google / android-fhir

The Android FHIR SDK is a set of Kotlin libraries for building offline-capable, mobile-first healthcare applications using the HL7® FHIR® standard on Android.
Apache License 2.0
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Introduce script and action step to build documentation #2460

Closed vorburger closed 3 months ago

vorburger commented 3 months ago

IMPORTANT: All PRs must be linked to an issue (except for extremely trivial and straightforward changes).

Related to #2232


This PR contains x2 Commit. You may want to review and merge #2459 separately, first? Or both together here - your call.

I'm intentionally raising small changes; this alone doesn't "do" all that much, yet; my plan is to gradually build upon this.

Type Choose one: Builds


vorburger commented 3 months ago

@santosh-pingle or @jingtang10 do you want me to "self merge" this (and future related) changes, or do you want to review?

jingtang10 commented 3 months ago

@santosh-pingle or @jingtang10 do you want me to "self merge" this (and future related) changes, or do you want to review?

prefer to review :)

vorburger commented 3 months ago

Kokoro: Build and Device Tests — Kokoro build failed. Check logs for details.

@jingtang10 looks like this ^^^ is due to:

│ OUTCOME │      MATRIX ID       │          APP NAME          │          TEST FILE NAME           │          TEST AXIS VALUE          │          TEST DETAILS          │
│ success │ matrix-22nv06xa30fdw │ demo-debug-androidTest.apk │ datacapture-debug-androidTest.apk │ Nexus6P-24-en_US-portrait         │ 91 test cases passed           │
│ failure │ matrix-22nv06xa30fdw │ demo-debug-androidTest.apk │ datacapture-debug-androidTest.apk │ MediumPhone.arm-33-en_US-portrait │ 1 test cases failed, 92 passed │

which is very very likely completely unrelated to this PR? How do you want to handle this? Do you want to just merge this as-is anyway?