google / android-fhir

The Android FHIR SDK is a set of Kotlin libraries for building offline-capable, mobile-first healthcare applications using the HL7® FHIR® standard on Android.
Apache License 2.0
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add DE resources for localization #2551

Closed kedegger-ait closed 3 weeks ago

kedegger-ait commented 1 month ago

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jingtang10 commented 3 weeks ago

hi @kedegger-ait! thanks for the contribution. is this something you need in your application?

as it stands we encourage applications to include resources in their own codebase instead of adding languages in the library resources. it's because we cannot really take on the task of maintaining up-to-date translations for all languages. this is simply too big a task and it's something much better suitable for each application.

as an app developer you can simply override these resources in your own resource folders and i think it'll just work as intended when the user chooses that language.

i'll close this pr for this reason. but please reopen if you have a particular reason for this to be included.

we will be very pleased if you would like to further contribue to the library - but if you can please try to comment on issues first to reach agreement with code maintainers / reviewers to avoid duplicate / unnecesssary work!

thanks again! - jing

kedegger-ait commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Jing Tang,

thank you for your message. I wasn’t aware of the i18n policy in this library and thought I might help by sharing my translations to the codebase of the FHIR library.

We have already added the respective translations to our resource folders, but thank you for pointing out this solution. If I might add one minor remark to the situation: For the policy to add translations to the project resource folders instead of managing them within the library, it might avoid conflicts with other project resources if the resource names are specific to the library (e.g. avoid very generic names like ‘help’ or ‘save’).

But these are just my 2 cents.

Best regards and thank you and the other collaborators for providing this great library!

Thank you again and my apologies if I caused unnecessary work.
