def api(self): """The api level, if any.""" return self.props.get("AndroidVersion.ApiLevel", "")

def codename(self): """First letter of the desert, if any.""" api = self.api() if api in API_LETTER_MAPPING: return API_LETTERMAPPING[api] else: return ""

def abi(self): """The abi if any.""" return self.props.get("SystemImage.Abi", "")

def short_abi(self): return self.SHORT_MAP[self.abi()]

def cpu(self): """Returns the cpu architecture, derived from the abi.""" return self.ABI_CPU_MAP[self.abi()]

def gpu(self): """Returns whether or not the system has gpu support.""" return self.props.get("SystemImage.GpuSupport")

def tag(self): """The tag associated with this release.""" tag = self.props.get("SystemImage.TagId", "") if tag == "default": tag = "android" return tag

def short_tag(self): return self.SHORT_TAG[self.tag()]

def desc(self): """Descripton of this release.""" return self.props.get("Pkg.Desc")

def revision(self): """The revision of this release.""" return self.props.get("Pkg.Revision")

def build_id(self): """The build id, or revision of build id is not available.""" if "Pgk.BuildId" in self.props: return self.props.get("Pkg.BuildId") return self.revision()

def repo_friendly_name(self): return "{}-{}-{}".format(self.codename().lower(), self.short_tag(), self.short_abi())

def is_system_image(self): return "System Image" in self.desc()

def is_emulator(self): return "Android Emulator" in self.desc()

def logger_flags(self): if "arm" in self.cpu(): return "-logcat *:V -show-kernel" else: return "-shell-serial file:/tmp/android-unknown/kernel.log -logcat-output /tmp/android-unknown/logcat.log" class PlatformTools(object): """The platform tools zip file. It will be downloaded on demand."""

def init(self, fname=None): self.platform = fname

def extract_adb(self, dest): if not self.platform: self.platform = with zipfile.ZipFile(self.platform, "r") as plzip: plzip.extract("platform-tools/adb", dest)

def download(self, dest=None): dest = dest or os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "") print("Downloading platform tools to {}".format(dest)) return _download(PLATFORM_TOOLS_URL, dest) class License(object): """Represents a license."""

def init(self, license): = license.attrib["id"] self.text = license.text self.cfg = DockerConfig()

def accept(self): agree = "\n\n".join([self.text, "Do you accept the license?"]) if not self.is_accepted(): if not click.confirm(agree): raise Exception("License not accepted.") self.cfg.accept_license(

return True

def is_accepted(self): return self.cfg.accepted_license(

def force_accept(self): self.cfg.accept_license(

def str(self): return self.text

def hash(self): return hash(

def eq(self, other): return self.class == other.class and == class LicensedObject(object): """A dowloadable object for which a license needs to be accepted."""

def init(self, pkg, licenses): self.license = licenses[pkg.find("uses-license").attrib["ref"]]

def download(self, url, dest): """"Downloads the released pacakage forto the dest.""" if self.license.accept(): return _download(url, dest) class SysImgInfo(LicensedObject): """Provides information about a released system image."""

def init(self, pkg, licenses): super(SysImgInfo, self).init(pkg, licenses) details = pkg.find("type-details") self.api = details.find("api-level").text

codename = details.find("codename")
if codename is None:
    if self.api in API_LETTER_MAPPING:
        self.letter = API_LETTER_MAPPING[self.api]
        self.letter = "_"
    self.letter = codename.text

self.tag = details.find("tag").find("id").text

if self.tag == "default":
    self.tag = "android"
self.abi = details.find("abi").text = pkg.find(".//url").text
self.url = "" % (self.tag,

def download(self, dest=None): dest = dest or os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "sys-img-{}-{}-{}-{}.zip".format(self.tag, self.api, self.letter, self.abi) ) print("Downloading system image: {} {} {} {} to {}".format(self.tag, self.api, self.letter, self.abi, dest)) return super(SysImgInfo, self).download(self.url, dest)

def str(self): return "{} {} {}".format(self.letter, self.tag, self.abi) class EmuInfo(LicensedObject): """Provides information about a released emulator."""

def init(self, pkg, licenses): super(EmuInfo, self).init(pkg, licenses) rev = pkg.find("revision")

rev_major = rev.find("major").text
rev_minor = rev.find("minor").text
rev_micro = rev.find("micro").text

archives = pkg.find("archives")
channel = pkg.find("channelRef") = CHANNEL_MAPPING[channel.attrib["ref"]]

self.version = "%s.%s.%s" % (rev_major, rev_minor, rev_micro)
self.urls = {}

for archive in archives:
    url = archive.find(".//url").text
    hostos = archive.find("host-os").text
    self.urls[hostos] = "" % url

def download(self, hostos="linux", dest=None): """"Downloads the released pacakage for the given os to the dest.""" dest = dest or os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "emulator-{}.zip".format(self.version)) print("Downloading emulator: {} {} to {}".format(, self.version, dest)) return super(EmuInfo, self).download(self.urls[hostos], dest)

def str(self): return "{} {}".format(, self.version) def get_images_info(arm=False): """Gets all the publicly available system images from the Android Image Repos.

