google / atheris

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Add Bytecode Instrumentation to Atheris #17

Closed pd-fkie closed 3 years ago

pd-fkie commented 3 years ago

This pull request adds functionality to instrument modules at runtime
for coverage collection and dataflow tracing.
It enables atheris to get rid of sys.settrace and its huge runtime overhead
to double the execution speed of the fuzzer (see issue #16).

Changes from a user perspective

A new function was added to atheris called atheris.Instrument() that installs
a temporary import hook. This hook instruments the underlying code objects of modules at import-time. The function has to be used as follows:

import atheris

with atheris.Instrument():
    import target_library

This will cause the target_library to get instrumented. Every other library not imported inside the with-block will not get instrumented.

It is possible to filter which modules get instrumented by supplying a whitelist of module names to atheris.Instrument() like this:

with atheris.Instrument("target_library_a", "target_library_b"):
    import target_library_a
    import target_library_b

This may be necessary to stop instrumentation of modules in the python standard library
(e.g. if target_library_a imports struct, then struct would also get instrumented).
For the sake of simplicity this filter is optional.

Changes in the code

atheris changed from being a single extension to being a package of the following structure:


The same applies to atheris_no_libfuzzer.

Supported python versions

Support for version 3.5 was dropped.

About the bytecode instrumentation

Each python module consists of a hierachy of code objects. At the top level is the code object
for the module itself and below are code objects for classes, functions, lambdas, etc.
atheris goes through each code object and builds a CFG of the bytecode.
If a basic block has two outgoing edges, a function invocation of atheris._loc() gets
inserted at both branch ends. The argument of atheris._loc() is an id of the branch that was taken.
After all code objects have been processed the number of overall instrumented branches in the module is known and a call to atheris._reg(num_instrumented) gets inserted at the very beginning of the module.

While all target modules get imported atheris collects all calls to atheris._reg() and stores the overall number of counters needed for all modules.
In atheris.Fuzz() a memory-region of an appropriate size is allocated and used as a region for the counters.
atheris._loc() tells atheris at which index to increment a counter in the counter region.

In order to trace the dataflow each COMPARE_OP gets replaced by a call to atheris._cmp().

TheShiftedBit commented 3 years ago

Alright, after discussion, we are willing to drop support for Python 2.7! So, no need to try to maintain both implementations or anything.

TheShiftedBit commented 3 years ago


When testing this, I get the following errors on build: error: expected ';' after expression
    py::module_ atheris = py::module_::import("sys").attr("modules")["atheris"];
               ; error: no member named 'module_' in namespace 'pybind11'
    py::module_ atheris = py::module_::import("sys").attr("modules")["atheris"];
    ~~~~^ error: unexpected namespace name 'atheris': expected expression
    py::module_ atheris = py::module_::import("sys").attr("modules")["atheris"];
                ^ error: no member named 'module_' in namespace 'pybind11'; did you mean 'module'?
    py::module_ atheris = py::module_::import("sys").attr("modules")["atheris"];
  /usr/local/google/home/ipudney/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pybind11/include/pybind11/pybind11.h:789:7: note: 'module' declared here
  class module : public object {
        ^ error: no type named 'module_' in namespace 'pybind11'; did you mean 'module'?
    py::module_ core;
  /usr/local/google/home/ipudney/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pybind11/include/pybind11/pybind11.h:789:7: note: 'module' declared here
  class module : public object {
        ^ error: no member named 'module_' in namespace 'pybind11'; did you mean 'module'?
      core = py::module_::import("atheris.core_with_libfuzzer");
  /usr/local/google/home/ipudney/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pybind11/include/pybind11/pybind11.h:789:7: note: 'module' declared here
  class module : public object {
        ^ error: no member named 'module_' in namespace 'pybind11'; did you mean 'module'?
      core = py::module_::import("atheris.core_without_libfuzzer");
  /usr/local/google/home/ipudney/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pybind11/include/pybind11/pybind11.h:789:7: note: 'module' declared here
  class module : public object {
        ^ error: unexpected namespace name 'atheris': expected expression
    atheris.attr("_trace_cmp") = core.attr("_trace_cmp");
    ^ error: unexpected namespace name 'atheris': expected expression
    atheris.attr("_reserve_counters") = core.attr("_reserve_counters");
    ^ error: unexpected namespace name 'atheris': expected expression
    atheris.attr("_trace_branch") = core.attr("_trace_branch");
  In file included from
  In file included from ./atheris.h:29:
  In file included from /usr/local/google/home/ipudney/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pybind11/include/pybind11/functional.h:12:
  /usr/local/google/home/ipudney/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pybind11/include/pybind11/pybind11.h:1093:9: warning: expression result unused [-Wunused-value]
  /usr/local/google/home/ipudney/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h:662:47: note: expanded from macro 'PYBIND11_EXPAND_SIDE_EFFECTS'
  #define PYBIND11_EXPAND_SIDE_EFFECTS(PATTERN) pybind11::detail::expand_side_effects{ ((PATTERN), void(), false)..., false }
                                                ^                                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'pybind11::class_<atheris::FuzzedDataProvider>::class_<>' requested here
    py::class_<FuzzedDataProvider>(m, "FuzzedDataProvider")
  1 warning and 10 errors generated.
  error: command 'clang' failed with exit status 1
  ERROR: Failed building wheel for atheris

That's with clang, gcc produces similar but slightly different errors.