Returns a list of AndroidSystemImages that were found and (hopefully) can boot.""" xml = [] for url in SYSIMG_REPOS: response = urlfetch.get(url) if response.status == 200: xml.append(response.content)

licenses = [License(p) for x in xml for p in ET.fromstring(x).findall("license")] licenses = dict([(, x) for x in [y for y in licenses]])

xml = [ET.fromstring(x).findall("remotePackage") for x in xml]

Flatten the list of lists into a system image objects.

infos = [SysImgInfo(item, licenses) for sublist in xml for item in sublist]

Filter only for intel images that we know that work

x86_64_imgs = [info for info in infos if info.abi == "x86_64" and info.letter >= MIN_REL_X64] x86_imgs = [info for info in infos if info.abi == "x86" and info.letter >= MIN_REL_I386] slow = [] if arm: slow = [info for info in infos if info.abi.startswith("arm")] all_imgs = sorted(x86_64_imgs + x86_imgs + slow, key=lambda x: x.api + x.tag)

Filter out windows/darwin images.

return [i for i in all_imgs if "windows" not in i.url and "darwin" not in i.url] def find_image(regexpr): reg = re.compile(regexpr) all_images = get_images_info(True) matches = [img for img in all_images if reg.match(str(img))] "Found %s matching images: %s from %s", regexpr, [str(x) for x in matches], [str(x) for x in all_images] ) if not matches: raise Exception( "No system image found matching {}. Run the list command to list available images".format(regexpr) ) return matches

def find_emulator(channel): """Displayes an interactive menu to select a released emulator binary.

Returns a ImuInfo object with the choice or None if the user aborts. """ emu_infos = [x for x in get_emus_info() if "linux" in x.urls and (channel == "all" or == channel)]"Found %s matching images: %s", channel, [str(x) for x in emu_infos]) if not emu_infos: raise Exception("No emulator found in channel {}".format(channel)) return emu_infos def get_emus_info(): """Gets all the publicly available emulator builds.

 Returns a list of EmuInfo items that were found.    """

xml = [] for url in EMU_REPOS: response = urlfetch.get(url) if response.status == 200: xml.append(response.content)

licenses = [License(p) for x in xml for p in ET.fromstring(x).findall("license")] licenses = dict([(, x) for x in [y for y in licenses]]) xml = [[p for p in ET.fromstring(x).findall("remotePackage") if "emulator" == p.attrib["path"]] for x in xml]

Flatten the list of lists into a system image objects.

infos = [EmuInfo(item, licenses) for sublist in xml for item in sublist] return infos def select_image(arm): """Displayes an interactive menu to select a released system image.

Returns a SysImgInfo object with the choice or None if the user aborts. """ img_infos = get_images_info(arm) display = [ "{} {} {} ({})".format(img_info.api, img_info.letter, img_info.tag, img_info.abi) for img_info in img_infos ] selection = SelectionMenu.get_selection(display, title="Select the system image you wish to use:") return img_infos[selection] if selection < len(img_infos) else None def select_emulator(): """Displayes an interactive menu to select a released emulator binary.

Returns a ImuInfo object with the choice or None if the user aborts. """ emu_infos = [x for x in get_emus_info() if "linux" in x.urls] display = ["EMU {} {}".format(, emu_info.version) for emu_info in emu_infos] selection = SelectionMenu.get_selection(display, title="Select the emulator you wish to use:") return emu_infos[selection] if selection < len(emu_infos) else None def list_all_downloads(arm): """Lists all available downloads that can be used to construct a Docker image.""" img_infos = get_images_info(arm) emu_infos = get_emus_info()

for img_info in img_infos: print("SYSIMG {} {} {} {} {}".format(img_info.api, img_info.letter, img_info.tag, img_info.abi, img_info.url))

for emu_info in emu_infos: for (hostos, url) in list(emu_info.urls.items()): print("EMU {} {} {} {}".format(, emu_info.version, hostos, url))

pokowaka commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what you are asking.