The exact command invoked by was:

clang -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -fPIC -DVERSION_INFO='1.0.11' -DATHERIS_MODULE_NAME=atheris -I/usr/local/google/home/ipudney/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pybind11/include -I/usr/local/include/python3.8 -c -o build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.8/atheris.o -std=c++14
pd-fkie commented 3 years ago

Should be fixed now.

TheShiftedBit commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Still one error that can be fixed with a cast: In function ‘void atheris::Fuzz()’: error: conversion from ‘pybind11::detail::item_accessor’ {aka ‘pybind11::detail::accessor<pybind11::detail::accessor_policies::generic_item>’} to non-scalar type ‘pybind11::module’ requested
      131 |   py::module atheris = py::module::import("sys").attr("modules")["atheris"];
          |                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^
pd-fkie commented 3 years ago

Sorry but I could not reproduce the latest error. Did the commit fix it?

TheShiftedBit commented 3 years ago

It did!

Everything seems to be working fine. Merging!

There's a couple small things, mostly to do with Google style, I want to change; but I'll avoid the back-and-forth and just make those changes myself. I'll make those today and then release the new version.

TheShiftedBit commented 3 years ago

Hey, I came across a few questions while working on this.

Tell me about the reason you replace the 3 instrumentation functions, rather than just change their behavior, after fuzzing has started. This is leading to a few problems. The first is that inside of Google we link all extensions together, so this fails with our build system. That's something I can easily fix by giving the the before-fuzz and after-fuzz functions different names. But the second problem is that since coverage isn't being collected until Fuzz() is called, libFuzzer will get mad if the first couple fuzz attempts don't produce coverage. Do you think it would be reasonable to (a) only change the behavior of _reserve_counters, and (b) do that via a global in C++, not overwriting the module member?

TheShiftedBit commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, some additional issues came up during integration into Google that require review. Should hopefully be done tomorrow.

pd-fkie commented 2 years ago

Tell me about the reason you replace the 3 instrumentation functions

My reasoning was that if we want to support instrumentation of lazy imports some day then _reserve_counters needs to call __sanitizer_cov_8bit_counters_init and __sanitizer_cov_pcs_init and thus needs to be in This also applies to _trace_branch obviously.

Do you think it would be reasonable to (a) only change the behavior of _reserve_counters, and (b) do that via a global in C++, not overwriting the module member?

This is absolutely possible for _reserve_counters and _trace_branch. can manage the counter region just like and pass its address and size to start_fuzzing. This way a switch between before-Fuzz and after-Fuzz isn't even necessary. But I'm afraid there is no way to switch behaviour inside of a single _trace_cmp. It still has to be supplied by multiple submodules. This drops the support for lazy imports as described above though.

since coverage isn't being collected until Fuzz() is called, libFuzzer will get mad if the first couple fuzz attempts don't produce coverage

I'm not quite sure what you mean. How can it make fuzz attempts before calling LLVMFuzzerRunDriver?

TheShiftedBit commented 2 years ago

I'm not quite sure what you mean. How can it make fuzz attempts before calling LLVMFuzzerRunDriver?

You can't, but you can still collect coverage. When libFuzzer starts, it runs a couple fuzz attempts with inputs like the empty string, and if those don't produce coverage, libFuzzer exits. This can happen if the fuzzer driver is a bit more complicated and doesn't call into the instrumented libraries on the first couple inputs.

If coverage was collected before fuzzing started, users could easily resolve this by e.g. calling my_lib.do_thing() before the first run. But it might not be a big deal. I can leave coverage collection disabled before fuzzing starts for now.

pd-fkie commented 2 years ago

Could you provide an example fuzzing target where libfuzzer complains about missing coverage? I would like to get a better understanding of this since it never occured in my fuzzing attempts.

Also to be completely honest this merge was a little bit premature.
There is still a lot of room for improvements:

  1. Get rid of duplicate instrumentation functions
  2. Support instrumentation of lazy imports
  3. Better overall package structure
  4. Collecting coverage directly after Setup()

I had plans to fix 1., 2. and 3. before you merged this (I was not aware of 4. though).

Do you plan to fix these now yourself? I would be perfectly fine with that.

TheShiftedBit commented 2 years ago

Could you provide an example fuzzing target where libfuzzer complains about missing coverage?

Hmmm, it looks like I can't reproduce this in regular Python, only in Google's weird Python setup. So nevermind :)

There is still a lot of room for improvements: Do you plan to fix these now yourself? I would be perfectly fine with that.

Sure, I'll take on these. I don't know if #2 will be finished before we cut a release, but I'll get #1 and #3 done. Regarding the package structure: I moved all of the Python up to the root directory to maximize compatibility with existing fuzzers inside of Google, but I'll change it to a much more sensible structure soon.

I'm also writing tests. One huge advantage of this instrumentation: testing is way easier! Now, it's practical to test the tracing code.

I also made a couple changes to improve compatibility and clarity. import atheris_no_libfuzzer now prints a warning (but is otherwise an alias for import atheris). The atheris.instrument() function is renamed to atheris.instrument_imports() to make it more obvious that it doesn't work on individual functions, just whole modules. And finally, Atheris will now automatically determine whether to use the version with or without libFuzzer, the user doesn't need to specify.